» Fantasy » Kriss Kross, Emily [best ebook reader for ubuntu .TXT] 📗

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Episode 1

A girl is crying in her room.
She straightens up and goes to her closet.
The girl changes into her school uniform.
She goes downstairs and sits down at the kitchen table.
Her mom walks in.
Mom: Good morning Rose! Or I should say Konichiwa Rose! Since we live in Japan now…..
Rose: (girl) Yeah, yeah I get it, mom.
Rose grabs her bag and walks out the front door.
A boy walks over to Rose and starts jumping up and down.
Boy: Hey! Hey Rose! Hey, Hey Rose!
Rose stares blankly ahead.
Boy: Hey Rose! Woohoo! Rose! Hello! Rosie! Konichiwa!!!
Rose: (mean) WHAT?
Boy: You acknowledged my existence!!!!
Rose: Yes, Yes I did. Now what do you want?
Boy: Oh I don’t know just…..
The boy puckers his lips.
Rose pushes his face away.
Boy: Awwww! But I love you!!!
Rose: Too bad, Ichikon.
Ichikon: (boy) starts to cry.
Ichikon: But your mommy said-
Rose: I don’t care what my mommy said!
The subway gets there and they get on.
Rose goes to her locker.
Ichikon sneaks up behind her.
Rose: What?
Rose opens her locker door.
Ichikon: Wow! You noticed I was here! Well, anyways……
Ichikon moves over beside her locker door.
Ichikon: (Sexy voice) Since we ARE officially dating…lets kiss.
Rose: Let’s not.
Rose hits him in the face with her locker door.
Rose shuts the door and walks away.
Rose: Who said anything about dating anyways?
Ichikon: Your mommy!!!
Rose: Like I said before I don’t care about what my mommy says!
Ichikon starts to cry and Rose walks away.
Rose walks into a classroom filled with several boxes of bones, organs kept in liquids, and animals kept in cages.
A weird man with green hair is at the front of the classroom is at the front of the room.
Rose Excuse me. Is this room 204?
Man: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Rose: Oh, ok...I’ll go!
Rose turns to leave when the man runs towards her.
His hand is on fire.
Rose: Oh!
Rose throws water on his hand.
The fire gets bigger.
Rose sprays fire extinguisher on his hand and the fire goes out.
Man: Arigato! Arigato! Arigato!
Rose: Ummm your welcome!
Man: Now, what where you asking?
Rose: Is this room 204?
The Man grabs a bandage roll.
Man: Yes.
Rose: Okay. Here let me.
Rose grabs the bandage roll and starts to wrap his hand.
Ichikon walks in the room and starts crying again.
Rose: Go away ball baby.
Rose stares Ichikon down.
Ichikon runs away.
Man: I’m Mr. Kubota.
Rose: Like the tractor?
Mr. Kubota (man): What?
Rose: Never mind.
The bell rings for first period.
Rose goes to a seat and sits down.
Other people start to come in.
Girl: Oh! Mr. Kubota! What happened to your hand?!
Rose snickers.
Mr. Kubota: Oh I just burned it during an experiment. It’s really nothing Mayumi….wait what’s your last name?
Girl: Mayumi Sakura.
Mr. Kubota: Oh okay Mayumi, please sit next to Rose. She’s our new transfer student so please make her feel welcome.
Mayumi: Okay!
Mayumi sits down beside Rose.
Mayumi: Hi! My name’s Mayumi Sakura. What’s yours?
Rose: Rose. Rose Myers.
Mayumi: Oh you must be from the U. S.
A boy from across the room starts to throw a fit.
Mr. Kubota: If you aren’t going to listen you can leave!
Boy: Okay!
The boy jumps out the open window.
Rose: Oh my god! Is he okay? Why did he do that?
Mayumi: Oh silly! That’s how we Japanese people make an exit. It HAS to be cool.
Rose: Um…ok…
Mayumi raises her hand.
Mr. Kubota: Yes Miss Sakura?
Mayumi giggles.
Mayumi: May I go to the restroom?
Mr. Kubota: Just take the hall pass.
Mayumi: Oh, I need the vent pass instead.
Mr. Kubota gives her a pass.
Mayumi pulls a vent out of the ceiling and jumps up into it.
Rose: (thinks) Okay its official I’m afraid of Japan.
Rose sits at an empty table.
She opens her lunch bag and pulls out a hot dog.
When she looks back up, there are twenty dudes at her table, all staring at her.
Rose: Uh ……Konichiwa…
Boys: Konichiwa!!!
Boy 1: What is that thing?
Boy 1 points at the hot dog.
Rose: A hot dog.
Boy 2: What’s a hot dog?
Boy 3: It looks like my-
Mayumi covers Boy 3’s mouth.
Mayumi: Okay boys, leave the girl alone. It’s time for you to go.
Boys: Awwww!!!!
Mayumi pushes them away.
She sits down beside Rose.
Mayumi: Sorry ‘bout that. They’re idiots.
Rose: I’m used to it. In America, they’re bigger perverts.
Mayumi’s eyes widen.
Mayumi: Whoa! That must be terrifying!
Rose: Yeah it kind of is.
They finish eating and go to their next class.
Mayumi and Rose walk inside.
Rose notices a strange, mysterious, boy with black hair sitting on the corner.
The boy looks over at Rose.
Rose looks back at him.
They both look away, embarrassed to be caught staring.
Rose and Mayumi sit down.
Rose (whispers in Mayumi’s ear): Who is that boy in the corner?
Mayumi glances in the corner.
Mayumi: (whispers back) That’s Hanataro Suzuki! The hottest boy in our grade! Well maybe Sanjo is a little hotter but….you get my point!
Rose: Suzuki? Like the ATV?
Mayumi: What?
Rose: Nothing never mind… second…
Rose pulls out English to Japanese dictionary.
Rose laughs hysterically.
Mayumi: What?
Rose: (whispers) Hanataro means pretty flower in Japanese!
Mayumi: Yeah ha-ha! I know right.
The teacher walks in.
Teacher: Okay quiet down now!
Rose goes to Mr. Kubota’s room.
Mr. Kubota is grading papers.
Mr. Kubota: A minus- ow!
Mr. Kubota rubs his hand.
He sees Rose.
Mr. Kubota: Ah! Hello Rose! How are you?
Rose: I’m fine. How’s your hand?
Mr. Kubota: Just fine! Ow...
Rose: Here, let me fix it.
Rose takes the bandage off and rubs a green salve on his burn, then re-wraps his hand.
Rose: It should be healed in a few days or so, you should still go to the doctor if you can.
Mr. Kubota: Okay then.
Rose: Well, I have to go. Bye Mr. Kubota!
Rose waves at him.
Mr. Kubota waves back.
Rose leaves.

