» Fantasy » The Elf, Drakent Arrow [top 100 books of all time checklist .txt] 📗

Book online «The Elf, Drakent Arrow [top 100 books of all time checklist .txt] 📗». Author Drakent Arrow

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had always liked to hear their howling in the

distance, the wolves inhabiting their worst nightmares. Since I was a child, his

parents had told terrifying stories featuring wolves and

had taught that these were the most horrible creatures existed.

So hesitated before approaching more, but a shriek of

horror echoed through the night and ran Ankris again.

He found the wolves surrounding a trembling girl

fear. Ankris was wondering how come, when she made

something that caught him completely by surprise. Muttered a series of

nonsense words that sounded like a litany, made a curious gesture

hands, and when he finished speaking, something like a flash of

light illuminated the clear ... and the three wolves closest to her became


That (or maybe it was the light) intimidated remaining wolves that

receded somewhat. Admired, Ankris began to think that maybe,

after all, the girl needed help, but then appreciated

she leaned against the trunk of a tree to keep from fainting, apparently, the

spell had exhausted his strength.

Do not hesitate anymore. He loaded the crossbow he had taken the assailant

with the only arrow he had and moved cautiously, still looking to

wolves. His first thought was that it looked so terrible. Y,

when they set their eyes on him, Ankris was shaken by a

strange sense of familiarity ...

He drove his crossbow ready, but, to his surprise,

Wolves head and fell down, as if afraid to face

it. Ankris nearly a laugh stunned. But,

other hand, something inside told him that the wolves would not harm

because they were his equals.

His brothers.

He lowered his crossbow and moved safely among wolves. All are

away in its path, except the three that the elf was petrified. Ankris

came next to her and looked at her.

Was Mae Shi. Would have recognized those eyes anywhere.

The largest wolf advanced a little and growled, unwilling to

Ankris took office. The elf turned to him and stared at him. The

wolf moaned, cowed, and stepped back.

- Go away Ankris said simply.

And the wolves, one by one, they turned and were lost in the


Ankris felt exultant, and a little ridiculous at a time. What were these

the creatures he had feared?

- Who are you? He demanded Mae Shi.

Ankris turned to face her. He recalled the words of the guards, of

the occupants of the carriage dropped, his own father, when he had

seen that night. But Shi-Mae did not seem scared. I looked

with suspicion, yes, but also with curiosity and ... Fascination??

- My name Ankris, and I'm a Sentinel.

This was not entirely true. Shi-Mae must have realized, since

flashed a teasing glint in his eyes.

- So young? If you are a child still. Sure you're not older than me.

- He scared off wolves, he said, a little hurt. And no need


- That's true, 'she admitted. Do you speak your language? No one can

communicate well with animals unless they possess magical powers.

- I'm a Sentinel. We know the forest and its creatures

better than any elf bowed with the three wolves petrified and

stroked, feeling her heart breaking. What have you done?

He asked, his voice, perhaps due to nervousness, sounded a little tougher

what he intended.

- Is one of the toughest spells of the Book of the Earth said

she very proudly. Of course I, as I am apprentice third grade, and

I control ...

- Can you undo it? -Cut him sharply.

- Of course I can-Shi-Mae seemed offended. But I will not. Those

animals have tried to devour.

Ankris felt angry without knowing why, but tried to hold back.

- If I get to safety ...? Would free the wolves?

- I just need my horse to get out of here, 'she said coldly. Already

that you talk with the animals, you could bring him back.

- Does your horse? -Ankris suddenly remembered that there was Mae Shi

crossed the border into the carriage. Is that how you got here?

I thought that the ford was guarded.

- And I was, but not too much. Besides, I'm an apprentice

third grade, and I can do some tricks ... Magic can hide from the

Sentinels look.

- Did you come alone? Why not crossed the South Pass in the

Duke coach of River, Shi-Mae?

She froze.

- What ... how do you know my name?

- I know he answered abruptly. The carriage of your father has suffered

an ambush.

Her face showed no emotion. It was as if he had

been waiting for this news.

- Do not you want to know if your father is right?

- My father was in that carriage-Mae Shi said finally.

It takes several days waiting in the city. He crossed the border in the east.

Ankris looked at her, puzzled.

- That gig was just a decoy, had to explain it,

exasperated. We pretended we were going to cross the border in secret by the

South Pass. But we gave enough clues to our enemies as

for carriage divined false path. We assumed that

would use the trip through the ring to attack the vehicle, and while

So, I would cross the border at the ford, accompanied by an escort.

- A ... escort?

- One of the trusted men of my father. Unfortunately,

it turned out that was not exactly confidence-'s face-Mae Shi

hardened. After crossing the ford tried to kidnap me.

- So what happened? Ankris asked, impressed.

- The stone became she said rather coldly.

- I think you abuse your power Ankris said a


Her face suddenly became serious.

- No more talk sternly replied. Bring me my horse

immediately. And do not you dare talk to me again in that tone, commoner.

- I'll get your horse Ankris replied, annoyed, but you in return

life goeth these wolves.

Shi-Mae did not answer. Grumbling to himself, Ankris was to

for the horse.

He quickly find and bring him back. Mae Shi-mounted with

Queen gesture and turned to leave.

- Wait! -The Ankris stopped. What about the wolves?

- I'm too tired to do spells.

- You promised!

