» Fantasy » Master of Plagues, D. B. Reynolds [best books to read fiction .txt] 📗

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my virginity, but a group of my NYU classmates decided to pull a prank on me. You see, they lured me to an old motel in the Bronx, New York. Once I arrived, I was taken into a room with flashing psychedelic lights. What I thought was a very beautiful woman lying in the bed, was only a mechanical sex doll, with one my fellow students disguising her voice from inside a closet. They…....they dumped maggots on top of my head and poured some slippery-slimy junk on the floor and made me fall. Afterwards, I felt like the biggest dummy in all of New York City. Rabbi Wedemeyer, I ask to be granted special powers to make them pay for what they did to me.”
The divine voice of the Rabbi spoke and stars shot further off into the vast Universe. “Stuart, long before you were brought out here into the Universe, The One Most High saw what the students from NYU did to you. In fact, he looked down and saw them plotting against you. The calls you received on your home phone and your cell phone, The One Most High knew about it. In the end, you will get the last laugh.”
“So, will my wish be granted?”
“First, I must ask you something. Do you read your Bible?”
“Yes, both Christian and Hebrew. Rabbi Wedemeyer, you taught me the Torah when I’d come to the Synagogue.”
“Do you know the story of Job in the Bible?”
“Very well.”
“The Book of Job, the first chapter, the twelfth verse, says: And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“The talisman you consecrated will grant you special powers over the animals and the elements of the Earth. Through these animals, and through the elements, they will obey you upon command. They will address you as ‘Master’, because you will gain dominion over them.”
Stuart felt like the luckiest man in the whole Universe. The Universe was on his side.
“And like Satan had been instructed to spare the life of Job, you are instructed to spare the life of those you wish to seek vengeance against.”
“Let me get this right, Rabbi. All the animals and insects and natural forces of the Earth will obey me?”
“You have become their ‘Master’. If your intentions become solely to kill your enemies, the powers will be taken from you.”
Stuart looked upon the glowing spiritual form of Rabbi Wedemeyer. He stretched his hands out as though he wanted to embrace him like an old friend. “The humongous rat in the motel and in the subway station, the one with the glowing eyes, where did it come from?”
“The creature will become your greatest ally. It did not come to harm you, but to be a guide when dealing with evil Earthly forces.”
“Rabbi Wedemeyer, why did you really give me the talisman?”
“For saintly reasons, Stuart. One day, I knew the talisman would be of great use to you.”
“I’m hoping that I can be of great use to the Earth through the special powers the talisman has granted me.”
“My son, you will be of distinguished use to the planet. Your powers will help bring the planet to more harmony and balance.”
“You’re saying that I’ll solve all of the Earth’s problems?”
“Only The One Most High can solve any and all problems. You have a moral obligation to intercede for those weaker than yourself.”
“But that number falls into the billions.”
“Before you are taken back to Earth, I must warn you about a future event due to take place.
“What event?”
“The galaxy from which you came will collide with another one millions of light years away. This galaxy speeding towards your galaxy will cause a disturbance in the Universe, and a powerful radioactive meteor will be shooting straight for Earth.”
“Where do I come into the picture?”
“This powerful meteor will be heading straight for New York City.”
“Do you have an exact date?”
“That is not for you to know, but pleased be prepared when it happens.”
“I will.”
“It is hereby declared that you are granted powers over Earth, air, fire, water, animals and spirits. It shall be used in accordance with the will of divine law. May your powers serve you well on Earth, between other worlds, and in all the other worlds. So shall it be!”
“Fantastic!” Stuart cheered out to the expansive Universe.
“Now, I must return to serve The One Most High,” Rabbi Wedemeyer explained to Stuart. “You will be returned to Earth safely.”
“Will I hear from you again?”
“In due time, my son.”
“Thank you.”
The powerful resonance of the Rabbi’s voice dissipated. Stuart felt the mighty grip of a force pulling him away the Andromeda Galaxy. Stars, trillions of them, glowed like balls of white fire. Traveling at speeds far beyond human comprehension, he enjoyed the trip through a massive section of the Universe. The solar system of the Milky Way galaxy came within plain view. The planet he belonged to, Earth, waited for his return. After passing other neighboring planets, he charged straight for Earth.
