» Fantasy » The Secrets Within, S & K [sci fi books to read .TXT] 📗

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protested, he barely knew her, how can he call her reckless? “I like to have fun; you only live once, why not live it to the fullest?” Her thoughts rolled back to when she had gotten in trouble for cliff diving while on vacation with Ariana’s and her family. Ariana had warned her not to do it, and she did it. She remembered being in the hospital for a broken arm and how her father yelled at her uncontrollably when she awoke. Liam chuckled to himself when he forgot Adrielle hated being told what to do.
“You almost killed yourself and a child!” He argued back. “I don’t know about you, but to many people that is considered thoughtless.” He wasn’t angry with Adrielle; if anything he was worried sick about her. His chest had a sudden bolt of pain as he thought of how irrational she is and how hard it would be to protect her.
“Oh shit! The kid!” she yelled out of shock. Her jade eyes scanned the road for the child that she had nearly hit. He was sitting on the road crying tears and yelling for his mother, who was nowhere in sight. His light blue shirt was stained with tears. He looked about 5 years old and it seemed as if he were alone for a long time. When she saw the toddler she sped towards him in a heartbeat. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him lifting him up. She began to wipe his tears away and began to ask him questions about his parents. “Hey there, I almost hurt you didn’t I sweetie?” her voice was tender and apologetic. The weeping child nodded his head and frowned. “I’m sorry; I was being very stupid, wasn’t I?”
“Yea” the child replied sadly. “I want my mommy, I lost her. Help me find her.” Adrielle heart sank as she saw the round tears roll down his cheeks. His eyes filled with confusion and longing. She kissed him gently on the cheek and agreed to help him.
“You lost your mom? Where was she before you lost her? How long have you been lost?” she inquired. She hadn’t even noticed Liam standing next to her until he spoke.
“She could be anywhere, this street is a really busy street.” He told her. “Just leave him where he was and his mom will find him.” He didn’t want to take responsibility of this kid. Adrielle gave him a look of disbelief. Her face had anger and frustration written all over it. It had almost scared Liam. She scoffed and looked away from him. She put the child down and grabbed his hand.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” she asked sweetly, ignoring Liam’s remark. Liam stared at her sorrowfully.
“Tommy,” he answered sniffling. He looked as if he had been crying, his hazel eyes had tears welding up inside.” My mommy was over there a second ago, but a man came and took her away.” Liam glanced up realizing what had just happened. It was Daniel, and if not Daniel then another vampire. He clenched his fists tightly trying to control his anger. It was things like this that got them killed and hated by people.
“What?” Adrielle didn’t know how to respond, she looked back at Victor hoping that he would have any suggestions. Liam s jaw was clamped together in a frown. He didn’t say a word, he simply couldn’t. Adrielle rolled her eyes irritated by him. “Do you know where he took her?” Tommy pointed towards the backwoods at the end of the street. Fear enveloped Adrielle almost instantly. She knew what she had to do. “Okay you stay here honey, I’ll go find your mommy and bring her here.” She let go of his tiny hand, and began to stride towards the backwoods nervously. Liam quickly grabbed Adrielle’s arm and whipped her back around to face him. She struggled to get out of his grasp angrily but he wouldn’t let go. His oceanic eyes filled with concern as he spoke.
“You can’t go in there. It could be some psychopath for all we know.” Adrielle sent him a look full of daggers. She squirmed to get her arm out of his tight hold.
“Whatever. Let me go! Now!” she ordered fury edging in her voice. Her eyes blazed brighter and brighter. “Liam let go now! You are fucking going to break my arm!” She swallowed the anger back done her throat as she pinned him down with her eyes. Liam wouldn’t budge.
“Adrielle! For once, please stop being stubborn and listen to me!” he insisted pleadingly. He slowly let go of his grasp on her and she began to rub her soon to be bruised arm. “For gods sakes, let me come with you at least.” He got closer to her and sighed as she took a step away from him. She turned back around and began walking towards the dark shadowy forest.
“Tommy!!!” she heard a woman yell down the street. She was running towards the child, as blood was spilling out of her neck. Adrielle’s stomach cringed as she watched the woman embrace her child. “I was so worried about you! I’m sorry I left you!! I won’t ever do it again! Please forgive mommy!” Her brown eyes looked at the child apologetically and full of worry. Adrielle took a sigh of relief as she walked back towards the motionless Liam and the joyful child. Blood was seeping down the mother’s neck making Liam sick to his stomach. His eyes turned black for a few seconds before he got control of himself. He began to help the lady up and wipe her off. “Thank you” she acknowledged Liam. Adrielle waltzed over slowly not wanting to see the blood ooze down her. She watched as the lady grab her child and walk back towards the busy street.
“Wait!” Adrielle called after her. “What happened to you? Do you need to go to the hospital or anything? “ The woman glanced towards Adrielle shook her head violently and sped off without a word. Adrielle’s jaw nearly dropped. Liam began to walk towards Adrielle, but she ignored him completely.
“What do you think happened to her?” he asked pretending to not know a thing. He knew Adrielle was furious with him, he could see it in her every move and feel it in her every breath. She shifted her eyes towards him and walked away without replying. He caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her back towards his chest. She fought his hold and tried to keep walking again, but he held her close and began to whisper in her ear. She felt a chill down her spine as he spoke. “I’m sorry.” Liam didn’t want to lose her, and he knew that he had been terrible about the situation. She twirled around to face him. Anger was writhing in her every bone. She wanted to scream and yell at him, but no matter how hard she fought, she couldn’t stop herself from still loving him.
“Just please let me go.” She pleaded as crystal tear rolled down her rosy cheeks. Liam’s eyes widened; he was taken back as he wiped the tear away. Adrielle groaned out of frustration towards herself for crying. She LOATHED showing her emotions, and Liam always seemed to stop her from hiding them. He let her go and watched as she walked towards the car and sat in the driver’s seat. He slowly sat in the passenger’s and stared silently at her. Adrielle moaned as she tried to get the car to start. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn’t budge. “Great! Now this piece of shit isn’t starting!” She stood up and kicked the car angrily and threw the keys on the road and began to walk towards their apartment. Liam watched amusedly at her. Everything she did was enchanting to him. He got out and picked up the rusty keys and started the car instantly. Adrielle jolted back around and gave him an annoyed look as he pulled up next to her, opening the car door for her. She thought about walking the whole way for a split second but decided against it, because she was wearing heels. She flopped down into the seat and crossed her arms. The whole ride home was complete and utter silence. She slammed the door shut, when she got out and rudely asked him to give her the keys. “Adrielle, I’m sorry! But the kid is fine now!” He sapphire eyes grew lighter and lighter as he pleaded for her mercy. Adrielle grabbed the keys from the ignition and strolled inside the house angrily. Liam almost choked on his own breath as he watched her leave. He knew she would eventually forgive him, but he still didn’t want her to be upset with him.
Chapter 14

