» Fantasy » Cold Blooded, Duron Crejaro [best classic novels txt] 📗

Book online «Cold Blooded, Duron Crejaro [best classic novels txt] 📗». Author Duron Crejaro

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I figure I got setup. Everyone slept peacefully in extra beds setup for us by Phil and Stella. I tossed restless in a dream. A faint whisper of a song on the breeze called to me. The song had a tranquil feel to it, but at the same time it filled me with a dread I couldn’t explain. I think that’s what woke me up. I tried going back to sleep but the dream nagged at me. I stood, and quietly wandered from the house, out into the chill air of a dark night.


I walked a short ways, up a nearby hill. I felt confused, still half asleep. Why? The question plagued me. Why even as a faint whisper in a dream had I heard the song. I didn’t seem possible. I’m Delacouri, a leopard not one of her  cold-blooded. I shouldn’t have heard it. The moon glistened in the sky, a giant white orb spotted with bits of darkness. It struck me as a ray of hope, littered with spots of despair. It reminded me of my life so far. Imperfect, patches of happiness interlaced with dark times.


Stars twinkled their radiance against the blackness of the sky. I glanced over a motionless cloud as I scanned the horizon. Then it moved. I barely caught the motion out of the corner of my eye, but I knew I’d seen it and it perplexed me. There was no breeze tonight. I stared at it, and though it remained distant, I could see the movement. It fluttered in the sky in a way that defied gravity. It seemed to be coming closer and I knew then that this was no low hanging cloud. Soon I could see enormous wings as they flapped ever few seconds. I should have ran then, or called for help but my curiosity proved to strong. I merely waited as it approached. Majestic is what I would have called it. It appeared to be some kind of giant flying lizard, though I think my history books would have called it a dragon. It was covered in dull silver-green scales, almost like tarnished silverware. Massive leathery wings pumped furiously to keep it aloft. A huge body with massive legs and taloned forearms absorbed the impact of landing in front of me. It turned is head, filled with rows of razor sharp teeth towards me, and its yellow slit eyes looked on me with recognition. It stared at me a few moments, sadness in its eyes before the form melted away into something that more resembled a human.


“Rees?” I said, a mixture of joy and confused apprehension in my voice.


He looked at me in a way I hadn’t seen before. I would have almost called it hungry, “Yes it’s me.”


I smiled and rushed forward enveloping him in a hug that he didn’t return, “Let’s go home. Binala is here and she is worried sick about you.”


“I can’t. That’s not why I’ve come. The queen sent me to fetch you.”


“I don’t care what she wants, or her stupid song. It’s time to go home.” I answered, raising my voice.


He reached out a hand and caressed my cheek, “You’re special Eliza, more than you can possibly imagine, and she wants you.”


I felt the anger flare up inside me, and I pushed him away. “I don’t give a fuck what she wants. It’s time to come home to your family.”


The push barely moved him, “I’m hers now, and she commanded me to bring you.” I felt the pulse of power and saw his hand shift into a scaled clawed appendage. He struck in a blur, and grabbed my arm in a vicelike grip, “And her will is all I care about.”


“Let go of me Rees.” I cried out, and struggled in his grip.


He tightened his hold on my arm, causing me to cry out in pain. His clawed fingers sliced a gash into my forearm. Thick crimson blooded welled up through the wound and poured through his fingers. It dropped with a almost inaudible splat on ground at my feet.


“I’m sorry.” The sadness hung heavy in his voice.


I looked up at him, thinking the tone a lie. I was wrong, tears pooled in his eyes, and threatened to spill over. I didn’t understand how he could be sad and still under her thrall. I couldn’t ponder it because a hot burning sensation rolled up my arm. The heat flashed up to my head. My heart beat quickened, and I felt a nauseous dizziness. I looked into those pale blue eyes confused. Then felt the power radiate off him as he shifted back into his dragon-like form. I would have been impressed again, but the thought was lost on me as the vertigo gave way to unconsciousness. My last memory was a fleeting sensation of being lifted off the ground. 

Chapter 11: The Coming Out Party


“Where is she” Tarin yelled.


“I have no idea.” Phil replied, trying to remain calm in the face of the angry young man.


