Female Alpha, Abbie Davis [bill gates best books .txt] 📗

- Author: Abbie Davis
Book online «Female Alpha, Abbie Davis [bill gates best books .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis
“Can I go in there with her?”He asked as everyone looked at me.
“No boy you can not,”Mr. Jefferson said as I stood up,”For she is quite moody every now and then.”
Not when family is here. I went to the glass and stopped in front of him. I laid down as he placed his hand on the glass where my head was. I saw George and Clark both looked at each other then to Mr. Jefferson.
“What you want for him to go in?”They asked as everyone looked at them.
“May I ask why you want this so badly?”Mr. Jefferson asked back,”For she is a werewolf and they are something you are not suppose to mess with.”
“Then why are you?”Nathan said as I wanted to laugh at him,”She’s not going to hurt me. I even bet that she doesn’t feel good enough to do anything.”
“Fine kid but if you get hurt that is your fault,”He said as the others went to see Liam.
I stood up as he ran in and over to me. I laid down as Mr. Jefferson left with that other group. He knows they know the way for they been here a million times. Nathan petted my head as my brothers looked at the two of us.
“I miss you Maddie,”Nathan said hugging my neck,”We are almost ready to get you and Liam out of here.”
“That some good news,”I said placing my head down so I could hug him as well.
“What are you going to name him?”He said looking at me,”Liam says that if it’s a girl it was going to be Abigail Maria.”
“If it’s a boy I was thinking more of Zachary Martin,”I said as he smiled at me,”Or Zack for short.”
“I love you Maddie,”He said as Mr. Jefferson walked back to us.
“I love you too baby boy,”I said as I watched them leave.
I laid back on my pad as they had to leave me there yet again. As the next few groups came in I showed no emotion. I felt horrible from it all. I didn’t move much and I wasn’t going to do anything for them that bad.
“Move Madison,”I heard Mr. Jefferson yell at me,”People are here to see a wolf not something that looks like she is stuff!”
I stood up as I was about to get sick. His daughter told him to send me down but no he was not doing that. I turned and got sick but someone cleaned it up. I saw young couple that was looking like they were waiting for the bundle of joy of their own looked at me.
“Send in her mate,”The woman said as he looked at her,”She will not feel better if you don’t.”
“And how do you know that,”Mr. Jefferson said as his daughter pulled the switch.
Soon Liam ran in and over to me. He rubbed his head against mine affectionately as I did the same to him. Everyone awed at us as I laid down and he went around me to make sure I was alright.
“Still feeling bad,”He said as I looked up at him,”Why not act up to be sent down.”
“He wouldn’t let them send me down even if I got sick,”I said as he laid by me,”I just want this day to be over with and soon.”
“Me and you both,”Liam said as the group looked at us happily.
For the rest of that boring day we stayed together for we both did something than just laid there. When it was time to go down Liam went to his side and we both went down at the same time. I looked at him as the days that past were getting longer than they needed to be for us.
I looked at the door as if waiting to see my dad come through them to save me. I found myself doing that alot lately. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he held me close to him. I smiled at that as for he was the best part about all of this mess we got ourselves into.
I placed a hand on my stomach as the little tike was getting stronger and bigger by the day. I guess that’s what it’s like when you are waiting for it to be over. Liam placed his hands over mine as I looked up at him.
“I love you,”He said kissing my nose as I scrunch it up,”And I will never leave your side.”
“I know you won’t,”I said kissing his,”And please don’t get any ideas that the baby will be a girl.”
“She is a girl,”He said placing me on the bed,”For only they can go first.”
“Then how do I have two older brothers,”I countered as he drew shapes on my stomach.
“Luck of the draw.”
“Well HE is going to be my little boy.”
“No it’s going to be a little daddy’s girl.”
I laughed as we went back and forth on the gender of the little thing. I smiled as we both gave our stupid reasons for why it would be this way. I looked at the door as I had a weird feeling that this happened before for some reason.
