» Fantasy » Vampires And Witches, Kayla Trautman [smart ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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on a fake smile, “Alright, alright. We can talk about this later.”

At that moment I felt dizzy. I frowned and looked down at the floor. “What’s wrong Ariel?” I heard someone ask. But I couldn’t make out who it was. I closed my eyes and fell to the floor. Everything went blank.

I opened my eyes and David, Hilary, and the rest of them were gone. It was just blank. White. Like an empty page. There were no walls nothing. But there was a black figure standing there looking down at me, “Well are you gonna get up or are you just gonna lay there?” It was a she. Her voice was soft and comforting. I felt like I should know the voice. But I couldn’t put a face to her.

I stood up, “Who are you? Where am I?” “Ariel. Remember when I told you that you would get a vision - a vivid vision - of what your purpose is?” The voice asked. I frowned, “What? You told me? No! My mother told me! And she’s dead! Show yourself!”

There was a bright light and then after a few moments the light went out. A woman with long silky brown hair stood there in a white dress. My eyes widened as I realized who she was. She smiled at me, “It’s me, my child. I’m real.” It was my mother. Tears welled in my eyes. I ran to her and hugged her, “Mom! How is this possible?” She rubbed my back, “How is anything possible? I asked the lord if I could tell you your purpose instead of him. He agreed.”

I asked, “There’s a lord? Like Jesus?” My mom chuckled, “No. There are two different heavens. One heaven, the one with Jesus, is where all the humans go. People with powers go to a different heaven. We’re not meant to be with humans in the after-life. That’s the only time we truly get to be ourselves.”

I pulled back, “I don’t ever want to wake up from this vision.” My mom smiled and wiped my tears away from my cheeks gently, “I know baby. Me too. But, unfortunately, that can’t be.” I asked, “Did you know about there being vampires in the world? Do they go to a separate heaven?” My mom sighed, “Yes I knew about vampires. I wanted to protect you from them. That’s why I didn’t tell you. And no, vampires go to the same heaven. But vampires that feed off of humans go to hell. And both humans and magical beings go to the same hell. Vampires that feed off of animals go to heaven. It’s alright if they slip up once in a while but only if it was an accident.”

I nodded, “Okay. That’s good. Because the family of vampires that I’m staying with is a very good family. They deserve to go to heaven.” My mom smiled, “Yes they are. Please give them my thanks for protecting you. And you know, just because you’re afraid of losing someone close to you again doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go with that blond. He’s really cute and he’s a nice kid. I approve.” I smiled, “Thanks mom.” She said, “And if you two become serious he has my permission to change you if that’s what you wish. You’ll still have your powers. You’ll just be half witch and half vampire.” I frowned, “I don’t wanna become a vampire mom. And . . . How do vampires go to heaven or hell if they can’t die?”

My mom answered, “Okay. Back to what I was sent here to do. Your purpose. Our purpose. Witches were created to protect the humans from vampires. We were made to kill vampires. That’s how they go to heaven or hell.” I frowned and took a breath, “But what if they don’t harm humans?” She replied, “It doesn’t matter. That’s what we were meant to do. But that doesn’t mean that we have to. We could just kill the vampires that fed on humans. But some witches don’t care. They just kill them and take away the chance of them slipping up or changing their minds.” I sighed, “Good. How’s dad? Oh, sorry. I forgot that you don’t get to see him.”

She smiled, “Actually I do. They made an exception and let him in with me. They make exceptions with humans that have been killed or exposed to the magic. That’s why it’s extremely important that you don’t let anyone see your powers or know about you. The lord doesn’t like it when there’s so many humans that know. It could put them in the nut house and ruin their lives. They could possibly kill themselves.”

I hugged her, “I love you. So. Much. Mom. I miss you.” She kissed my head, “I love you too, baby. And I miss you. I know it’s not the same but I’m always watching you. I can hear you. I can’t say anything back but you can always talk to me. I might be able to send a letter once in a while. But that’s it. And you didn’t disappoint or let me down in any way.” I smiled, “Thanks mom.” Then she disappeared and I was alone. I yelled, “Mom!” But she was gone. And so was I. Everything went black again.

I sat up quickly; I was laying on the couch. I was breathing heavily. “Ariel. Are you okay?” Keith asked. He was sitting on the edge of the couch staring at me. David, Hilary, and Diana were standing behind him staring at me as well. I hugged Keith and tears ran down my face. Keith rubbed my back, “What’s wrong? What happened?” David said, “You’re crying. Why are you crying? Are you hurt?” I laughed and shook my head, “Never been happier.”