I reached my boiling point. I know Eliza didn’t want us to out ourselves, but now she was missing and I didn’t have the time or the patience this. I let my anger rise further, calling my leopard to the forefront and felt myself slide into my half form. I watched as his eyes lit up with a terror he had never felt before, and jerked him up, holding him against the wall.


“I said…Where is she?” I stated again, though this time it came out more feral and throaty.


“Stop.” Nevi said, “Put him down. He doesn’t know where she is.”


“Nevi stay out of this please.” Phil said, his voice cracked despite his attempt to show calmness.


“No dad. I’m sorry Tarin. I saw it. A creature late last night. I heard Eliza get up and thought nothing of it, but then I heard the song. I ended up following her several minutes later, but I was too late. Some strange creature flew off into the night with her. It’s ok though, I know where they took her.”


Phil wore a confused expression, “What on earth are you talking about.”


Nevi sighed, “I’m so sorry dad. I should have told you a long time ago.” A deep sadness rode her words.


Phil’s confused look deepened, causing the wrinkles to become more pronounced. “Told me what? What is going on? What song?”


Nevi started weeping softly. Without a word she reached out a pale arm. Phil’s confused look turned to shock, then anger as she let is melt away. Her smooth cream colored skin replaced by the opalescent green coloring of her chameleon scales.


“I’m the lizard you’ve been after, and yesterday Eliza asked for my help. It scared me and I said no. Now I see, she was right.” Her voice held a resolve that impressed me.


I eased off of Phil, and he almost slumped to the ground. The revelation from his daughter rocked him and he stared at her seeming lost. I backed off, and let my rage dissipate shifting back to my human form as I turned my gaze to Nevi. I knew Phil was no danger to us now.


“No, not you.” Phil whispered in denial of what he witnessed.


A sad understanding smile spread across Nevi’s face, “Yes dad me. You’ve been chasing me for years. You can’t catch me because I learned from you. I know all your tricks to tracking.”


“But how? Why?” Phil shook his head softly, trying to understand.


“I don’t know. I never asked for this, but I can’t help what I am. Eliza is right, I’m not a mutant. I’m Nevi, your daughter, but I am also Wylder. No longer will I consider it a curse. It is a gift, and I should use it as such to help those who need it.” Nevi said as she turned to the door.


“Where are you going?” Phil cried, despair in his voice.


“I told you, Eliza asked for my help. I refused, but now I’m going to help her friends find her. I can hear the song that calls to the Cold-Blooded. The song that called your friend Rees away, so I know where she is. She deserves that much.”


Phil reeled from everything that just happened, and seemed catatonic. I relaxed, he was no danger to us despite his bias against the Wylder. I nodded in Binala and Gloria’s direction and we moved towards the door. I stopped at the precipice and turned back to Phil. I needed him to at least hear what I had to say. I felt like it would be what Eliza would have done.


“In Nashboro, many families died because of hatred of what we are, hatred of the unknown. We aren’t mutants, we are just people like you that happen to have amazing abilities.” I looked out the door to where my companions and Nevi waited, “Your daughter loves you. That’s why she kept it a secret. She tried to protect you in her own way. She wants that love returned, but it’s your choice.” I looked away and muttered under my breath. “I hope you make the right one.”

Chapter 12: Gilded Cage, and A Journey


I awoke slowly, whatever toxin id been given left me in a haze. I rubbed my eyes trying to clear the blurriness from them. I looked around not sure where I was. My eyes opened in astonishment at the elegance of my surroundings. Everywhere I looked, the hue of gold bounced back at me. The room in which I found myself was large, darkened in the areas past the low light of a torch on a nearby pillar. I found myself sitting on a large ornate daybed. Other antique furniture along with numerous paintings, vases and other such decorations littered the room. The entire room seemed to have an excess to it reserved for royalty, and as far as I could tell it was all gilded in gold. Someone had went all out in the gaudiness of the room. Despite being cold plated, I could tell that all the furniture was old and restored to near perfection. The grogginess still hung heavy on me as I tried to stand. I stumbled a little and caught myself on a rock pillar. That’s when I realized that I resided in some kind of cavern, and the lack of windows led me to believe I must be underground. I staggered backwards, and sat back on the bed, unsure of what to do. I felt hopeless and alone.


Soon I heard the creak of hinges out in the

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