Ariana was sprawled on the couch when she heard Adrielle slam the door as she stomped in. “WHY ARE GUYS SUCH ASSHOLES? HOW DOES HE THINK HE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT ME? TELLING ME THAT IM RECK LESS AND CRAZY AND THAT IM STUBBORN?!” Ariana’s heart beat faster as she heard Adrielle mutter loudly to herself. She stood up slowly as she strolled towards Adrielle’s room.
“Hey, you sound peachy?” she joked casually. “Is everything alright?” she sauntered over towards Adrielle, who was angrily perched on the crimson satin overthrow.
“Well…since you’re just dying to know…” she began, spurting out every vile thing that she had thought about the situation. She told him about the child and how he didn’t seem to care a bit. “And what sucks the most is that I still don’t hate him. What the hell is wrong with me?” she finished. She thumped her palm against her forehead in frustration. Ariana laughed at her, mocking her reaction towards the whole thing.
“Yeah, more like what’s wrong with him?! I mean you have two hot people that would be perfect as a couple, and he has to be an ass.” She commented enthusiastically. Adrielle felt a smile widen across her coffee toned skin. “Hah! Anyways, I recorded Vampire Diaries for you to watch.” Adrielle squealed as she hurried over to the living room to watch her beloved Stephan and Damon. Ariana giggled and began to pick an outfit for her date with Logan. She fantasized about him taking her hand and spinning her around, as they danced to a cheesy romantic song that all girls swooned over. It took about two hours until she decided that her jade green strapless dress would do. The dress clung to her body and stopped at about thigh length. She primped herself in the mirror, nodding approvingly towards herself. She went through Adrielle’s closet to look for some shoes and decided to go with her strappy heels. Her hair was let into looks beach waves. She dabbed on a bit of mascara and eye shadow and decided she was done for now.
“How do I look?” asked Ariana as she hesitantly stepped out into

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