» Fantasy » Vampires And Witches, Kayla Trautman [smart ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vampires And Witches, Kayla Trautman [smart ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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As I was saying, I’m going to act like I didn’t know. Like I just stayed over your place for a couple nights. So I’m gonna have to act out the first melt down. It won’t be too hard since every time I think about it I seem to break into a river full of tears. I just wanted to let you know.” He nodded, “Okay. Are you sure you wanna do this?” I nodded and got out.

We walked up to the school as if nothing happened. Melissa came up to me, “Hey. Are you okay?” I frowned, “Yeah. I’m fine. Never been better.” She hugged me and then ran off. I sighed, “I guess she didn’t know how to tell me since she ‘realized’ that I didn’t know.” Keith shook his head, “Nope.” Keith walked with me to our first class and when we walked in everyone shut up and looked at us. There were a few whispers but otherwise it was quiet. I frowned, “What? Why are you all looking at us like that?”

Mr. Fettler came over to me, “Are you okay Ariel?” I asked, “Yeah. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He frowned in confusion, “Where were you the past couple days?” I answered, “I was at Keith’s house. I was spending the night for a couple days. I didn’t come yesterday because I was feeling sick. Why?” He said, “Can I speak to you out in the hall?” I nodded and turned around. Mr. Fettler said to Keith, “Keith. Take a seat please. I wanna talk to her alone.” Keith looked at me. I nodded. He took a seat and I left with Mr. Fettler. This was it.

We went out into the hall and I stopped, “So what’s going on?” He came over to me, “Ariel. Haven’t you called your father while you were away?” I nodded, “Yeah. But he didn’t answer. He told me before that he might not be there because he had to do some grocery shopping. He didn’t call me back though. But I’ll see him today when I go home after school.”

Mr. Fettler touched my shoulder, “Ariel. Your friend Melissa went over to your house to visit you. She probably got worried when you didn’t show up for school yesterday. The door was open and she went in. She found your father laying in your bed.” I nodded, “Okay. He was probably cleaning my room up and he got tired. Too tired to go back to his own bed.” He shook his head, “I’m sorry Ariel. But you’re father’s dead. He was attacked by some animal. They think that it might have been a wild dog. I’m so sorry.”

I frowned and tears welled up in my eyes, “What?! He’s dead?!” Mr. Fettler nodded, “Yeah. I’m really sorry.” I dropped to my knees crying and yelling, “No! He can’t be!” The class came running out and just stood there watching. Mr. Fettler kneeled beside me and looked up at them, “Get in the classroom! Now!” They hesitated but went inside. Everyone except for Keith. Mr. Fettler said, “Keith. Get in the classroom. I need to help her right now.” Keith ignored him and kneeled beside me, “Ariel. Is it okay if I stay out here with you?” I nodded and continued to cry. Mr. Fettler sighed, “Do you think you could take her to the nurse until social services get here? Then they’ll figure out what to do with her since she’s alone now.”

Keith nodded and stood me up. He put his arm around me and walked slowly with me down to the nurse. He talked to them and they called David and Hilary. They came up to the school and filled out the paper work. And they also arranged a funeral for my dad. But I didn’t stick around for that. Keith took me home.

I sat on the couch and turned the T.V. on, “Well, that went . . . Well.” Keith sat next to me and held my hand, “How are you?” I leaned against him and sighed, “It’s hurts again. And I was trying not to open the box again.” He sighed, “Well, you shouldn’t keep it locked up in a box. You need to let it out. And there needs to be a funeral.” I said, “I don’t know if I wanna go though.” Keith put his arm around me, “It’ll be fine. Trust me. I’ll help you through it.” I layed my head against his chest, “Well, if your parents are signing papers to adopt me then doesn’t that make you my new brother?” He chuckled, “Yes and no. You could think of me that way but then you’d have to give me that necklace back.” I smiled, “Don’t worry. I won’t ever think of you that way.” “Good. ‘Cause if you did I don’t think that I could agree to feel the same way.” I smiled and snuggled up against his chest. He put his arm around me and toyed with my hair. I sighed, “You’re so warm.” He tightened his arm around me without hurting me, “Are you cold?” I nodded, “Yeah. I hate the winter.”

Keith said, “There’s a blanket over there. I would get up and get it but you seem so comfortable.” I chuckled, “I am.” “Want to use your powers to bring it over her and then I’ll cover you up with it?” With a wave of my hand the blanket came swiftly over to Keith. He grabbed it and covered me up, “There you go.” I grabbed his hand and held it close to me on my neck trying to keep warm, “Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed my head, “Your welcome.” I closed my eyes, “You don’t mind if I just doze off right here, do you? I’m tired.” He replied, “No. Go ahead. Sleep, my dear.” There was a smile in his voice. I smiled and fell asleep.

