» Fantasy » Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗». Author falicity davis, falicity davis

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"Why are the wolves howling, Mia?" My response was automatic. "The wolves are in love with the moon and there crying for a love they will never touch." I could feel the tiny eyes of my brother watching me closely. He was inncoent. Still calling my mom, mommy. I remember when i was that young, innocent. Fragile. I'm not that way anymore. I've gone dark. Completely insane from him. Always acting a rash instinct. he taught me that. Never hesitate. Never show weakness. And above all else never ever show mercy on you're enemy. I remember when he had taken me. I was alone in the woods listening the wolves of my pack howl fiercely at the enemy. Second best in the world yet we were being slaughtered. Then he came. His eyes glowed like a wolf but his body oozed Expression. As he took me he sid he needed an Alpha's daughter, to make her a weapon. But he did more then that.


I was snapped out of my thoughts as a low growl sounded from the bushes off to the right side of the clearing we sat in. My head snapped to the side fast and I stood up quietly, in front my brother in a protective stance. As a dark wolf stepped out I crouched in a fighting stance.


"Run." I said just above a whsiper and my brother ran just as the wolf came barreling towards me. I ran at it. It probally sounds insane but mid run I felt the tingly feeling of fur sprouting and the crunching of my bones breaking as I shifted into a pure white wolf. My body mashed with his. I could smell the domince that radiated off of him. That of a Beta wolf. His teeth snapped at my face and I felt my wolf grow restless to take his neck in between my canines and snap his neck for challenging my rank as an Alpha wolf. My extremly large paw shot out and sliced the side of his face. Crimson red blood oozed from the four gashs on the side of his face, staining his once flawless sandy coat. His growl was thunderous as he ran at me and slammed my large body into a tree. I fet the snap as my right hid leg snapped. I howled in pain and narrowed my forest green eyes at him. I could tell in the reflection of his icy blue eyes that mine turned completely black. He backed away into the shadows. I stood and looked down at my bloody paw and looked back up to find him gone.


I shifted, my long curly black hair covering my chest to the small of my back. My tanned skin was dirty leaves stuck to my hair. I was hunched over, my hands on the ground. I could feel the rage burning in my chest. I stood to full height and looked around my hair slightly in my eyes, but I was to angry to even care.


"Jameela!?" My mothers frantic cry sounded as she burst through the tree line and into the clearing. Her slim figure made it hard to believe she gave birth to eight. Her eyes were flickering as she fought the beast inside of her for control. She wasn't big on letting her wolf get the best of her. that was omething she hated. The feeling of not being in control. Being pushed to the back of the mind, watching as you're body moved on anothers command. Its something most wolves struggled with until they hit an age where there wolf and them made a bond. My mother refused the bond. She was very stubborn. But I can't say much. I'm worse, ten fold.


Her silky golden hair matched her eyes as flickered a daring gold color. Her hair was falling out its neat bun as she ran, still pushing her wolf away, into the corners of her mind. She came at me in a frenzy. I tried to smile, to reasure her I was fine but I could tell it came across as a grimace. I shook my head clear and focused on another figure walking through the tree line. My father. I was the only one who took after him. Accept my eyes. They were my own. Like two pieces of green stained glass. I took his black hair and his attitude of demanding respect. He was an Alpha though, its our nature to demand respect. Me and my sibilings were extremly rare. Both our parents are decendents from Alpha blood lines. Which is rare. We weren't special really, its not like we could harness the earths power. It just made us pure. Which was ironic seeing as i was nothing of the sorts.


"Who attacked you?" Was my fathers immediate question. "If I knew I wouldn't be standing here." My voice was snarky and slightly husky from my wolf being close to the surface. He looked like he could smack me. "If you don't fix that mouth it'll be on the floor, next to Mekeel's." I glared as he brought up Mekeel. My brother was known to be extremely cocky and an all around A-Class jackass. I gave praise to his mate for the paticence levels she has to put up with him daly. To even have a baby with him. He was 21 and has a baby on the way and was still a baby himself.

