» Fantasy » The Secrets Within, S & K [sci fi books to read .TXT] 📗

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those things. Although, he didn’t know anything about her life, he wanted to push her away with the best of his abilities. He had a soft spot for Adrielle and he wasn’t going to let that get the best of him. His faced had exposed pure guilt, as he walked out of their apartment.
Logan and Ariana were sitting side by side on the boating dock enjoying the view of the lake. It was mesmerizing, the water glistened as the sun shined brightly on it, the trees seemed to be dancing with the wind, and what made it even more perfect was that they were with each other. "So, how long have you lived in Still Water?" Ariana questioned. As much as she liked Logan, she didn’t know much about him. Logan stared straight ahead and replied emotionlessly.
“As long as I have lived." Only Logan knew the truth behind these words and he wanted to keep it that way as long as possible. Ariana thought the way he answered was peculiar but she shrugged it off. She figured he was one of those guys that liked to be shown as mysterious and daring. Oh, he was mysterious and daring all right. "And you? Why did you move? I know it’s for college, but what convinced your parents to let you come here of all places? It’s not much." Ariana flinched, she hated lying, and not even that she just merely sucked at it. Sometimes, she wished she was a good of a liar as Adrielle. Adrielle did most of the lying when they were back in Oregon, not that she was a liar, but when it was needed, Adrielle took the responsibility.
"Well," she started to say not knowing what she was going to say next. “Adrielle and I have been best friends since birth, literally. We hated Oregon. It was boring, and we just needed to get away. So we chose here. I know it’s crazy but we wanted to stay in a place that wasn't too exciting but wasn’t too boring either; it seemed like the perfect place." Ariana quickly answered. She wanted to laugh at her pathetic lie, but she shoved it back down her throat. She had purposefully tried to leave her parents out of the picture.
“And your parents?" Logan asked again. Shit Ariana thought to herself. She felt her stomach roll around in her stomach. She felt as if she was going to hurl.
“Both of our parents stopped talking to us. They were traditional, they wanted us to stay at home and be with them. We loved our parents, but we just needed to leave. They didn't understand. They thought we didn’t appreciate all the things they did for us, and we really did. But they just got really angry and they kicked us out. Since then we have been on our own." Ariana looked down as she spoke, she didn’t want Logan to see her pain filled eyes. Logan noticed a tear roll down her rosy cheeks. He furrowed his eyebrows, in his heart he knew that she was hurting badly, but he couldn’t help but to think she was hiding something, and that she was lying. But either way, he hated to see her upset. He caressed her faced with his strong hands and wiped her tears away gently.
“It’s Okay, they love you and they will talk to you soon enough; you just wait." He reassured her, sweetly. Ariana cringed at the lie behind that statement. She would never be able to talk to them again, she would never be able to have petty arguments with her mother, and be a daddy’s little princess, ever again. As the memories of her parents rushed in to her head she cried even harder and harder. Logan’s lavender eyes narrowed with concern and he held her tighter and closer to his chest. He kissed her on the forehead, and was wished with all his heart that he could make it better for her.
Ariana finally looked up at Logan, "Thank you" she whispered and smiled. Logan couldn’t help himself; he lifted her chin up and kissed her passionately. Ariana’s heart began to soar as she kissed him back; it felt like nothing she had ever felt before, if felt as if she was in a different world, everything around her seemed unreal and as if she was flying. Logan felt his heartbeat race faster and faster, when he felt as if he was soaring; he realized that the centuries wait had finally come. He had found his soul mate, the one thing people waited years to find. He relaxed his breath when he put the pieces together. Now that he had found his soul mate, nothing could tear them apart, absolutely nothing. It had explained to him why he felt so attracted and fascinated by Ariana, so soon. It all made sense but fear jolted inside him just as quickly. He knew that he was putting her in danger, and he knew that he didn’t care how complicated it would be, he just wanted to keep her forever. He realized that Elizabeth was nothing. He was completely and irrevocably in love with Ariana. His heart hurt, knowing the truth, he was a vampire. At any given time, he had the ability to hurt her accidently and possibly kill her. And it wounded him even more knowing he had to lie to her every step of the way. Ariana too was grieving; she wanted so badly to tell Logan the truth. She wanted to pour her guts out to him. But she restricted herself. If she told anyone, it could put not only her, but him in danger too, along with Adrielle. And she didn’t want that to happen. So she just took in the perfect moment, and for once, since 3 months, she was truly content.
Chapter 7