I woke up and David and Hilary were sitting on the couch watching T.V. I was still in Keith’s arms holding his hand to my neck. I sat up and stretched. Keith asked, “Sleep well?” I looked over at him and he was smiling, “Yeah. What time is it?” “Around six. You slept for a long time. If Keith was human he would have to stretch his legs right now.” David answered. I chuckled, “Yeah. He would.” I asked, “So is everything taken care of with all the papers and social services and all that stuff?” Hilary looked at me, “The paper work still has to be done and they need to ask you a few questions. Make sure your safe here and that this is where you need to be.” I sighed, “I think there’s too much paper work. When do I have to do that?” Keith answered, “Tomorrow. A social worker is going to come here at four to talk to you.” I nodded, “Okay.” I stood and went into the kitchen. I got the ham out and made a ham sandwich. I sat down at the table and ate the sandwich.

A couple days later everything was done. I was officially adopted by David and Hilary; at least to the outer world. I didn’t know their last name though. Which was strange since now I lived with them and we were technically family; even though I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like a member of their family. Truly. But . . . Oh well. I would ask Keith about it.

I shut down my laptop and was about to get up when Keith came in smiling, “Hey. What are you doing?” I answered, “Nothing. Just surfing the web.” He came over and started messaging my shoulders. I smiled and closed my eyes, “What are you doing?” He chuckled, “What does it feel like I’m doing? I’m helping you relax. Does this bother you?” I replied, “Surprisingly, no. Thank you.”

I asked, “What’s your last name? You never told me.” He paused for a second and then continued, “Taylor. Keith Taylor.” I smiled, “It’s got a ring to it.” Keith bent down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He rested his chin on my shoulder, “So . . . what do you want to do today?” I sighed, “Prepare for tomorrow. I can’t believe the funeral’s tomorrow.” “Well, you always have a shoulder to cry on when you’re feeling upset.” He reminded me. I humped, “Yeah. When will people stop trying to get me to lean on them for support?” Keith kissed my cheek, “When will you accept it? We wouldn’t be doing it if we didn’t care.” “I know. And I appreciate that but I’m more of a person to get over it alone.” I replied.

Chapter 6: Funeral

I was dressed in a black dress that Diana made me wear. I was only going to wear a pair of black pants and a black t-shirt. I didn’t wanna dress up. There was a knock on the door, “Ariel. It’s Keith. Can I come in?” I called out, “Sure.”

He came over to me and grabbed my hands, “Are you ready?” I nodded, “Yeah. I guess. Not that I wanna go.” Keith thought that I needed to go to the funeral. As a final goodbye. He wasn’t going to let me stay home. “You have to go. You’ll feel better afterwards. Trust me.” I sighed and walked around him, “Come on then.” There was no getting out of this.

Diana looked at me and sighed, “Ariel. I still think that you should wear the heels that I bought you. They’d go better with that dress than those shoes do.” She was getting away with forcing me to wear this dress. But I wasn’t gonna wear no heels. I wore a pair of black flats. I said, “You’re lucky I gave in to wearing this since ‘somebody’ is forcing me to go. But I am not going to wear any heels.” She rolled her eyes and walked out with the rest of us to the car.

Many of my friends and some of the teachers showed up at the funeral. Melissa didn’t go though. She probably couldn’t take it since she’s the one who found the body. Her not being there didn’t bother me. What bothered me was that she had to see that.

We went to the viewing and I just sat in the seat waiting for it to be over. Keith came over to me, “Come on. It’s a viewing, You need to come view your father and maybe if you want you can stand up there and accept people’s condolences.” I shook my head, “No. I’ve seen him when he was dead once. I don’t need to see him again. And I don’t want to hear anyone telling me how sorry they are. I don’t deserve it anyway.” He frowned and sat down next to me, “What are you talking about? You don’t deserve it?” I rolled my eyes, “Never mind. Just forget I said that.” “You don’t still think that his death was your fault, do you?” I didn’t answer him. I just looked at the wall. ’Cause I did believe that it was my fault and I didn’t want him telling me that it wasn’t my fault.

Keith stood up and grabbed my hands. He pulled me to my feet and started walking towards the coffin, “Come with me.” I started to pull back, “No. I’m not going to look at him.” He continued to pull me forward, “Yes. You are. I have to show you him. Maybe you’ll believe me when I tell you that it’s not your fault.” I stopped and turned around to
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