Episode 2

Rose walks out her front door.
Ichikon runs and tackles her.
Rose: What the?!
Ichikon pins her down.
Rose: Let me go!
Ichikon: No! Kiss me!
Rose: No you sicko!
Something black knocks Ichikon off of Rose.
It stands up and Rose sees its Hanataro.
Rose: Hanataro!
Hanataro looks at her.
It seems like everything around them has disappeared and that they are the only thing in the universe.
Rose leans forward and stumbles.
Hanataro runs over and holds onto her arms, steadying her.
Hanataro: Are you okay?
Rose: Uh...Uh…yeah I’m okay.
The world goes back to normal.
Hanataro nods.
He lets go of Rose’s arms and walks off.
Rose: (thinks) Wait….I don’t want you to go….
Rose goes back inside her house, changes the mud covered hoodie into a clean one and walks back towards the subway station.
Rose steps on Ichikon’s face on her way there.
Ichikon moans loudly.
Rose goes to first period early.
Mr. Kubota: Ah! Rose! There you are I’m in need of your medical abilities right now!
Rose: Is your hand hurting you again?
Mr. Kubota: No, my hand is much better thanks to you. Ah, but it is this young man who needs your abilities.
Mr. Kubota motions to a bruised Ichikon.
Rose: No. He’s a lunatic.
Rose sits down at her seat.
Ichikon: (crying) Why do you hate me? I love you Rose!!!
Rose: Shut up and go away retard.
Ichikon: But…
Rose: Remember what happened this morning? Well if you don’t shut up and leave me alone, I swear to my life I will beat the crap out of you.
Ichikon runs away.
Mr. Kubota: Rose?
Rose: (thinks) Crap, I forgot about Mr. Kubota being here completely.
Rose: Sorry Mr. Kubota.
Rose walks outside.
Someone with blue hair throws a rose at her.
The rose is covered with dried blood and has a note attached.
Dearest Rosaline,
We would like to formally invite you into our rebellion as a fighter. We are fighting against a Monster Exile Uprising Persons. Also known as M. E.U.P. We would like your assistance, regarding medical and fighting objectives. After observing your behavior recently we have chosen to invite you. If you are interested, please meet me at the park, midnight tonight. I speak on behalf of our group.
Rangiku Kiryu
CEO of Bloody Alyss
Rose: (thinks) Is this for real? Or just a prank? Maybe it’s some stalker that’s going to kidnap me if I come to the park.
Rose folds the note, puts it in her pocket and clutches the rose to her chest.
Rose walks towards the subway.
Rose: (thinks) Okay, I’ll go. I’ll just bring a gun.
Rose reaches under her bed, and pulls out a pistol.
She loads the pistol and puts it in her bag.
She also changes into a black corset and black skinny jeans.
Rose jumps out the window, landing outside on the lawn.
Rose comes, and no one’s there.
Rose: (thinks) They’re hiding.
A voice speaks up from behind her.
Voice: Ah, curiosity killed the cat didn’t it?
The voice laughs, and Rose spins around to see a woman with pink hair, with guards on either side of her.
Rose: (thinks) Crap! I should have known the stalker would have back-up.
Rose takes a step back.
Woman: No, no. Don’t leave. I assume you are interested in our rebellion since you came.
Rose: (thinks) She’s serious. Or maybe she’s a lunatic.
Woman: I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Rangiku Kiryu. From the letter?
Rose nods.
Rangiku: Well, I guess we should start initiation. Let’s go boys.
Suddenly, the boys are on either side of Rose.
Rangiku takes a step towards Rose.
Rose pulls out her gun and shoots at Rangiku.
Rangiku dodges and a guard knocks the gun out of Rose’s hand.
Rangiku signals and the guards hold her arms.
Rangiku steps forward and fangs come from her mouth.
Rose: They look so real…
Rangiku bites Rose’s neck.
Rose passes out.
Rose is in a white room.
She blinks and the room is covered in blood.
She looks in a corner and sees the mangled bodies of Mayumi, her parents, Hanataro, and Mr. Kubota.
Rose sees a mirror.
She stands and looks in the mirror.
She is wearing a white dress, covered with blood.
Her body is covered with splotches of blood.
She opens her mouth.
She sees fangs covered with blood.
Rose watches as a tear runs down her face.

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