» Fantasy » Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗». Author falicity davis, falicity davis

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was completely out the door. "You should at least put on a better shirt and jacket then that." He said before disppearing through the swinging door. I huffed and sat in a stool, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl in front of me.

I still couldn't bring myself to cry. I'm sure my father wouldn't want me to, but, it wasn't normal. To not cry when you're father died. My father often grated my nerves, and I briefly wondered if that was why I couldn't cry at his loss. Then I scoffed. I was just to fucked up. That was the plain and simple answer to it.

My head whipped to the door on the side of the kitchen that lead to the wrap around porch, my senses alert. Ifelt my ear twitch slightly, picking up shuffling and foot steps. When the door opened and Zafara and her brother Nick stepped through, I relaxed slightly. Nick's face was voided of emotion. He was the next in line Beta. He had been beast friends with Kai, but when Amy died, Nick's mate, Jenn, ran off. She had been Amy's younger sister. So know he was the way he was. Closed off. Thankfully, not with family, like Kai was. Zafara's eyes that had been lined with eyeliner were red. The eyeliner was smudged and around her eyes were blotchy. Zafara's mother, Layna, stepped through the door as well. She looked around before spotting me. She rushed over and threw her arms around me. "I'm so sorry, Meela." She whispered, I felt her warm tears hit the skin of my neck and I shivered. She let go and looked around, grabbing the basket she had sat down before hugging me. "Where is you're Mother?" Her and my mom and been bestfriends since they were kids, like me and Zafara, which is why me and her even became friends. That and she was the only one who could tolerate me. "She was in the common room with Kole. Though, you'll probably find her fussing over the flower arangements."I told her with a stiff smile. She nodded and walked off through the doors in serch of my mother. "You, sould make sure that Mikah doesn't kill Mekeel." Itold him and he nodded stiffly before walking away. I turned my back to the door and looked to Zafara. Iwent to speak but she did frst. "You can't wear that to his funeral!" She said it as if I was insane for thinking I could. "I'm supposed to be carrying his casket, alongside my brothers. I'm not wearing a dress to do that. It'll only fly up and cause a damn Marilyn Monroe pose." Isiad briskly. She sighed and looked down. It was then that I noticed the bags under her eyes. "He did it again last night didn't he? Dman asshole." I snapped. "What did I expect when I didn't reject him but we just went our sperate ways? He's a man, he has needs." She said trying to excuse the actions of her mate. I scoffed and turned around walking back to my chair. She sat opposite of me. Her hands flat on the table. I felt her pain. The pain of my father passing, the pain of her mate sleeping around and the pain of heat. She was going into heat soon. I didn't say anyhting. A female wolf goes into heat at some point after meeting there mate. This was her first one since meeting her mate three years ago. "The Hunt is coming up." I stated and she nodded, her eyes on the counter, her eyes tracing the counter top. "I wish we didn't have to go." She said and I nodded in agreement. "Yea, but you know damn well if we don't go that the Counsil will start shit and then start more shit when they find out that we already found our mates and said fuck em." I told her. She went to speak but was cut off. "Watch your mouth Jameela Elizabeth Marie Madden." My mother scolded me. Her voice was sharp with authority. I raised and eyebrow and she put her hands on her hip and eaned forward. "Don't raise that eyebrow in a challenge. Ibrough you in this damn world, bet you're ass I'll take you out just as fast." I held up my hands in surrender and stood. "I'm going to go." I said looking at my mother and Layna. They nodded and I went out the back door with Zafara in tow. I walked around the porch of the house and looked at the tree line, the direction of my house. We'd been staying here, it was eaiser for my mother to cope here.

I turned my head and looked at the path that led into the forest and to the clearing where they would hold the ceremony. Then we'd carry his casket into town, and to the cemetary. My father was well known amongst the humans, We couldn't bury him in with the rest of the wolves. We were having the traditional funeral for an Alpha blood but it had to be in the clearing, away from the prying eyes of the humans.
I stood and watched as men filtered in and out of that path, and many others. I rememeber when I was a pup, my father would take me out here and train me every day. Well everyday until he came into my life. I walked towards Mikah as he came from the forest. "It's ready. Mostly everyone is there. Should be filled by the time mom gets there." He said and I nodded. "I'l get her. Jameela, change. At least into jeans and a nicer shirt and jacket." I had forgotten Zafara was behind me until she spoke. She left no room for talking as she turned and walked away, her heels clicking on the stoned path. I narrowed my eyes at her back and turned to Mikah. "She's right, If not for dad, for mom. It'd help her." He said and I huffed before walking to the door after Zafara.

