» Fantasy » Cold Blooded, Duron Crejaro [best classic novels txt] 📗

Book online «Cold Blooded, Duron Crejaro [best classic novels txt] 📗». Author Duron Crejaro

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darkness. A door that I hadn’t seen before opened. I would have never it if not for the torches that burned in the corridor beyond. A small frail old woman entered, carrying a silver platter in her arms. She walked over, and set it on a small table near me. She bowed at me but refused to meet my eyes before backing away. She never uttered a word as she retreated to the door to leave. I sighed inwardly as I heard the resounding click of the door lock as it shut behind her.


I scooped up the tray and set it before me. I pulled the lid off, half suspicious of what might await, and to my surprise found an array of meats, and vegetables steaming on the platter. The smell of roasted meats caused my stomach to churn. It protested at me and I knew I had no idea how long I had been out or when my last meal was. I dug into the food ravenously, and stuffed myself until I felt bloated. I leaned back with a groan, my stomach so full I felt I might explode. In the quiet flickering light, I forced myself to lay back down and fell asleep amidst a food high.


* *        *        *        *


“I appreciate what you’re doing, but you don’t have to lead us yourself. You can just point us in the right direction and stay here with your family.” I said


“Look Tarin. I know you mean that, but I meant it when I said I’d guide you and your friends to Eliza.” Nevi replied a steel resolve in her voice.


I shrugged, “Fine, Eliza means more to me than you could ever know. So if you are determined to lead us then I won’t stop you.”


Nevi stopped a moment and looked over at her Vulpes boyfriend from childhood then back at me. “I know exactly how you feel.”


Kyle, Nevi’s were-fox boyfriend was busy packing his supplies into a small hiking pack. He had a quiet reserved demeanor, but also emanated bravery. He had to since he had instantly agreed to accompany Nevi when she told him what she was up to. No way would he let her run off into certain danger alone. I respected him for that, knowing that I would do the same for Eliza no matter what.


A short while later, we were all packed and ready to go. We stood together on a high hill near the outskirts of Memphi, and looked down on the river that lined the western half of the city. The banks were high and treacherous. North of where we stood, the broken mangled remnants of an old bring protruded from the waters.


“Father once told me this was a mighty river, before the Burning that is. It used to stretch from one end of the continent to the other. No one is sure what happened, but now its shriveled over the years and ends long before it reaches the southern coast.”


“What lies beyond the end of the river?” I asked.


“I’m not sure. Some of the elders say that the lands beyond became a wastelands choked and starved off water. Now it’s little more than a desert, which is why we never travel there.” I answered.


“Hmm, that sounds like the place Aeolia described to us.” I said.


“Then what are we waiting for, let’s go get our friends.” Binala said in a huff.


A voice rang up the hill, “No wait.” We all turned to the sound and saw Phil as he strolled up the hill, a group of several armed men followed in his wake. “I need a word with my daughter.”


Nevi stepped forward to confront him, “If you want to stop me, you might as well open fire now.” She yelled as he continued to approach.


He stopped a few yards from where we stood, “It’s not like that.” He had a soft sad lilt to his voice as he spoke. “I love you Nevi, no matter what you are. I will do my best to learn and accept what you are, but if you are bent on going on this crazed mission then I am coming with you.”


Everyone just kind of stood there, mouths gaping in shock, even me. No one expected that response. We all felt certain he would try to drag her kicking and screaming home. It appeared that Phil took to heart what I said and was doing his best to be accepting of her revealed nature. After all despite being Wylder, she remained his little girl, and what kind of father would he be if he let her go running off into the wilderness alone. The stunned silence continued for several minutes, everyone just stood watching each other.


“And them?” I broke the silence, and pointed at the several armed men behind Phil.


“After you guys left I gathered the townsfolk and made an announcement. I retold them the story that Eliza told me last night and about my daughter. I told them of Eliza’s abduction and informed them that I intended to travel with Nevi to find her. These men volunteered to accompany me.” Phil answered.


A man stepped forward from Phil’s entourage. He looked distraught. “Kyle, you should have told me.”


“Kyle stepped to Nevi’s side with a determined look on his face, “Why? So you could know that the mutants lived among you?”


“That’s not fair son. We didn’t know. We thought ya’ll were just giant mutated creatures left over from the Burning.”