A trip a little over 200,000 light years away lasted only fifteen minutes. Stuart blasted straight on through the Earth’s stratosphere, troposphere, and mesosphere. The warmer and cooler layers toyed around with his body temperature. The atmospheric thermodynamics gave him the most potent head rush. The equilibrium levels sent spine-chilling waves under his skin. Stuart reached the nighttime New York skies. The skies were still painted with the waxing crescent moon and many stars. Finally, Stuart arrived back on planet Earth. Miraculously, he arrived safely back in New York city, back in the Arden Heights section of Staten Island.
The roof on top of his townhome remained suspended in mid-air. Stuart made a perfect landing in the very room where he had consecrated the powerful talisman. The roof slid right back on top of the townhome. The Frank Sinatra poster grabbed his attention the second he landed gently inside the padded chair. His trip in outer space sparked an andrenalin rush not of his own world. Did it really happen? Yes, it really did happen! He stared down at the talisman and witnessed an exuberant glow.
Loud knocks came to the front door. Stuart dropped the talisman into his pocket. He went downstairs to answer the person diligent to see if someone was home. His seventy-seven year old next door neighbor, Mrs. Dorothy Kassabaum, stood outside the door with her cane clutched into her left hand. The white-haired elderly woman promised his parents that she’d watch over him as though he were her own son.
“Good evening to you, Mrs. Kassabaum,” Stuart warmly greeted the old woman.
“Heavens, Stuart!” Mrs. Kassabaum huffed. “Have you heard the news?”
“What news?”
“UFO’s have been flying over this neighborhood.”
“UFO’s, Mrs. Kassabaum?”
“That’s right, sonny boy,” she declared. “Some big bright unidentified object shook all of Arden Heights.”
Stuart broke into a noticeable smile. “Mrs. Kassabaum, I don’t believe in such things.”
“Have you turned on the television lately?”
“No, not within the last few hours, I haven’t.”
“CBS-2 News and News 4 New York sent news crews out here. I’m telling ya, Stuart, some weird object lit up the skies like a hundred Fourth of Julys.”
“I must’ve been studying for finals.”
Mrs. Kassabaum took Stuart back in time by pulling a chapter out of New York City’s history. “Too bad that strange object tonight wasn’t around when we had that blackout back in July of 1977. So to speak, it could’ve shed some light on all those hoodlums that were vandalizing and looting a buncha places around the city.”
“I wasn’t born when that incident occurred.”
“Lucky for you, Stuart, my boy. Listen, if you need anything, I mean anything at all, don’t you hesitate to call or to come by.”
“I won’t, Mrs. Kassabaum.”
Stuart locked the door and returned upstairs. The power to control animals and nature was now in his hands. The fortitude to exercise those powers were in the talisman he had in his possession.



Three weeks went faster than Stuart could’ve ever imagined. Graduation arrived and NYU students were proud to be recipients of their respective diplomas. Steinhardt baccalaureate, master’s, certificate, and doctoral graduates joined thousands of other NYU students and their families at Yankee Stadium. Except for a small section, all of Yankee Stadium had filled to capacity.
The NYU commencement procession kicked off. Cheers burst out from amongst the aggressive crowd. NYU President Hartwell Whitney led a group of distinguished university faculty and alumni along the stadium warming track. Following several feet behind President Whitney and the others were the NYU Pipe and Drums. The sounds of the NYU Brass Ensemble shifted the crowd into a soothing mood.
The Music Theatre Ensemble punctuated everyone into a mode of celebration. Hiding off into the density of the stadium crowd was Stuart Irwin Duffelmeyer. Still known as “The Whiz Kid” amongst colleagues and associates, Stuart decided to receive his diploma in the mail. Yes, he preferred not to be seen by the egocentric eight. By now, he learned how Anthony and Megan and the others had spread rumors around campus that he’d slept with a mechanical sex doll.
The rumors had gotten so vicious, until he was ashamed to show his face anywhere around NYU’s campus. Anthony did a marvelous job of telling students how Stuart couldn’t even pay prostitutes for sex. Megan did a more splendid job of telling people that he wanted to travel to Mexico to have sex with prostitutes in brothels. The rumors hurt. They hurt bad. How could anyone show their face in public after being ostracized by a group of merciless renegades? They just didn’t know when to quit.
After the keynote speaker gave the commencement address, diplomas were ready to be handed
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