Entering my room, I walked to my closet. I picked up a pair of jeans that I'd worn all but once. They were a dark blue color. I picked a random black shirt and a long black cardigan. Throwing on the clothes, I walked to the door and down the hall. I was about to the front door before I heard a loud cry. My mothers scream echoed along with the shattering of glass. Closing my eyes I stepped out the door swiftly and started for the pathway to the clearing. I walked down the path, the gravel and leaves crunching beneath my feet. I watched as the spring air whipped around, the leaves falling from the trees. I took in the vibrant green color of the leaves. My life wasn't at all easy. I can remember when my father would get on me and tell me I had to work harder. Weather it was school at the time or training. Or if it was him. He was a monster in a sheeps skin. They both were. I was tormented, tortured even. But worst of all, I was molded. Breeded. They turned me into a killer. But funny thing is. They didn't know how to kill the killer they made. My father was never quite the same with me after they had taken me. He had treated me differently. More like a soldier than a daugher. I truly never had a relationship with him, or my mother really. I was always glued to my brother, Kai.

"You should get to the clearing, everyone's already there and you're brother is on his way with you're mom." I hadn't been expecting Mikah's mate to come out of no where, that caused fur to start sprouting from the back of my neck slowly before retreating. I let out a small puff of breath before breathing deeply with a nod. "Okay. Where's Lia?" Mikah's mate, Jamie, never went anywhere without there three month old daughter, Lia. It was new to see her without the tiny blue eyed baby. "My mother has her, they're in the clearing." I looked at her long blonde hair. The waves were slightly tousled. She held Lia's small purple blanket in her hands tightly. "I just needed to get her bottle. I'll meet you back there." I blinked and she was gone. It was her wolfs natural instinct to want to be with her pup. I never thought of having kids. For me it was such a stupid thing to imagine. A family was beyond me.

I stood at the edge of the clearing, the shadows of the trees masking me. I seen tears fall from the eyes of my pack members. The anger was in there eyes shining so vividly it surprised me. I couldn't comprehend what was happening until I felt a superior aura. No one made feel like I was lower then them on the chain. No one except my father, And them. I couldn't stop my feet from carrying me to the center of the clearing. My wolf felt alert, her senses shining through my eyes. I could tell my eye color shifted because my vison inhanced and went back to normal a few times. I spun around trying to find whoever it was. And then it was gone. I once again felt like the superior of the wolves here infront of me. Everyone's head bowed to me, barring there necks in submission. I nodded my head and they went about what they had been doing. I looked at my fathers casket and then looked to the rock where his body lay, atop blood orchid petals. I watched as the rest of the pack entered the clearing. There were 100's of people. But this wasn't close to being our whole pack. I watched as my mom walked to her seat. Her eyes never once wandered to my father. As everyone sat down, I along with my brothers stood next to my father. Mekeel still stood in his leather jacket and jeans while Mikah stood in his suit. Kole stood next to me and that was when I felt a superior presence again. I whipped my head to the side, my hair flying around.

"Kai," I said and he looked at me. He was built. More then before. His face was rugged and his eyes held a type of ferocity as he walked to stand with us. The pack was wide eyed. The old women behind us suddenly, but ever so softly started to blow into her flute. The traditional song was played at an alphas funeral. It was meant to lift his wolf sprit from his body, so it could run forever in the winds. I stood still as Kai's hand touched mine. I felt a shiver rake through me. He made me feel lower then him. Like I wasn't Alpha blood. I kept my head high and looked among my pack. Mikah stood on the end, he grabbed Mekeel's hand, Mekeel grabbed Kole's hand and Kole grabed mine. I looked to Kai. His dark golden eyes were already on me. I flared my nostrals and roughly grabbed his hand, my head going forward again. This was called linking. It inabled his spirt to come forth and be set free. I listened as the song went faster, the wind picking up. My hair swirled around my face. The leaves flew up off the ground, hitting me in the face, yet I didn't move. I couldn't. Something was compelling me not to move. Suddenly, like magic, I could see my fathers wolf in the wind, he tilted his head back and howled, it mixed beautifully with the song she was playing. I could feel myself relax at his howl. But Kai stopped me from breaking the link. He squeezed my hand hard, making me squeeze his back in annoyance. I watched as the

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