» Fantasy » Kriss Kross, Emily [best ebook reader for ubuntu .TXT] 📗

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right-side-up and sits on it.
Denya sits on the bed.
Rose: I know you’re upset over Daisuke and all but, I wanted to know if you want to go with me on a girl’s day out tomorrow.
Denya looks at her.
Denya: Where to?
Rose: Oh I don’t know. How about the town?
Denya: Okay, sure. Wait! Where will Daisuke be?
Rose: Oh, he has to go out tomorrow…I don’t know why but that’s his business.
Denya smiles.
Denya: Okay, defiantly!
Rose: Good, I’ll meet you there. I have a few errands to run first though.
Denya: Ok, tomorrow then!
Denya smiles and Rose returns the smile.
Daisuke walks out the door and gets in a car.
Rose: I’m leaving now! I’ll see you in a few, Denya.
Denya: Okay!
Rose gets in the car and they drive off.
Rose sees Denya.
Rose: Hey Daisuke, can you meet me over at that restaurant in ten minutes?
She points to a restaurant.
Daisuke: Sure, where are you going?
Rose: I have to pick up something at a shop but I want you to get our reserved seat before they resell it.
Daisuke: Sure!
Daisuke goes to the restaurant.
Rose goes to Denya.
Denya: Oh hey Rose!
Rose: hey Denya! I have to pick up a package first, but I want you to go to that restaurant and say you’re in the Myers party.
Denya: Got it! See ya in a minute!
Denya runs off.
Rose: Now for my disguise.
She runs into a bathroom, and when she comes out she is wearing a pink dress and a blonde wig with too much make-up.
Rose: Okay! Here I go!
Rose goes to the restaurant.
Host: Hello madam. How are you today?
Rose: I’m like totally hot!!!!
Rose tries to act preppy.
Host: Would you like to pick your seat?
Rose: Well duh!
Rose picks out a seat behind the one for the Myers party.
Daisuke is sitting at that table.
Daisuke: I wonder where she is?
The host comes back, leading Denya to the table.
Host: Your table miss…
Denya stares at Daisuke.
Daisuke stares back.
The host walks off.
Denya sits down.
Denya: (mumbles) Why Rose? Why?
Daisuke continues to stare.
Denya looks up expecting a glare but instead gets a sorrowful look.
Daisuke: I’m sorry, Denya. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.
Denya: No, it’s my fault. I was acting retarded anyways.
Daisuke: I think we both thought of things differently when we said them.
Denya: Yeah, I think so too.
Daisuke: I was talking about how you would yell at me even though I tried to be helpful.
Denya: Oh.
Daisuke: Was that what you thought.
Denya: Maybe…
Daisuke: What were you thinking then?
Denya looks at her lap.
Daisuke: Denya?
She looks up.
Denya: Yes?
Daisuke: Do you love me?
Denya: Uh…umm...a-a-a...well…
Daisuke notices Rose staring.
Rose looks away fast.
Daisuke: Nice job, Rose.
Rose sighs and takes off her wig.
Rose: Thanks Daisuke. I’ll leave you guys alone now.
Denya turns around.
Denya: Wait! Rose!
Rose turns around.
Rose: Yeah?
Denya: Thanks!
Rose smiles.
Rose: It’s what I do.
She leaves.
Episode 15

