» Fantasy » The Secrets Within, S & K [sci fi books to read .TXT] 📗

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Chapter 8

“So?” Adrielle asked as she walked hand in hand with Liam. “Thank you, once again. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he had finally caught me.” As soon as she spoke she regretted letting the words slip out of her mouth. She held her breathe hoping Liam wouldn’t catch what she had just said.
“Finally caught you? What do you mean finally?” Liam wondered. He was sure he had compelled Adrielle to forget everything about the day of the fire. He stopped walking and turned Adrielle towards him. Fear was rising inside him faster than it ever had before. “Has he tried to hurt you before?” he pretended as if he didn’t know anything about Veronica and Daniel. He gazed into her eyes as he watched a smile spark up on her face. She batted her eyelashes, looked back up at him. He waited patiently for her reply, taking in deep breaths as he the moments passed by.
“I don’t mean anything by it; it took a few tries in the grocery store for him to finally get his grubby hands on me.” She lied. She was startled when she realized that she was lousy at lying to Victor. She began twirling her hair as she always did when she told a fib, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on. No one ever caught her in her lies except for Ariana, but for some reason she was scared Liam would. She forced herself to give him a smile as she watched his worry stricken face loosen up with peace. Adrielle presumed walking again, but Liam clutched her hand, and pulled her into his arms and held her tight. He didn’t ever want to lose her even for a second. He felt the emotions rush into him and grinned brightly as the world around him disappeared and for a moment there was only him and Adrielle.
“AHEM!” interrupted Logan playfully. Liam let go immediately and smiled sheepishly at Logan. Adrielle’s eyes widened as her cheeks turned a crimson red, just like Ariana’s. “So did I miss anything?” He stepped towards Liam and gave him a pound on the shoulder, and laughed as Adrielle hid her face in her hands almost as if she were embarrassed. Liam pulled her hands off her face and held them in his tightly.
“Yeah…you did.” Responded Liam happily. “I saved Adrielle’s life again and she kissed me. The girls just can’t keep their hands off of me.” He gestured towards his perfectly muscular body and winked. Adrielle raised her eyebrows annoyed by his cockiness and opened her lips to protest.
“Actually, he kissed me.” She explained to Logan, who was clearly amused as his eyes resembled a child watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. He nodded his head in agreement, as he observed Liam look at Adrielle like he had never looked at anyone before. It was almost as if he were dreaming, he thought Liam would never find his soul mate, let alone learn to even care about someone this much.
“It’s okay, Adrielle. I believe you; after all, I am the better looking brother aren’t I?” He smirked. Liam’s eyes narrowed and he leapt to tackle Logan playfully. Adrielle stood motionless, remembering the time that she and Ariana used to attack each other like that. She remembered a friendly/aggressive game of basketball they had with their fathers, she had made Ariana bleed and Ariana’s dad pushed her dad underneath a moving vehicle. She laughed to herself as she thought of no matter how much they physically hurt each other; they never got mad at each other. Liam got up panting, as Logan lay on the ground grabbing at his stomach in pure pain. Adrielle gasped as she helped Logan back up. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what Ariana would do to her if Logan got hurt in anyway and she was present.
“Okay, now that we are done being immature in public, may I remind you. I’m going to drive home and pretend as if I wasn’t just attacked.” She told them. She grabbed Liam’s arm and leaned in closer as she kissed him on the cheek lightly. “Bye” she whispered lovingly. Her eyes glowed as she looked at Liam, she had never liked anyone this much before, and she was desperately hoping that they would last forever and ever. Liam grinned back, and flashed an annoyed look at Logan, who was clearly enjoying the fact that two people who formerly loathed each other with passion, began to love each other with that same amount of passion. Adrielle giggled and headed towards the door. Logan quit smiling and put on a fake pout.
“What about me Adrielle?” he joked as she turned around and reached inside her purse for a crunch bar and threw it at him. He made a fake look of hurt as the chocolate hit him dead on in the face.
“Enjoy!” she sneered as she hopped into the seat. She looked through the rear-view mirror to see Liam watching her as she back out of the parking lot. His iridescent blue eyes were irresistibly beautiful to her. She waved them both goodbye, and headed home, wondering how to tell Ariana, about her amazing and freakish day.

