» Fantasy » Hope, Megan Rees [ereader that reads to you txt] 📗

Book online «Hope, Megan Rees [ereader that reads to you txt] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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sent her down yesterday."

Hope watched as Protege searched the hut, fury in his eyes. "Where is she?" He yelled angrily at Harry.

"What, the little termite?" Harry let out a mildly amused chuckle. Protege ran forward and placed the tip of the sword where Harry's heart was, which changed his attitude instantly. "She's in that bag! Just leave me alone!" He wailed.

"Sorry, Harry." Hope murmured, turning away from him and picking up the sack. "I belong here now." Tearing open the sack with her knife, Hope scooped Silva up in her arms. Protege turned back into a stag deer, allowing Silva and Hope to ride on him back to the hospital hut.

Leaving the young Captain, the trio set off into the battlefield, avoiding arrows and swords. Protege had a little bit of trouble carrying the two girls, but he didn't give up as he bravely made his way across.

Suddenly, a gunshot pierced the air, aiming for Protege. Not wanting him to die, Hope leapt off his back, just in time for the bullet to hit her hip. She let out a loud cry of pain as she fell to her knees, clutching her hip. Harry stood nearby, shakily holding his gun. He had been the one trying to kill Protege.

"Hope!" Raven cried, rushing over to her. He crouched down beside his friend and placed one hand on her shoulder. "What happened?"

"Harry..." Hope murmured, glaring at the culprit. Raven instantly aimed his bow and arrow at his former Tribemate. "If you've killed her, I will kill you!" He declared. "Get out of my sight, betrayer!"

Hope had a sudden dizziness come over her and she collasped on the floor, still clutching her side. Raven spun round and widened his eyes in horror. He carefully placed his hand and moved her own away, wanting to look at the damage. Hope flinched as she felt Raven's touch on her wound. "Ow." She mumbled.

"Sorry." Raven sighed, moving his hand away. "That's a pretty nasty wound you got there. I haven't got anything to stop the pain."

A shadow loomed over the two Tribemates. "I'll carry her back if you want, Raven."

"Thank you Protege." Raven said, lifting Hope up onto the stag's back. He dipped his head respectfully. "You're one of us now. Expect this kindness from most of our family."


Hope woke up with a startled expression on her face. Raven sat on a stool close by, alert and watching. Ignis was reading a book to Mirari, who was clutching her little monkey. Protege was asleep beside Fortis, both in animal form and both wounded in the battle.

No one escaped the battle without a injury. Hope realised. This really was a struggle.

Silva and Vita were asleep too, blankets wrapped round them. Virtus was talking to Lux, who was only nine and very afraid of what was happening. Hope knew that he'd looked to Iocale for help and everything else.

A cheetah soon strolled in, eyes wide in fright. Protege lifted up his head and got up, approaching the cheetah. "Is everything alright, Iocale?"

"Oh, yes, everything's fine Protege." Iocale replied sarcastically. "We are all weakened by the attack and two brave soilders are dead."

"Who?" Protege asked curiously.

"Mirus and Flumen." Iocale sighed, turning back into human form and wiping a few tears. Protege also turned back into human form and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry." He murmured. Virtus exchanged a suspicious glance with Ignis, making Hope snigger, despite the fact she was upset about hearing the deaths. She'd got on well with Flumen and Mirus had always been very kind.

Hope watched as Raven sat up straight, still as a statue. He had been quiet for some time now, worrying her. She started to whistle a tune to a song her mother had sung to her;

'Dear Child, listen well,

A little star you are,

And a little star you always will be.

While the angels call and the birds sing,

I will be here with you,

Until the end of time.

Dear Child, contine listening,

A little fighter you are,

And a little fighter you always will be.

While the winds blow and the rain falls,

I will be here with you,

Until the end of time.

Dear Child, please keep listening,

A little joy you are,

And a little joy you always will be.

While the world sleeps and your soliders rest,

I will be here with you,

Until the end of time.

Dear Child, listen to my final words,

A little miracle you are,

And a little miracle you always will be.

When there is no light and hope seems lost,

I will be here with you,

Until the end of time...'

"That sounds like a nice song." Protage commented. "Are you going to sing it for us?"

With confidance, Hope took a deep breath and started to sing.

There was total silence in the hut, even when Hope finished. Raven's eyes sparkled. "That's a beautiful song, Hope. Who taught you it?"

"My mother did." Hope replied with a sniff. Raven got up from his seat and crouched down beside the bed Hope was on. She smiled at her friend, and in response he smiled back. His expression soon went serious. "Listen to me now, Hope. I know you're half-dead and tired, but there is something you should know."