Rose puts on a black kimono and ties her hair up into a bun.
Rose walks downstairs and sits on the couch.
Daisuke and Denya come downstairs, holding hands.
Daisuke looks at Rose.
Daisuke: You look pretty, Rose.
Rose smiles.
Rose: Thanks, but you should tell your girlfriend that.
Denya lets go of his hand.
Denya: G-girlfriend? I have no idea what you’re talking about!
Rose smiles wider.
Daisuke: Don’t hide it, you know you love Ichikon!
Denya’s smile disappears.
Denya: Ichikon?
Rose: The idiot that keeps on breaking in.
Denya punches Daisuke in the face.
Rose laughs.
There is a knock at the door.
Rose opens the door.
It’s Rangiku.
Rangiku: Are you ready to go, dear?
Rose nods.
Rose: Let’s just get this over with.
Rangiku leads Rose out to a black mustang.
Daisuke and Denya stop at the doorway to wave.
Daisuke: Good luck, Rose.
Rose turns around.
Rose: You’re not coming?
Daisuke: No, we’re not allowed.
Rangiku: You may come if you like-
Denya: No, we don’t want to come… we trust you Rose. You’re smart.
Rose smiles.
Rose: Thanks guys!
Daisuke and Denya smile back and Daisuke puts his arm around her shoulder.
Rose’s eyes widen and she has a flashback.
She is walking to school with her brother.
She turns around and sees her fake mom and dad waving, her dad’s arm around her mother’s shoulder.
Rangiku shakes her.
Rangiku: Rose? Are you okay? Rose?
Rose: huh? Oh yeah… I’m fine.
They get into the car and drive away.
Rose and Rangiku sit down at a table in a dark room.
Rangiku sucks in her breath as Misaki comes out.
Misaki: Welcome! Mother! Sister!
Rangiku: This isn’t a family reunuion. We are here to strike a deal.
Misaki: Yes, of course. Let’s get started then.
She sits down at the opposite end of the table in a black chair.
Misaki: Let me lay it out for you. I give you Hanataro, you give me Rose.
Rangiku stands up, slamming her hands on the table.
Misaki: I feel Rose has other thoughts.
Rangiku looks down at Rose.
Rose nods.
Rose: I accept.
Rangiku: No! You will not!
Misaki: I have a spare room if you’d like to talk this over.
Rose: I would appreciate that.
Misaki: Okay, its behind me.
Rose and Rangiku go into the room.
Misaki: You have two minutes.
Rose and Rangiku come out.
Rose: I accept.
Misaki smiles.
Misaki: Good!
She claps her hands twice, and two guards carry an unconscious Hanataro out of another room.
They throw Hanataro at Rangiku.
She catches him and pushes some hair out of his face.
Rose goes to Misaki.
Rose: I am yours now.
Misaki: Right you are!
Misaki laughs evily.
Hanataro wakes up.
He sees Rose beside Misaki.
Hanataro: ROSE! NO!
Hanataro jumps at Rose, but Rangiku holds him back.
Rangiku: Stop, Hanataro. The deal is made.
Hanataro: How can you do this to her?! She’s your only daughter!
Misaki raises an eyebrow.
Hanataro: I mean your only SANE daughter.
Rangiku: Destiny will kill me someday, but for now this is how it must be. Rose has a will of her own too.
Hanataro looks at Rose.
Rose looks at him with tear-filled eyes.
Rangiku: Lets go, Hanataro.
Rangiku leads a weakened Hanataro out of the room.
Misaki: That was a very brave thing you did. But sometimes, you shouldn’t be brave.
Rose: Do whatever you want to me… Torture me, Kill me… I don’t care, just don’t hurt my family.
Misaki: Your family? You mean your pathetic love-sick bodyguards, your weak boyfriend, delused mother, and dead fake mother, father, and brother?
Rose: If that’s what you want to call them, then yes. That’s my family.
Misaki laughs.
Misaki: I’m not going to hurt you. Actually I would like to talk to you later. Propose another deal.
Rose: Okay.
Misaki: For now though, I shall take you to your room.
Misaki leads her through a maze of tunnels and finally goes up a grand staircase, and down another hallway.
She opens a door at the end.
It is lavishly furnished.
Rose: (thinks) Oh my… this place is fit for a princess…
Misaki laughs.
Misaki: You like it don’t you? Well this is your new room. I hope you enjoy it. I shall call you down for lunch, and if you want, you may have tea with me.
Rose: Okay.
Misaki: By the way, anything in the closet is yours, and if you need anything such as food, water…blood…just ring that little bell on that table over there and someone will be here to assist you.
Rose: Okay.
Misaki: Why be so down? Don’t you like your living quarters?
Rose: You have me as prisoner! How in hell can I be happy?
Misaki: I’m sorry.
She looks away.
Rose walks inside the room and Misaki shuts the door.
She goes over to a vanity and tears the hair tie out of her hair, ruining her bun, and letting her hair cascade down around her shoulders.
She looks at her reflection in the mirror.
One of her eyes turn dark blue, and the other, blood red.
Rose blinks and her eyes go back to normal.
Rose: (thinks) What does it mean?
She sinks to the floor in a mixture of exhaustion, pain, and hopelessness.

Episode 16

Rose takes a shower and grudgingly changes into a red corset and black leggings with knee high boots from the giant closet her sister had given her.
There is a knock at the door.
Rose: Uh…come in?
A servant in a fancy suit walks in and bows.
Servant: Misaki is ready for lunch. Shall I escort you to the dining room?
Rose: Okay.
The servant bows again and leads Rose to a giant room with a long table and a chandelier above it.
Misaki is sitting at the end of the table.
The servant pulls out the chair next to Misaki for Rose and she sits down.
The servant bows and is dismissed.
Misaki: So Rose… I brought you here today, so I can discuss a little preposition for us.
Rose: Okay…
Misaki: Okay you see, I do actually like you but I need certain things from you. You are my sister, so in a certain way I’m bonded to you. And no matter how much I despise it, I will always be close to my little sister.
Rose: Little sister? But we’re twins Misaki.
Misaki: Yes but I came out first.
Rose slaps her forehead.
Rose: Okay whatever, just get to the point already.
Misaki laughs.
Misaki: You’re pushy. I like that. Okay, if you give me some of your blood I will let you be with the boy again.
Rose: You mean Hanataro?
Misaki: Yes, but the blood…
Rose: Are you going to let me go?
Misaki: No, he will be brought to you.
Rose: No. I’m not putting him in danger.
Misaki: Okay then. If you don’t give me your blood, he will die.
Rose: Okay then. Take my blood.
Misaki reaches toward Rose.
Rose: BUT I want Hanataro first.

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