» Fantasy » Temptation Is Its Best When In Blood, S.K Nuanes [me reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Temptation Is Its Best When In Blood, S.K Nuanes [me reader .txt] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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crush there Poseidon." One of them chuckled, as Poseidon dragged Airi into a house.
One looked at Toby bleeding neck the others chuckled and cornered him.
This was one meal they won't soon forget.

"Toby?" A voice asked.
Toby was slowly waking up from a coma there was a blurry figure over him.
It was the man (Master) came into focus he looked down at Toby then said, "You took a brutal beating."
"What happened?" Toby asked, trying to remembered what happened.
The man chuckled then looked at him, "Seems as if word has gotten out about having a new human, in my domain."
"Where am I?" Toby asked, looking around the dim room.
"In the hospital in the city. I believe this is where you are from am I right?" The man asked, looking at Toby.
They were in a hospital room, the window was narrow and the blinds covered it, there was a TV hanging from the ceiling, there was a chair next to a nightstand which was on the right side of the bed, there was a sofa under the TV and there were machines in the room.
"Well I wasn't born here but, yes I raised here most of my life." Toby said, looking around the room still which smelled like bleach and other chemicals.
"Where is Airi?" Toby asked, looking around remembering Airi screaming as she was dragged away from him.
The man chuckled then said, "Don't worry she's fine."
Toby then thought of a question he never thought he would ask then he looked up at him, "Am I?"
"Nope, you were almost drained, covered in bite marks. I had to heal you so you are still human." The man said, looking out the window.
"How is it I am not dead?" Toby asked.
"You were dead for a minute, but the doctors brought you back to life."
"You need to let Mr. Rouge sleep." A nurse said, walking in.
The man looked at her then said, "Of course, hey can I talk to you later." The man got a smile and raised his eyebrows.
The nurse smiled at him then said, "Sure, but let me take care of Mr. Rouge."
"Of course beautiful." The man said, smiling and winking at her and left the room.
The nurse walked over to Toby and looked at his checklist and then looked at him then said, "Well, looks like you need rest. Just buzz if you need anything."
"Ok thanks." Toby said, nodding.
The nurse then walked out, leaving Toby alone he closed his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.

Chapter 10- Bad Blood

Four Weeks Later

Toby was still hanging out in the city, he wasn't ready to return to the gothic town that the vampires were living in, there was a small deli shop called, "Lisa Delis."
There was a bar in the back, but up front was the restaurant, there were two different levels, a railing kept them apart, there was pop music playing over the speakers, the store smelled of different kinds of cheeses and meats.
Toby sat at a table by himself he had a wrap around his neck still, but he had a shirt and fixed the collar so it would cover it up mostly.
He had on a black shirt, with jeans, he was trying to figure out if he could enroll back into a high school, but it was unlikely due to his time in the mental hospital.
Then the door was open, the bell rang which was above, it seemed as if everything stopped when that bell rang, everyone could feel a beautiful source just walked into the room.
Although no one wanted to look up as if they were afraid this woman could easily hold them against their will in her grasp.
"Toby, is that you?" The woman asked.
Toby slowly looked up there was his sister.