"Go on." Hope pressed onward. "Whisper if you need to."

Raven did not speak for a while, seeming choked up and upset. Eventually, his voice became a anxious whisper as he said "No matter what you may do, please don't leave me. There will be nothing worth fighting for anymore if you die."

"No," Hope replied softly. "The shapeshifters need every last loyal solider to fight for them. You are part of that family, as am I. If I happen to die, I want you to promise me that you will fight in their honour."

"Of course I will." Raven promised. "But I just want you to know that I...I love you."

"Silly idiot." Hope murmured with a smile. "I knew that. You don't need to tell me what I already know." After a little hesistation, Hope added "I love you too, Raven."

As Raven left her, Hope decided to catch up on her sleep and hope for the best.



Chapter 13

"Help us! Help us!"

Hope lifted her head with a yawn upon hearing desperate cries. Mirari, Silva, Lux and Vita were still in the hospital hut, along with Virtus, Fortis and Ignis.

"What's happening now?" Ignis complained, covering her ears. "I'm sick of all of this!"

"Doesn't sound good, whatever it is." Hope remarked.

Rivum and Nocte rushed into the den, startling the others. Fortis changed back into human form and stared at both of them. "What's going on? Why is everyone so frantic?"

"There's this strange army invading our territory." Nocte panted, his black fur bristled angrily. "The leader just killed Lepus."

Hope leapt to her feet instantly. She had never met Lepus, but he was part of the family that she and Raven were now members of. Any deaths within the family would be avenged.

As she started walking, the pain from her hip was gone. "Who helped me with my hip pain?" Hope enquired, looking round.

"What?" Ignis was confused. "I've been awake most of the night. No one has come over to you and attempted to heal you. Let me see." Hope nodded and pulled her shorts down slightly, revealing nothing but a pale scar. Ignis rubbed her eyes in disbelief. "I don't know anyone who has healing powers, but they did a good job. We'll find out soon enough."

Stepping outside, Hope spotted the strange army fighting against the shapeshifters. She facepalmed with a sigh. "They're ghosts. They're invinsible and can't be killed!"

"Fantastic." Nocte replied sarcastically. "This is going to be easy."

Wait, what would a load of ghosts want? Hope thought to herself. They're generally lurking around in the shadows and usually come to collect someone when the die. They don't kill people!

"Drop your weapons!" Hope cried, raising her voice above the terrible din. Everyone froze and stared at her suspiciously. Sica snarled at her. "Traitor!"

Some of the ghosts were murmuring away, pointing at Hope. A tall boy then stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the young Captain. Raven glared at the stranger. "What do you want with her?" He demanded.

"Ah, Raven." The ghost smiled at the Falling Stars Captain. He had a soft voice, setting off memories in Hope's mind. "So good to see you again. It's been a while, old friend."

"How do you know who I am?" Raven questioned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "What do you want with Hope?"

"So I did find the right person." The strange ghost replied. He turned to Hope. "Nice to see you again, Hope."

"Umm, nice to see you, whoever you are?" Hope said awkwardly. The ghost laughed. "Don't you remember me?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "I'm actually disappointed to can't even reconise someone who was very close to you and looked after you when you lost faith in yourself."

"How do you know me?" Hope inquired, still confused.

"I better sing then, haven't I?" The ghost sighed. "Here we go;

 'Dear Child, listen well,

A little star you are,

And a little star you always will be.

While the angels call and the birds sing,

I will be here with you,

Until the end of time."

Hope stared at him in disbelief. "How do you know that song?" She stiffened.

"Oh, my mother taught me." The ghost replied coolly. "I believe she taught it to you too, Hope. You taught little Glory when Layla died in the housefire."

"Nat?" Hope asked disbelievingly. "Is that really you?"

Chapter 14

Hope stared at the ghosts, her eyes wide with surprise. No one had figured out why they were here yet, but that didn't matter. The only thing she was worried about was why her brother was a ghost and threatening to attack the shapeshifters.

"Get back, Hope!" Iocale cried.

"It's okay, Iocale, I promise." Hope assured her, stepping forward. "I know what I'm doing."

As Hope stood face-to-face with her dead brother, Raven appeared at her side, his green eyes staring at her. "I'm not going to let you do this alone." He murmured softly. Hope nodded in approval and took his hand in her's, squeezing it tightly. I'm not going to let a group of ghosts scare me. I have all these soilders behind me, along with my very loyal best friend. I can't let them down.

"Well, isn't this sweet." Nat remarked. "Two Captains of the same Tribe standing up for shapeshifters?"

"Falling Stars turned their backs on us. We are free to do what we wish." Hope argues.

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