» Fantasy » Bray Hyrian, Kivi B. [best summer reads txt] 📗

Book online «Bray Hyrian, Kivi B. [best summer reads txt] 📗». Author Kivi B.

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into the enemy lines. Each strike he received bounced off as if they'd hit an anvil. He was impenetrable, while he took down several opponents with his massive axe and brutish strength.


Staeger took the more elegant approach and challenged multiple enemies at once. His bladework was flawless, as he outdanced and outplayed them, countering deadly and efficiently. Even he wasn't injured once in the process, but still managed to defeat several dozens of the opposition.


We ran through an enemy flank while Zhoe split them into two parts, by creating an ice wall that seperated their lines. Some even froze within her walls. She was no pushover, at all. Bheskar occassionally bashed through their steel armour with his maces, since they had great effect. They were sent spinning to the ground, screaming in pain.


A dirty road led up to the archer's positions. They seemed disoriented by Bheskar's fog, which still aided Jeik and Xodin's cover, down at the town's center.


"Here they come! Prepare for combat", the squad leader of the Hraygnan ranged soldiers said.

I took the lead and swung my sword at the first archer who didn't even have enough time to swap his weapons. My sword burried itself into his flesh, cutting cleanly through. Their protective gear wasn't meant for melee. A short steel blade came in from my right. Before his blade connected, I redirected the blade away from me and riposted in a quick thrust. He spat blood, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His life escaped him.


Several but loud cracks and clanks were heard from Bheskar's maces while engaged in combat. In one instance even, did he release extremely hot fog into the defender's face, inflicting harsh two to third degree burns.


Zhoe made ice lances, throwing axes and other sharp objects as she flinged them into her opponents. She was untouchable. Every time an enemy lunged out towards her, a wall of ice emerged from her hands as they cought weapons in their tracks and froze them solid, making them unable to be used.

A few minutes passed until we cleared out their arrow firing squad.

The female Lieutenant pointed towards the last archer group on the other side.


"We don't have enough time to cover this distance. Bhes, let's take a shortcut, shall we?"


Her brother nodded and sent his fog over in an arch. Zhoe imbued the fog with her icy Anima as it manifested into an icy bridge. With another flick of her hands, she created stairs in the bridge, so we wouldn't slip off. I was completely awestruck. Their teamwork was marvelous.


Our three man cell rushed over the bridge and I took a quick glance below us. Many Hraygnan corpses were dispersed across the town center. Jeik and Xodin were still at it and their opposition's numbers were decreasing rapidly. I smirked from the adrenaline and our current morale.


All of a sudden, the bridge collapsed from a fierce greenish-black energy that broke through the ice. Since it was halfed, we slided down the bridge where we met the ground after a long slide. The impact sent quite a sting through my spine. I looked up and there stood Lynda Corvus, laughing at us with the same dark energy that surrounded her left hand. It was a darker, more vicious kind of Anima.

"Going somewhere?", she mocked and let out another eerie giggle.

Zhoe groaned in pain and got up to her feet. Grimacing in dismay, she stared at the Warmaster.

"We need to retreat", she stated sharply.


Her statement was responsible for a harsh jolt of panic, that shot through my entire nervous system. Was Lynda Corvus really that strong, that even Zhoe didn't want to fight her? The grip on my sword's hilt intensified.


Even Bheskar's eyes were widened in fear, while he stood up and joined his sister.

"You're not leaving this place until you all perish."

Warmaster Corvus's wicked Anima suddenly bursted, while a ring of the same greenish-black energy took on a form of flames. It surrounded all of us, which left us no immidiate escape. Her dress fluttered from the air currents, created by flames, as she took her ever so elegant steps towards us.


Zhoe and Bheskar both tensed up, realizing that they had to fight her. My body was shaking. I don't have enough power to beat this woman, I thought to myself. What can I do?


The Anima around her left hand vanished, before she gripped the long wooden grip of her scythe.

Zhoe rose both of her hands, before four to five icy spikes emerged around the Warmaster from the ground. They extended in a rapid speed, in order to impale her. The surprise attack was nullified with a single swing of Lynda's massive weapon. Her smirk widened on her features.


"My, my, Second Lieutenand Shayra. You do never waste time on your opponents, do you."

Our female officer let out a frustrated hiss due to her failed attempt. Bheskar directed his fog to surround Corvus. Again, with one lash of her scythe, the fog subsided instantly, as if she vaporized his Anima. Nothing seemed to be working on her.


A mixture of irritation and courage took a hold of me. There must be something I could have done. Without second guessing my action, I charged her.


"N-no! Bray, get back!" I heard Zhoe scream.


I lunged out with my sword and aimed at her side. The steel blade at the end of her weapon hooked into my crossguard, before she launched my sword into the air. I couldn't maintain my grip, since the pressure was too strong for me to handle. Her left hand released her dark Anima and a small projectile hit my chest, sending me flying back towards the siblings. It burned through my chainmail and stung unbearably.


"Such recklessness. Although, it is expected from someone like you, young Bray."

Her taunting laughter filled me with rage. My sword  finally arrived and got stuck into the ground, a few metres next to me. I glared at Lynda in contempt.