She had long silk-like hair, she had perfect smooth ivory skin, it was the color of the moonlight, her body was small she was a size 2, she was a model. Her legs were long and perfectly shaved, she wore a short velvet red dress, she had designer shades pushed on her head, pushing her hair back, she had diamond ear rings, she had no tights on and she had on black high heels, with red rubies on them.
Her eyes were two bright emeralds.
Her teeth were white and perfect, she looked at Toby with a innocent smile.
"Cascada." Toby said, looking at his sister who he hadn't seen in four years.
Cascada looked at her brother and then looked at a waitress and said, "Excuse me, may I have some coffee, light three sugars."
The waitress nodded then Cascada directed her attention back at Toby then said, "Been awhile won't you agree?"
"Not long enough." Toby said, trying to keep his voice low and level.
Cascada laughed the comment off as if it was a soft joke a friend made.
"Oh brother must been lonely in that disgusting place made for parasites." Cascada making a face as if she smelled something terrible.
Toby rolled his eyes and said low, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"You are suppose to be in the cage am I mistaken?" Cascada said, using her hand to support her head.
As she pierced her daggers into Toby skin, she looked at the patch on his neck, "A misunderstanding I guess?"
"I am not going back to that place." Toby said, looking out the window watching people walk past outside.
Cascade tapped her painted nails on the table and looked at her brother then said, "We deserve to spend time together, after all we are blood related. Can't deny blood now can we?"
"Cascade do you have something better to do, then talk to your sibling who really couldn't care less about you?" Toby asked, rolling his eyes at her.
"Oh brother, in the end you will only have your family. What friends do you have? No one will really care about you. You know why you are weak a parasite infecting the world purest flowers." Cascade said, low then grinning at Toby.
"Insulting someone who could easily kill you, is that what you really want to do?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
Cascade smiled but it was also a sneer, "Oh killing me will just prove you killed that woman."
"I didn't kill her." Toby said, annoyed.
"Are you sure, I was there I know what happened." Cascade said, grinning.
Soon Cascade had Toby's attention she grinned as if this was one small victory for her Toby leaned forward, "Tell me."
"I will., if" Cascade said, as she sipped her coffee.
"If what?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
"If you stop hanging out with that vampire, Airi." Cascade growled.
"If I don't listen to you." Toby snarled, under his breath.
Cascade grinned at how Toby was trying to find out everything, "I will tell the court house where you are, and tell them to slaughter everyone you ever met expect for me."
Toby wanted to know the truth, the thing that got him caught up in this entire mess.
"Fine, tell me." Toby said, low.
"We should discuss this matter in a more private venue wouldn't you agree?" Cascade asked.
Toby sighed then said crossing his arms, "Where do you have in mind?"
"Where else? Home." Cascade said, smiling knowing Toby hasn't been home for years, Toby sat in there in shock he couldn't believe he was going to go back home.
Cascade got up and Toby followed her they walked outside and there was a silver sports car, that Toby never seen before, Cascade unlocked it the doors went up vertically.
It was a two door car, black interior, Cascade got in and it automatically buckled her in, she looked at Toby then said, "Are you coming?"
Toby got in as well, the doors came down and locked themselves, Cascade turned on some music and she got out of her parking spot and drove down the main street, she looked at Toby who was silent, "I'm sure you were missed."
"Uh huh, well right now everyone thinks I am insane." Toby said, narrowing his eyes at Cascade.
Cascade could feel her brother dagger-like eyes, it was something both of them possessed.
"Well, you were accused of murder. Can't help but think is everything in that dark mind stable." Cascade said, smiling as if she was trying to play with a friend on the playground.
"I didn't kill anyone." Toby said, gripping the seat.
Cascade kept her eyes on the road, but she was watching Toby in the corner of her eye.
"Please try and not destroy this car." Cascade said, in a motherly tone.
Toby rolled his eyes and let go of the seat and kept quiet, they drove into a lively neighborhood, the grass was cut, it was lively, the trees were filled with leaves, the sidewalks had people jogging, and some kids riding bikes.
The houses were Victorian Style, the fences were freshly coated with a white, they came to a house which was like all the others, Victorian style, the fence was a bit higher then others, the lawn was kept clean and tidy, there was a oak tree which shaded a swing which was connected to a branch.
A smell of bread came out of the kitchen window, Toby looked at the place, he hadn't been here for a long time, not much had changed.
"Well come on." Cascade said, getting out of the car and locking it and opening the gate and Toby followed her into the yard, she closed the gate and walked up the stairs, Toby was unsure if he was going to be welcome or not.
Cascade unlocked the door and it swung open, there was a entry, few plants, a rug and a small water fall, with a coat rack next to the door.
They walked through the house, there were stairs going up, there were pictures going up the wall next to the stairs, they walked more into the house, there was a modern kitchen, a living room which seemed more older and elegant then the kitchen was.
"I'm home and I brought someone along with me!" Cascade shouted in the house.
"Who is it?" A voice asked, from upstairs.
"Come down and see." Cascade said, happily almost.
There were a few moments then someone coming down the stairs, there was a woman, she had light blonde hair, a soft glow tan for the skin color, she looked nothing but skin and bones, she had on a green shirt, with a peacock, she had on jeans on, with blue slippers, she looked at Toby with wide eyes, "Toby is that you?"
"Yes Aunt Maggie, it's me." Toby said, sighing knowing she didn't want anything to do with him.
"What are you doing here?" Aunt Maggie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Toby then said, "Well, they let me out early." Toby said, lying about how a vampire broke him out.
"Oh, um ok I am

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