- I have not promised anything!

- What happens is you do not know because you undo the spell only

one apprentice.

Mae Shi turned red with anger, but finally uttered the

despetrificó magic words and the wolves.

Ankris told not to leave. Almost without realizing what

did, put his right hand on the head of one of the animals.

None of the three made a move to attack him or Shi-Mae.

- Satisfied? She growled.

But Ankris shook his head.

- You could thank me for saving your life.

- I've destoned wolves.

- That would have made you change your horse returned.

The Mae Shi eyes showed a new shine.

- Oh, you want a reward ... you're not as dumb as you look. Very

good. Introduce yourself in the house of Duke River, my father, and he will give you a

award for saving the life of his daughter. Goodbye, boy-wolf.

- Wait! Are you going to go alone to the city?

But she walked away into darkness.

Ankris sighed as he watched her leave. Looked after

to watch the full moon. One of the wolves howled, and he seconded with

another howl, feeling free, wild and happy. He bent down to pet the

wolves and at that moment he knew he had three new friends.

- We will not let him go alone, right?

One wolf growled in disgust. Ankris smiled.

- Do not worry, we will approach too. The monitor,

from afar.

"Well, Shi-Mae" thought. "Of course I'll come to your house

father. And there I'll see you again. "

The wolves howled again and Ankris howled with them.

Chapter IV Changes

Ankris Chamberlain looked like a louse. Then drove the

seen in the wolf followed him and raised an eyebrow.

- You say you want to see the Duke? Do you?

The boy was conscious of his ragged appearance. There

took several weeks to reach the capital of the kingdom, since once

Ring left the forest which was the home of the Sentinels, felt

much more uncertain and walked only at night, hiding in the

barns and stables of those strange houses built at ground level.

However, the city managed to reach about the same time that Shi-Mae, but

this did not detect its presence at any time, although

he had followed closely.

It had been a couple of days wandering the city stealthily,

between frightened and amazed. The needles of the tallest buildings of

marble, gold and crystal, delicately rose into the sky, shining

under the sun. That dazzling and exquisite city was surrounded by

forest and, somehow, seemed part of him.

Nevertheless, Ankris understood immediately that the other elves

wolves liked. That particular day, however, had decided

that one of them would accompany him.

I knew it was not fancy or refined, and was well educated, as

elven capital. I knew it was dirty, barefoot and disheveled, and that the

Wolf company not very flattering image. But his gaze was

determined and defiant. "I am what I am", I thought obsessively. Y,

though he knew exactly what it was, yes sensed that her parents had

tried to hide their true nature and rebelled against it.

So calmly replied:

- Yes. I want to see the Duke.

- And who shall I say? Chamberlain asked sarcastically.

- A Ankris.

- Ankris, what else?

He seemed to be enjoying it. But, if he thought humiliated

Ankris talking that way, of course I was wrong.

- Ankris, He-who-saved-the-life-of-your-daughter-Mae Shi said very

slowly. Take note.

In Chamberlain's cheeks were two separate rosettes.

- How dare you?

- Y add ye:


-Said. Please, concluded with the most innocent of smiles.

Rosettes Chamberlain cheeks became more


- But ... how ... you ... dare? -Could articulate.

- What is it? My last name is not long enough? Add ye

then ...

- Do not add anything more, little savage. Get your dirty feet that

valuable carpet and go the way you came.

- I have no intention of doing so.

Chamberlain nodded and approached two guards.

- How did you get here this shameless rogue?

The two seemed confused.

- Well ... has not gone through the front door and the courtyard,

sir. We would have seen.

- Get him out of here immediately.

The two guards moved forward, but the wolf came between Ankris and

them and growled. The guards hesitated a moment, however, no

stopped, so that the wolf jumped on the first one, which had

pulled his short sword. The second guard tried to catch Ankris, but

this slipped with insulting ease.

Finally, all ended up on the floor, in a chaotic heap. The

two guards were shot down Ankris, and the wolf had bitten viciously

the leg of one of them, screaming in pain.

- Enough! Then a voice-ordered. Let go the boy.

Ankris could see an imposing bearing elf approaching

mounted on a superb horse chestnut. Seeing this, the chamberlain

bowed so servile and overly almost brushed the ground with the tip of

nose, and he released Ankris guard him free. The boy stood up,

somewhat surprised, but let out a low growl and the wolf released

second leg immediately guard.

The rider watched all this with great interest.

- Who is this little barbarian?

- My lord Duke, quickly replied the chamberlain, is no more

a thief who has entered the enclosure and ...

- Oh, really? So how has entered the room, if you can


The guards seemed embarrassed. Ankris said a tree

grew across the wall.

- I climbed up there to that branch that sticks out a bit, 'he said,

and then I dropped into. It was simple.

- Impossible blurted Chamberlain. You can not climb that tree.

It's too high and no low branches.

Ankris shrugged.

- Any Sentinel could do so without difficulty he said coldly.

Duke's eyes twinkled in a strange way.

- I see. Did you also know your pet climb trees?

- No. But know crossing gates patrolled by guards who look only

forward, and never back down.

Duke's eyes twinkled again.

- And for what reason you wanted to get into my house? What do you expect


- If I wanted to steal something, would not have led to your

goalkeeper. Obviously I climbed the tree because the guards did not have

missed. From the first time I have made it

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