» Fantasy » Master of Plagues, D. B. Reynolds [best books to read fiction .txt] 📗

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Stuart and held him in the tightest armlock. Gerald curled his fingers and produced two angry fists. Not wanting to crash his glasses into his face, he struck him dead in the center of his nose. Blood gushed out and stained his shirt. Gerald landed several more blows before Russell turned him loose. Stuart fell to the ground with blood drops staining the cover of his books. Bystanders kicked him as they came down the hallway. The episode of his classmates picking on him was horrible.
Stuart dissolved out his flashback and stood frozen in the front room. The ringing of his cellphone reminded him that he’d left it behind before going to work at Pet Emporium in Manhattan. He played back the voice messages on his cellphone. The egomaniacal eight hadn’t gotten enough. They left more disgusting messages. They were determined to torment Stuart. But like he promised to himself, they were going to pay dearly for what they’d done to him.



Stuart had calmed down long enough to figure out his plans to get even with those who’d wronged him. His father, Harry Duffelmeyer, always quoted to him a profound philosophy by one of the greatest entertainers of all time.
Francis Albert Sinatra had always quoted, “The best revenge is massive success.”
Harry drilled it into his son’s head that being massively successful was the best way to get even with all of those who’ve wronged you. Over the years, he’d become the biggest fan of Frank Sinatra. Music, movies, television shows, they were the sole entertainment of the Duffelmeyer residence. Stuart traveled to the top level of his townhome and into a room where he kept boxes of old books and albums and keepsake jewelry. The jerk of a long string and a one-hundred watt bulb lit up the room like a sports stadium.
Speaking of Frank Sinatra, a lifesize poster of old blue eyes hung at the East end of the wall. Posters of Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison hung opposite at the West wall. Einstein and Edison were purposely displayed on the wall to remind Stuart of his potential genius. Harry preached to Stuart how those men in particular weren’t quitters, and how their genius cultivated with time and effort.
Stuart rambled through a few boxes until he came across a large silverish medallion with Hebrew writing inscribed around the middle and outer circles. It’d been some years, but it was the same medallion given to him by a Chief Rabbi named Irwin Wedemeyer. Rabbi Wedemeyer died at the ripe old age of a 102. A kind and gentle man, he never stopped telling Stuart how special he was.
During frequent visits to the East Fifty-Seventh Conservative Synagogue, Stuart learned Jewish prayers and readings, sit in on lectures and geneology workshops, and sometimes attended concerts. Rabbi Wedemeyer took him under his wings at the tender age of thirteen, the perfect age for him to attend Barmitzvas and learn the Torah Bible. Stuart could still hear the voice of the man who impacted his life more than his own parents.
The medallion rested at the palm of his hand. The silverish coat hadn’t lost its luster. Rabbi Wedemeyer had given Stuart instructions on how the sacred relic was to be used. At the corner of the box from where the medallion was stored, he brought out the folded piece of tan paper. Writing in English and Hebrew were printed on opposite sides of the paper. The Hebrew talisman was one for communication with animals and the elements of the Earth.
The fine print in English read: Wear this powerful talisman and enhance your psychic bonds with God’s creatures and elements, while promoting your understanding of animal and element speak.
Many years later, Stuart couldn’t understand why Rabbi Wedemeyer just gave him the talisman without much explanation. During that time, Stuart hadn’t paid much attention. Did the Rabbi know something he didn’t? Was the Rabbi versed on a future event where things would work in Stuart’s favor? The bright light brought about a glow to the talisman that made the Hebrew writing more understandable.
Stuart glanced further down the paper where instructions were given to consecrate the talisman. Did this mean he’d be granted special powers? He was more than willing to take a chance. This wasn’t going to be some cheap imitation of fooling around with a Ouija Board or taking part in a séance. He traveled downstairs for a packet of salt, some incense, a short white candle, and a bowl of water.
After traveling back upstairs, the only light he kept on in the house was in the room where he was ready to perform the ceremony. Not a miniscule of sound was heard. Stuart gently held the talisman in the palm of his right hand. The instructions were clearer than ever. An offering to the One Most High of the Universe had to be approached with caution and sincerety. The light in the room faded on its own.
Stuart dropped a sprinkle of salt on top of the powerful talisman and said, “I consecrate you with the elements of Earth.”
Less than a minute later, he guided the talisman across the burning incense and said, “I consecrate you with the elements of air.”
A minute following that step, he swung it over the burning candle and said, “I consecrate you with the element of fire.”