"Now, it is time to conclude this business, my dear Isoldyan friends", she said and lifted her scythe into the air.


The Blacksteel part of her devilsh weapon channeled her raging dark Anima and prepared for a brutal attack. A greenish-black blade appeared out of her scythe and it looked like an extension. Though, I suspected that it packed an enormous, deadly punch.


Although, with one swing she deflected an energy orb that was directed at her. Lightning shot from that orb. The Lieutenant jumped into the hellish circle. His Visolvo was already activated and six other orbs floated above his head. His stance was relaxed while he faced the Hraygnan witch.


"You do tend to meddle into my fun, Staeger", she said and was mildly annoyed.

"Your reign and terror over these lands end here, Warmaster Corvus."

"Don't make me laugh, Lieutenant."


Both parties stared each other down. The only thing that broke the silence was the "chirping" of Jeik's lightning orbs.

"Where's the princess?" Jeik made a step towards her.

"Ah yes, the Isoldyan crown jewel. Is she not a beautiful specimen?"

She summoned a sphere where it displayed Kiria, who was chained onto a wall in a dungeon. A blindfold was strapped around her eyes, and there was an energy field around her hands. Could be a device that constricts Anima usage.


"You bastard", I said as my teeth gritted, "Let her go!"

"Be quiet, Bray. This will not aid our situation in the slightest", Jeik snapped at me.

"I'm afraid your efforts are all in vain. The princess has already been taken to another stronghold~"


I swirled around, trying to find the source of the spoken word.

" ~ You will never going to see your prin~"

A man rushed out of nowhere, through the Anima firebarrier and managed to land a hit on the Warmaster with his metallic gauntlet. She flew right through a wooden house behind her.

Xodin stood there with his fullbody armor, which he hasn't revealed thus far. His skin was fully covered by shiny plated steel with chain protected joints and a full helmet across his face, bearing a vizor in form of the letter "T". He wasn't carrying his axe anymore.

"Ferrumiles", he muttered.

"As always, your timing is impeccable, Xodin", Jeik said an a smug smile spreaded across his face.

Both of them were in their Visolvo and it unleashed a feeling of euphoria down my spine. I got back up and pulled my sword from the ground, ready for anything.


"Squad, retreat", Jeik suddenly ordered and dashed out, grabbing my collar, as he proceeded.


"W-what~ What?! Wait! Why aint we fightin' her?!" I protested and tried to free myself from his grasp.

"You do not know, what this woman is capable of, Bray. She will annihilate us, even if we stand and fight together. There is no other option."


I shivered and decided to listen to him. So I ran with them.

The others followed without hesitation as we made our way to the gates of the village. Xodin punched a great hole into them, before we passed through, without losing our running speed. Our group managed to get through the opening in their palisades as we set foot onto the plains.


A rupture opened in the middle of the field, as Lynda Corvus appeared out of the visible Anima aura. Five balls of greenish-black Anima were launched at us all simultaneously from her direction.

Jeik countered her attack with one of his own lightning orbs and Zhoe stopped it with an icy wall. Bheskar, Xodin and I were hit and ejected backwards, hitting the hard ground. Despite the impact being minor, none of us succeeding in getting back up.

"P-paralysis technique", Bheskar moaned.

I clenched my teeth as I attempted to move a muscle. None responded.


"Damn it", I said quietly and directed my gaze at the those left standing, who were about to face off.


An extraordinarily disturbing grin was on Lynda's face, as she exited her strange portal.

"You are annoyingly persistent. But let us end this charade. I will quickly erase your existence from this world."

Jeik gave Zhoe a worried look and she returned the same kind of expression. But both nodded at each other.

"May our chains be broken from the trembles of war, through our undenying bond. We will strike with all our heart and soul. May it either grant us victory or guide us to Eterio. For Isoldya", both of them recited, nearly in sync.

"No!" Bheskar shouted, and his body twitched slighty.

"Don't do this! There's still a way out!"

"What's goin' on?"

I peered over to him in shock. His eyes were wide open and his expression was heartbreaking.

"That's our Battlecry of Resolve. We only chant this, when we know that we're gonna' die! We have to stop them...!"


My hands somehow clenched into fists as I saw the two preparing for their final, desperate assault. There must be something I can do, I thought to myself.


A strong pulse emitted inside my body as I felt my own heartbeat pound heavily.


My vision went blank.



I slowly opened my eyes, and I found myself in a familiar place. It was Camp Dubach's medical tent. Was it all a dream?

I felt energic enough to get up, but couldn't. My eyes widened, when I realized that I was strapped to the bed. My hands had the same handcuffs, which I saw on the princess in this 'dream'. It constricts one's usage of Anima.

"He's awake, sire" I heard someone say.

Five figures entered the room. Jeik, Xodin, Bheskar, Zhoe and lastly, Head Captain Buothor. My brows furrowed heavily.

"Hey, what the heck's goin' on. Why am I~~"

Nex Buothor's shout made me jump, before I stared at him. He grunted and folded his arms, while giving me a very stern look.


"So, you did not share everything about you, after all, Bray."

"What're you talkin' about?"

"You don't remember, then?"

"Remember what?"

All five of them exchanged frightened and concerned looks.

"You're an Anima wielder, Bray", Zhoe said.



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