“You didn’t even approve of me dating Nevi, and you expect me to believe you could have accepted what I am?” Kyle answered spitting the words venomously at his father as he took Nevi’s hand.


“Enough. All of you.” I interjected myself into the conversation. “What matter is they’re here now trying to accept you. Back home many of our friends in Springwell never got that much before the headmaster had them all gunned down in cold blood. So if you’re coming with then let’s go. If not go home.” I yelled out loud enough for everyone to hear, and shouldered my pack. I didn’t wait to see who followed; I just turned and left.

Chapter 13: A Nightmare


I regained consciousness unsure how much time passed. I blinked, and stretched my limbs testing for any lingering effects of the toxin. I felt nothing and looked around. I still remained in the gold gilded room, though someone had changed me in my sleep, I and now wore a light silk gown that descended all the way to my ankles. I stood slowly, worried I might still be unsteady on my feet. Once I made sure I would stay steady on my feet, I started searching the room. I checked everything and everywhere, but found nothing though the feel of a presence lingered. The sensation of being watched sent the hackles at the nape of my neck up and down in a continuous roll of chills.


I took a seat back on the day bed, then thought better of it. I hopped up hoping it would be that easy. Fate didn’t disappoint when I tried the door and sure enough it remained locked. I returned to the bed feeling defeated and sat down in an indian fashion; One leg over the other in meditative position. Although I looked unladylike sitting like this I enjoyed it; It helped me both relax and concentrate at the same time. Bobby had taught me to do this during our time together in the military compound.


I concentrated on my breathing, and forced myself to relax. I went over the details in my head. Some strange powerful Wylder, seemed to have some strange kind of control over the others of a cold-blooded nature. She, and I was positive it was a female, could sing a song that called to their blood. She seemed to be growing in power, from what Horace said, and the song spread further and further as she did. For some reason the anchored magical beings, such as Aeolia could also hear the song, but it seemed to have little to no effect on them. Also, somehow this creature changed Rees beyond the hypnotic hold she held him in, his very form had changed from that of his Rhombi to something that more resembled a dragon from ancient myths. That one boggled my mind; a power like that to change the nature of someone’s beast was unlike anything I’d seen or heard of before. The biggest question that plagued my mind was why me? What did this queen want with me, a newly changed Delacouri? Then I wondered, how had I heard the faint whispers of her song? The last thought caused my body to quake with a cold chill that rocked me from head to toe, and still that feeling lingered of someone watching me. I darted my eyes around, but still I found nothing. Who or what watched me obviously didn’t want to be seen, but a pit in my stomach grew. I felt like I would soon find out.


Time passed, I didn’t know how much; It was impossible to tell in my gilded cage. Minutes, hours, they all blended together in a seamless boring strand of time. To me it felt like an eternity. Finally I heard the hinges of the door creak as it opened. I expected to the old lady, with another platter of food; there was food, but instead of the old lady, I was greeted by the sad eyes of Rees. Despite the sadness his eyes conveyed myself enraged to a degree I hadn’t felt since Mrs. Davenport murdered all those innocents. He stood still as stone, watching, waiting, and expectant.


I rocked back then rolled forward off the bed, and onto my feet. I started a mad dash across the room toward him. I intended violence since he hadn’t listened to reason. A vision flashed in my mind, a plan to shift to my half form and tackle him. I hoped to take us both crashing through the door and then make my escape from this gilded dungeon. I called my leopardess. She appeared growling and hissing at the edge of my consciousness. To my surprise she stopped there, and started pacing. I skidded to a stop just a few feet from Rees. A confused look climbed my face. I concentrated on her, trying to force her to the surface, but try as I might I couldn’t call her forth.


“Wha…What did you do to me?” I sputtered.


“Me?” He seemed genuinely confused, “I’ve done nothing.”


I stepped closer to him my anger boiling over, “Don’t you lie to me Rees.” I screamed it at him, and swatted the tray from his hands. It fell to the floor with a loud crash, and spilled its contents across the floor.


“I swear it’s the queen’s will not mine.” He said with a scowl and looked at the wasted meal.


“Oh really? Cause I blame you. You’re out of your fucking mind. What the hell were you thinking kidnapping me?”


“I follow her will in all things.” He replied looking ashamed, and unable to meet my gaze.


“See, you can’t even look at me. What do you think will happen when the other’s realize I’m gone? Tarin will tear this earth asunder to look for

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