Last, he dipped his fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkled a few drops onto the object. “I consecrate you with the element of water.”
A queasy feeling came over Stuart. His face converted to being flushed and sweaty. The room rocked back and forth with great force. Furniture and other objects started to slide boldly across the floor. All of a sudden, the entire townhome rocked like a massive earthquake had hit Staten Island. Before long, the entire neighborhood of Arden Heights rumbled as though it sat on a major fault line.
“My God, Rabbi Wedemeyer, have you come back from the dead!” Stuart squirmed, holding on tighter than ever to the closest doorknob.
The roof to Stuart’s townhome shot off as though a raging tornado swept through. A light, one beyond human comprehension, filtered straight into the room where Stuart held on to the talisman. The nighttime skies lit up like the sun had missed its daytime schedule for New York City. The Big Apple got the biggest surprise when supernatural forces momentarily dominated their city. The waxing crescent moon jetstreamed to another part of the Heavens. Like a returning UFO, a force lifted Stuart out of the house.
The brilliant burst of light sliced into the stars and a cosmic pathway had been created to bring him into the Heavenly bodies. Stuart marveled at what was taking place. Within seconds, he’d been thrusted into a pivotal position which allowed him to view the entire Milky Way galaxy. All nine planets in the Milky Way were before him. Books and movies were the only way he’d been able to view the galaxy where Earth claimed a spot.
“Wow! This is beautiful!” Stuart cheered, spellbinded by the many stars and planets and galaxies dominating the Heavenly bodies.
Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Earth, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune were all within plain sight for Stuart to view them. The glow of the inner solar system containing Earth, Venus, Mercuy and Mars sent him into cosmic daze.
The energetic source displayed from the outer solar system of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus nearly snatched the breath out of his body. All the sights coloring parts of the Universe was breathtaking. Right before his very eyes, the planets orbited around the Sun. For Stuart, he couldn’t understand how he could exist in outer space without any oxygen. A power much greater than himself brought him into outer space in the first place. Astronauts were supposedly the only ones who could travel out there and live.
A force of supreme magnitude pulled Stuart away from the Milky Way galaxy and deeper into space. On his journey away from the Milky Way, the four star-forming arms appeared. There they were. Sagittarius, Perseus, Norma and Scutum-Centaurus claimed their territory within the vast Universe. The four star-forming arms were passed up and Stuart now traveled 200,000 light years further into space.
The mighty forces of the Andromeda galaxy pulled Stuart closer within its confines. The big brother of the Milky Way welcomed him as a respected guest. Trillions of stars cornered every measurement of space. Andromeda and Milky Way were good neighbors. A tremoring light of cosmic proportions surrounded Stuart. A light, one brighter than the source which poured into his Earthly home, burst across the Andromeda like a force field.
A voice of eminent power spoke. “I have been waiting for you, my son.”
“Waiting for me?” Stuart questioned, floating in space like one of the trillion stars.
“Yes, Stuart Irwin Duffelmeyer from planet Earth,” the mighty voice said, sending chills all through Stuart.
“Yes, I’m definitely Stuart Duffelmeyer. Who are you?”
“Rabbi Irwin Wedemeyer. I’ve been sent by The One Most High.”
The source of light was so bright, until it became almost unbearable for Stuart to look upon.
“Rabbi Wedemeyer?” Stuart repeated, hearing, but not able to directly see the source he conversed with.
“Yes, my son.”
“Could The One Most High be God Almighty?”
“He is and will always be the Ruler of the Universe. There is no power greater than him in all of the Universe.”
The Rabbi’s voice spoke with such great authority. Several of the trillion stars within the Andromeda scattered.
“Why have I been brought here in outer space?”
“When you consecrated the magical talisman, you were calling upon the powers of the Universe. The One Most High anointed me to visit with you here in this time and this space, granting you the chance to plead your case.”
Stuart knew he’d eminated into an astral force and into a vibratory field. The mysterious force of Rabbi Wedemeyer grew stronger. Could the magical invocation of the talisman have gotten him more than what he bargained for?
“With me here in space, way away from Earth, can I plead my case?”
“You can plead your case. If what you seek is within reason, you will be granted your wish.”
Stuart stared across the Universe at what appeared to be a black hole called “Sagittarius A”. He cleared his throat, and with great sincerety, he said, “I’m…...I’m sort of embarrassed to admit this, but technically, I’m still a virgin. I had the chance to lose
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