Chapter 9

Adrielle was busy vacuuming the dusty carpet for the first time in years when Ariana came in. She looked as if she had the worst day at work; given it was a Monday, which meant tired, caffeine crazed workers. Her hair was pulled into a bun with strands of baby hairs popping out. She wiped a few beads of sweat of her forehead and collapsed onto the loveseat and stared at the blank television. She was too sluggish to get off the couch and grab the remote. Adrielle kindly grabbed the remote for her and handed it to her.
“Thanks.” She murmured already half asleep. Her eyes were slowly beginning to close; she was hoping to have a brilliant dream about her future date with Logan. She popped her eyes back open, when she heard Adrielle’s voice bounce throughout the grand apartment.
“Rough day?” she asked excitedly. She was practically jumping with zest. Ariana nodded her head and studied Adrielle’s enthusiastic expression. “I have a great story to tell you, and because you’re half asleep I’m thinking it’s the best time to tell you. That way you won’t flip out too much.” Ariana raised a tired eyebrow and flashed Adrielle a “just tell me already” look.
“Ooh. Do tell!” Ariana responded in monotone. Adrielle laughed lightheartedly and sat herself down next to her.
“Well, Liam saved my life again. We kissed.” She told her. Immediately Ariana had a sudden burst of energy travel through her veins as if she had been electrocuted.
“WHAT?!” she cried. She had a cheesy grin plastered on her face as she wondered how and when it happened. She grasped Adrielle tight and gave her a hug. “That’s so exciting! This is so freaking great!! Wait…he saved your life. AGAIN? What happened?” she questioned, finally noticing that she had been in trouble at one point. Adrielle bit her lip with caution, she didn’t want Ariana to worry, but yet she knew she had to tell her. She took a deep breath as she began speaking.
“Well...” she started off. Adrielle breezed through the entire story leaving out unnecessary details. After each word that was spoken Ariana’s jaw dropped lower to the ground. Her head shook in disbelief; it was the second time she had almost lost Adrielle. Her head was pounding against her skull as she attempted to comprehend everything.
“OH MY GOD! HE DIDN’T HURT YOU DID HE?” she asked grabbing Adrielle’s arm scanning her for any injuries. Adrielle wriggled her arm out of her tight grasp and shook her head smiling. She couldn’t help but to almost faint over the fact that she actually kissed Victor. She remembered every emotion, every touch, EVERYTHING about it. “Good. And I’m very relieved that your ass is okay, but if the estranged killer followed us here, he must know where we live right?” she asked her gentle eyes portraying concern. Adrielle twirled her hair nervously, she didn’t know the answer to that question, but they had just gotten their lives back on track and she didn’t want to go back to the days where she felt entrapped in a prison of sorrow.
“I think Liam scared him off, and I’m not even sure if it was really the people that killed our family. It could’ve just been some random psycho…”she suggested unknowingly. Ariana pushed the thoughts of fear and worry out of her mind. She shrugged her shoulders and bobbed her head up and down to show she agreed…or at least understood. She ducked her head underneath the blue blanket and slowly closed her eyes to land into a world where everything was perfect. A world where her and Logan walked hand in hand along the beach, no one was trying to kill her or Adrielle, and her parents were still in Oregon growing old happily together. This was the life she escaped to when she dreamed. Adrielle watched her innocent face and smiled to herself. She too, grabbed a blanket and fell asleep on the hammock on the balcony as the warm sun shine brightly against the trees that shaded her body. She hummed her favorite song until she fell into a deep slumber, not waking until dawn.

Chapter 10

“Liam!! We need to talk! Veronica and Daniel are really pissing me off now.” Logan called from upstairs. Liam appeared out of thin air as he tousled Logan’s hair playfully.
“Yes, baby bro?” he asked sarcastically. Logan tensed up and rolled his eyes.
“I’m only a year younger that you,” he protested angrily.

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