"Yea, well I learned from the best Daddy." I'm guessing he didn't like that answer as he growled, wanting submission from me. Instead of baring my neck I bared my canines at him with a low growl. You could see the twitch of his lips as he spoke. "You really are my damned daughter." My canines slightly retreated, pricking as they shrank. I felt my mother slip her long sweater over my shoulders and I wrapped it around me tighter. I started towards the lining of the trees intending to walk home. My wolf was on edge. She was hoping he would still be around, so she could snap his neck in her teeth. Most wolves are very short-tempered, take in the fact that im and Alpha and I'm a bit psychotic, These thoughts weren't that bad. I've had worse. I've done worse. I felt the ground slightly shake, indictaing that there was a heard of wolves near by. I could feel a since of unease wash through me. My father and mother only feet behind me spoke up.


"There's a meeting that is being held. With another Alpha." My father spoke evenly. I could tell that even though his face was calm, he was a bit nervous. His hands gave it away mostly, how he clecnched them and his fingers massaged his palms. He had a thin line of sweat that was just above his eyebrow. "Which Alpha?" My voice was primal and held a bit of rasp. He looked at me and then walked ahead. Of course me having a huge mouth, I said, "Must be someone rather intimidating to make you, of all people, nervous." His back went stiff. "Jameela, If you don't shut you're mouth, he will shut it for you." I felt my shoulders slump as my father kept walking with my mother and my brother came up next to me. As we got closer my ears twitched and my nose flared. My eybrows shifted together in confusion as my wolf went haywire. "What the-" I was cut off as I realized we weren't walking to the pack house, where all meetings were held, and instead, to our house. My brother watched as I became antsy. But, it wasn't me. It was my wolf. I quickly gained composer and kept a straight face. As we approuched the house, my father walked to his office and my brother followed, I went to trail behind my mother but was stopped. "Go." Was all they said. The look on there faces was enough to piss me off. I growled at my brother as he shoved me to the stairs. My wolf suddnely came forward and my canines elongated.


There was something in there calling to my wolf. And I knew damn well she woud tear through them to hunt down whatever it was. "At least change damn it." My father snapped before they all walked into the room and shut the door. Walking to my room, I seen Zafara. She looked just as antsy. Icould not only see it, but feel it. Her eyes were dialating and her short blonde hair was a mess. "Are you alright."


I could tell she had no control and her wolf spoke through her. "Room." I furrowed my eyebrows. I quickly dressed in a pair of black pants that clung to my body and a tank top. I don't remember putting on shoes, but when I look down I see black combat boots. A bang and yelling errupted from the room downstairs. My feet worked on there own accord. Zafara was next to me, her hand shooting to the door handle. I suddenly smelled rain. Intensly. My wolf was now clawing to take control and find out was on the other side of this door. So I opened it. The smell of rain in that moment was almost unbearable. I looked around and the intensity of power was almost insane. Then I smelled the wolf I'd faught with. And the smell of rain was out of my head as my eyes locked on a boy, or rather man with grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. His eyes locked with mine. I could feel the power he radiated.


A Beta.


His eyes bored into mine until he inhaled. His body went rigid, his breathing hitched slightly. His eyes slowly working there way to a darker grey. Then they snapped to Zafara. I could feel her just how on edge she was. How badly she desired him. How she craved every inch of him. I could feel as he stared at her, her skin went alight. It was as if a fire had spears across her skin in a ripple. Her nose flared as she inhaled deeper. And then he was in front her. Filling her senses in every way. She suddenly growled as he snarled,




My head spun as I pushed myself out of it. Although I felt what she felt intensely, she would have felt it on a far more intimate and intense way.


My mind snapped to the chaos presuming. My father stood at full height arguing with a man. He was alluring. Made me want to know every little detail about him. Though I only seen his back, judging on his greying hair, he was far my senior. My mother looked at me with warning. My brows furrowed as I walked to them. My brothers were standing at full attention. Something I never was good at. My mouth opened to frequently to be honest. As I crossed the room the smell of rain was becoming more intoxicating. I tried not to let myself inhale. But I failed, Miserably so. I pushed it away as I rounded the man, stepping to my fathers side. His eyes. They were like two poison ivy leaves in the spring. Vibrant. Yet deadly. His stare came to me. He looked at me with confusion. "Who might you be?" My eyes narrowed. "Alpha blood is who I might be, but you already knew that didn't you, Alpha?" He let a grin slowly work on his face. "You're much like you're father was as a pup." I could only my facial expression. I wanted to punch him in te throat for calling me a pup. I was anything but. His attempt was back on my father as he spoke. "I'm saying is that we need boundaries. You're

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