Chapter 22: Mathew ShepherdWe waited for the lights to go out before we made our move. It has been three months since she found out about their new child. I only wish we could have got here earlier than that. I looked at the few we brought. Max, Maggie, Clark, George, and me were from our pack and the only ones that came. We told Liam’s family to be there for when we get back.
Clark took the box Nathan told us to use and did the magic. A girl walked out and faced all of us. She looked at me and smiled like she was waiting for us or something.
“Hurry in,”She said as we didn’t argue.
“Who are you?”I questioned as she lead us to Maddie’s and Liam’s room.
“I’m HIS daughter,”She said as she looked at us,”But I want to help get them out of here. It’s unfair for this to be happening.”
We nodded as we walked in to see them on the bed asleep. Liam was holding her from behind as they rested. I told Clark to get Liam while George and Max looked out for anyone. Maggie helped move Liam’s arms while I took my girl into my arms. We all ran out as there was a truck waiting for us. The girl was in the front seat telling us to get in.
“Why should we?”I asked as everyone watched her.
“My name is Kelly Jefferson,”She said as that was my wife’s name,”And I want to study y’all where you belong. I only ask that you help me help you all out.”
“Good enough for me,”I said placing the two on the bed in the truck,”But you can NOT tell anyone where we live.”
“We have a deal then,”She said driving off.
I told her where to go as the others watched Liam and Maddie for me. She pulled in and there were beds waiting for the two. I smiled as she was finally back home again. We placed them on the bed and took them to her room. We made sure to put them back the way we had found them together.
Nathan ran in and looked at Maddie. He climb up and kissed her head as I rolled my eyes at him. He got down and went to lay down on the soft place they made for him. He wanted to help with this so we told him that he could watch them when we bring them back.
“Are they here?”I heard Crystal ask as they walked in,”My babies.”
“Babies?”I questioned as I looked at her.
“Yes for when she became his mate she became my child as well,”She said as I like that very much,”But when she told me what happen to her mother it became more to me.”
“Well at least I know she will have a motherly figure around for a little bit,”I said looking at them.
“You want me to do an ultrasound?”She asked as I looked at her,”I use to be a nurse and did this more than once.”
I nodded and she went to get her things. I watched as they laid there peacefully. Soon she came back and woke up Liam. He looked around before seeing us. He looked happy at that.
“Put her on her back for me,”She said as he did that.
“You are about to tell me that it’s a girl right,”He said as she laughed.
“We’ll see,”She told him,”It’s good to have both of you back.”
“Liam it’s going to be a boy,”Nathan said getting on the bed with them,”For Maddie is always right about things like this.”
I laughed as she took a picture of the sound for Maddie and she showed us him. Maddie was right I’m guessing as I watched the little guy. Nathan placed his hand on her stomach and jumped after a little bit.
“What happen?”I asked as he looked at me.
“He kicked me,”He said as we laughed.
“He does that,”Liam said looking at her,”And she was right about it.”
We allowed them to go back to sleep and as if by habitat Nathan stood there. I cracked the door as I waited for him to go to his spot to sleep. He looked at Maddie as she smiled.
“Come on Nathan,”She said allowing him to get in the bed with them.
Chapter 23: MaddieI woke up to something poking me. I opened my eyes up to see Nathan standing there. He gave me a smile as I noticed I was in my room. I sat up as Liam walked out of my bathroom. I smiled as I was back home again. I looked at the picture on the table to see my baby. I looked at it as Nathan sat by me.
“He looks like you,”Nathan said as I gave a laugh,”Oh and I put the thing back in that thingy.”
“Okay,”I said as he laughed at Liam’s confused face,”I stance a lot of things in my room.”
He gave me a nod as I went to go change. I put on one of George’s shirt since Nathan brought it to me. It was baggy but really soft and comfortable on me. I put on some middle of my thigh length blue jean shorts on before walking out. I put my hair in a messy ponytail as Nathan lead us out of my room.
“Can I get a piggy back ride?”He asked as I nodded.
“Get on my back,”Liam said stopping me from getting down.
Nathan nodded and did as he was told. We walked down like that as
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