I pulled back and smiled to myself, “I didn’t think that I was going to like finding out why I existed. What my purpose was for being a witch. But it was amazing.” Diana asked, “So what happened in your vision?” I said, “I can’t say. At least not right now. I’m too happy and sad at the same time to say it out loud.” She smiled and came over to me. She turned me around to where my feet were on the floor, “Give me your hands.” I gave her my hands and she closed her eyes. I asked, “What is she doing?” David answered, “Seeing what’s inside your head so she can see what happened in the vision.” I smiled and looked at her. She was smiling herself.

When she opened her eyes she hugged me tightly, “I love your mother! She’s the best!” She stood and went over to David. She took his hands, “Dad! We can go to heaven!” I stood up, “Well . . . while you explain to them what happened I’m gonna go upstairs and . . . think for a while.” I went upstairs and layed down in bed just staring up at the ceiling.

I’ve been thinking all this time that I’ve failed my mom in some way. But I didn’t. And now I know why I’m here. To kill vampires. But, of course, I wasn’t going to kill any vampires that fed on animals. Only the ones who fed on humans. And only if I came across them. I’m not turning into ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. I would definitely overcome my fear and kill William Shades.

Keith came in a few minutes later and sat on the edge of the bed, “How are you doing?” I answered, “Better. I’m still angry that they’re gone. But it feels better to have been able to talk to her. And be able to hear her tell me that I didn’t fail her by letting you see my powers.” He smiled and touched my face, “Your mother seems to think that you shouldn’t be afraid to let others into your life just because you’re afraid to lose them.” I sighed, “Yeah. I know. It’s not that simple though. Oh, she wanted you and everyone here to know . . .” He finished my sentence, “That she wants to thank us for protecting you and putting a roof over your head and all that.” I smiled and nodded, “Yeah.”

“She approves of me. But there’s one thing I don’t like about her.” I frowned, “What’s that?” Keith answered, “She gave me permission to change you. I would never change you no matter what. Maybe if you were dying and you wanted me to. But not when you’re alive and healthy.” I replied, “Oh. Well, good because I don’t want to become a vampire. Even if I’m dying. No offence.” He smiled, “None taken. I’m glad that you don’t wanna become what I am. It’s not pleasant. And . . . it’s kind of painful.” I frowned, “You’re in pain?”

He shrugged, “Throat burns when I’m near humans. And I have to be careful when I kiss a human. And when you get bitten in the beginning it hurts.” I nodded, “Oh. Sorry that I’m making it harder on you.” He shook his head, “No. No. No. Don’t apologize. I’m glad that you’re here.” I smiled, “Even when it’s inflicting pain on you and your family?” He nodded, “Yes. We all talked about it and we know that we can handle it.”

Keith stood up, “Get up. I didn’t get to give you my present.” I smiled, sighed, and stood, “You didn’t have to get me anything.” He took something out of his pocket and held it up. It was a gold ‘K’ on a thin gold chain. “I thought that maybe you could wear this so that all the other guys know that you’re unavailable. You are unavailable, right?” I smiled, “I won’t make any promises but . . . I’ll give it a shot. I’m not available to anyone but you.”

He smiled and turned me around, “Good. And I’m not asking for no promises.” He put the necklace on and pulled my hair gently out from under the chain. I walked over to the mirror and looked at it. I touched the ‘K’ and smiled, “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” He put his hands on my shoulders, “I’m glad you like it.” I turned around and looked at him, “Really. It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Keith chuckled, “Well, damn. If I knew you were gonna like it so much I would’ve gave it to you sooner.” I rolled my eyes. I reached up and kissed him on his cheek. That’s all I could do right now. He kissed my forehead and we both went downstairs.

Chapter 5: School and Love

The next morning I woke up at around 6:30. I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top with a red heart in the middle. I never took the necklace that Keith gave me off. I put my shoes on, grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. “Alright. Ready to go.” Keith grabbed my hand and walked with me outside, “Are you sure you’re ready to go back to school?” I nodded, “Yes.” We got in the car and drove off.

We got to school at around seven. Keith was about to get out of the car when I grabbed his hand, “Wait.” He sat back down and shut the door, “Change your mind?” I shook my head, “No. Somebody probably found my dad’s body . . .” I stopped and looked away. Keith squeezed my hand gently, “Are you emotionally ready?” I shrugged, “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I’m not staying away from school forever. Um . . .
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