When Ariana got home, Adrielle was asleep on the couch. She was rolled up underneath a blanket; something she had always done when she was in a terrible mood. Ariana walked over to her, to wake her up but decided not too when she saw the blotchy tearstains on her cheeks. Her twin instincts kicked in and she immediately she knew that Liam must've said something while she was on her brilliant date with Logan. She felt a sudden surge of hatred for him. He hurt Adrielle, and he has been insulting her since the day they met each other. Anger built up inside her as she walked to her room. As she fell into a soft blissful slumber, the memories of their kiss, the dock, and her love for him filled her dreams.
Logan walked inside the cabin smiling from ear to ear. "What's with you smiles?" Liam asked amused. He had been taking shots of vodka since his fight with Adrielle. Logan stopped smiling; he didn't really want to tell Liam. He knew what Liam would say, but he told him about the kiss anyways. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hide it from him for long anyways. “I kissed her." He told him. His heart was flying, and he didn’t even care that Liam scowled horrendously at him. Liam stunned him by smacking up upside the head.
“Are you retarded?! We are supposed to get revenge not fall in love with humans. Am I the only one following the plan here? We are only hanging out with them to amuse ourselves until we find out information on the whereabouts of Elizabeth and Stella. They only reason we are even trying to get to know them is that there may be a glimpse of hope they know about them, but they are as oblivious as ever." He was furious, not at Logan, but at himself. He was angry at himself for not letting himself go for Adrielle. He should’ve done what Logan had done from the beginning.
“I’m sorry bro. I couldn’t help it. She was just so beautiful, and so caring, and I'm in love with her." He grinned idiotically as he said those words. He felt as if he would never get tired of saying it.
" So?! Adrielle is drop dead gorgeous and absolutely adorable but you don't see me falling in love with her! And it’s impossible for a vampire to truly be in love, unless they find their soul mate." Liam contradicted. Logan then immediately became conscious of what was going on. Liam did love Adrielle in fact, they were soul mates. It had explained why Liam rushed into save Adrielle, and why he could never take is eyes off of her. It also clarified the fact that no matter how hard Adrielle tried to stay away from him, she still ended up coming to places with Ariana to meet up with Liam. Logan beamed to himself. For centuries the two had been waiting for their soul mates to appear, and now they had; he didn’t know what to say. All he knew was that he was the happiest man on earth. Liam was just scared to admit it to himself, because of what Stella had instilled in him. He was trying to push her away, for her own safety, and his own too.
" Liam, I know what’s going on here. If you love Adrielle, why don't you just go for it? Soul mates can’t stay away from each other no matter what and you know that. You knew since the first day you laid eyes on her, that she was yours and yours only and that no matter what happened you guys wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other. So stop fighting, it’s just hurting you and her. Let her fall for you, there’s no stopping it anyways.” Logan enlightened Liam. Liam knew he was right, but argued anyways.
"Whatever save the mushy gushy shit for Ariana." He snapped as he sauntered away with frustration. Logan surveyed him with amusement as Liam grabbed the rest of his vodka and locked himself in his room.
Adrielle yawned loudly as woke up to the smell of pancakes. She looked around half excitedly and saw Ariana in the kitchen pulling plates out from the cabinet. “Wake up sleepy head, "Ariana remarked as she put a plate full of mouthwatering blueberry pancakes on the table. Adrielle was confused; Ariana had never been a morning person, let alone the type to make pancakes in the morning.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" Adrielle questioned, scratching her head thoughtfully. She assumed that something happened with Logan, while she was passed out on the couch. She observed Ariana blush furiously. “Hurry up and tell me!”
"We kissed." she answered, trying not to sound too happy. On the inside however, her heart was beating rapidly. Adrielle hopped up off the couch and her bottle green eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets. Ariana let out a girly giggle when she saw her reaction.
"OH MY GOD! GIVE ME THE DETAILS NOW!" she ordered. Adrielle was literally bouncing. She looked so innocent

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