» Fantasy » Hope, Megan Rees [ereader that reads to you txt] 📗

Book online «Hope, Megan Rees [ereader that reads to you txt] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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"They nearly killed me yesterday and I don't fancy returning to a group of murderers."

"They didn't try to rescue us either." Raven added. Nat narrowed his eyes in disbelief. "That's a bit rich coming from you two. Neither of you tried to return, and also you've appeared to forgotten one of The Laws."

Hope gulped. When time froze, The Light set down some laws to keep everyone in order and out of trouble. There were rumors that if everyone kept The Laws for long enough, The Light would unfreeze time. No one had broken any Laws so far, but herself and Raven could be the first ones.

"The Laws state that you must be loyal to your Tribe, whether you were sent from The Light or actually a real human." Nat went on. "So you failed that one. Even more surprisingly, you're both human. The Laws also state that two Captains cannot be in a relationship because it will distract their duties. From what I recall, you're both Captains and you clearly have a liking for the other. So you've broken two Laws."

"We're outcasts. The Laws have no meaning to me." Raven retorted.

Hope stared at Raven in horror, her blue eyes shocked. "How could you say something like that? If it wasn't for the Tribes, many of us would be dead! The Light intended for these Laws and even sent down people to create our Tribes! We'd be nothing without them!"

"I'm sorry, Hope." Raven murmured. "The Laws have never really meant much to me. I didn't want to tell you in case you looked down on me because of it. I'd always looked up to you and respected you, I just wanted someone to actually like me for who I am, not for what I believe in."

"Oh Raven." Hope sighed, giving him a hug. "Why didn't you just say? I don't judge people by beliefs, you should know that. I'm always going to care about you, belief or no belief, you're my best friend and I want you by my side."

"I'm still here, y'know." Nat butted in. "But that's enough. My soldiers came here with a duty, and we're going to do that duty. Attack!"

The ghosts and shapeshifters raced into battle, while Hope and Raven were pushed aside by Ignis. "Go! Please, just go!"

Taking the young girl's orders, Hope and Raven fled deeper into the forest, though ghosts followed them. Raven drew his bow and fired several arrows, but Hope grabbed him. "We've got no time, come on!"

The ghosts then started firing guns and arrows, some deadly close to hitting the two Captains. Yet Raven tripped up on a tree root and one arrow hit his ankle, making him howl out in pain.

"Raven!" Hope cried, helping him up. "Please, keep going! There's somewhere we can rest in a moment!"

Eventually, the two Captains reached a small cave. Hope laid Raven down on a smooth rock and realised that he was actually quite badly injured. A bullet had hit his shoulder, along with the arrow in his ankle. He looked up at her with a pained expression. "Am I going to die?"

"No." Hope insisted. "You're going to be fine, I promise. Just get some sleep, the ghosts probably think we're dead."

"I love you, Hope." Raven mumbled before drifting off to sleep, blood still trickling out of his shirt and his shoe. Hope took off her jacket and used it as a blanket for her friend while he slept. They'd made it out, but at a great cost. Hope didn't know what she'd do if she did loose Raven.

I don't know if you can hear me up there, but if you can see us, please help. I don't know how to save Raven and I can't bear to watch him die.

Resting her head against Raven's chest, Hope shut her eyes and hoped for the best.


Because I'm too lazy to write a final chapter, I'm going to just spoil it all out. If I miss anything, I'm sorry.


The shapeshifters managed to drive out the ghosts back to the shadows. Larva was killed and Ignis is now their leader. Her and Fortis are dating, as are Protege and Iocale. Life is starting to get better for them, though they have never forgotten the two Captains who changed their lives in ways they couldn't possibly imagine.

The Falling Stars have been cleared of the sickness. As Hope and Raven declared themselves outcasts, Dew and Life joined The Light, as their services were not required any more. Eski is still leader and no new Captains have been elected, leaving Winter and Harry with a lot of work. No more people have been sent down from The Light and none have joined them either. Glory came close, but luckily she was saved. She now only dreams of her sister.

Nat and the ghosts, as you know, returned to the shadows. The ghosts were the ones who died before time froze. They still roam the forest, but they currently have no ambition to take back their homes. The reader may find it interesting to know that some members of the Tribe used to live in the forest before the Tribes were formed.

Now, about Hope and Raven. Raven did pull through with a stroke of luck, but his shoulder has long-term injury from the bullet wound. He can still shoot arrows, but he's not as accurate as he was. Hope made sure that he would make it, and by some miracle he did. She now has nightmares about the confrontion with Nat, but not as frequent as the ones about Layla in the housefire.

For now, we leave the world of Hope, the Tribes and the shapeshifters. Yet who knows, something else might stir that could become a story like this...



Text: Idea and text belongs to me. Please ask permission from the author before copying or editing.
Publication Date: 03-16-2013

All Rights Reserved

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