» Fantasy » Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗». Author falicity davis, falicity davis

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pack is reckless. No structure. If I find another on my land. Their jugular will be ripped open and there body sent back to you," He said this as he made his way to the door. Then he turned back to us, a sinister grin on his lips, "In pieces." Then he was out the door. "Well he seems like a crock of shit." I said loudly. His pack growled and I felt a powerful force enter the room. I looked over and I could feel my wolf howl inside at the mere sight of this man. His eyes. I could only compare them to pieces of sharp, broken, pieces of blue stained glass. His black hair sat atop his head messily. His facial structure was strong. His body was rippling with muscle, visible through his shirt. His nose moved slightly as he sniffed. His eyes collided with mine and I felt them dilate considerably before going pin point. His eyes mimicked mine then they slowly changed to a dark blue. Mine must have been a forest green by now.


My breathing hitched as he took a step forth. The floor creaked though his eyes stayed on me. I could feel my skin crawl with fire the longer and harder he stared. I could feel an icy path trail after the fiery one from his stare. Making my body utterly confused. The need and want I felt for this man was something I questioned. My sanity was flying out the door as my breathing became labored.


I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I was shoved behind a back. I blinked multiple times and felt myself come out of the trance like state. My brothers stood in front of me in a protective stance, and our Betas son Nick was standing rather close, holding my wrist. The man growled, "Mine." And I stumbled back slightly. The impact of his words was fatal. I turned to look for Zafara and our eyes connected. She stood a few feet in front of the man from earlier. She stepped towards me and my brothers, Nick moving to my fathers side. My brothers stepped back as well, leaving me in plain view of the man. His speed was impeccable. He was suddenly in front of me. Zafara went to walk to me but was stopped by that man. She turned and snarled in his face. Leaving him shocked. His hand loosened and she came in front of me. Guarding me as her Alpha. The mans eyes went black. His hands gripped her shoulders and shoved her off to the side and I growled. The bond between us was strong, making us beyond protective of each other.


He stepped forward and crushed me to his chest. I felt the air fall out of me from the impact. But that was nothing to the words he said next.


"Mate! Mine!" I began to struggle immensely. "I don't want a Mate!" I growled and he suddenly let me go. The look of utter rage was sprawled across his face. He took a step close and I stepped back. I calculated his every move. Even his breathing. "Take another step and I'll rip out you're throat with my claws." My claws lengthened and my tone was deadly. My face was flat. I pushed away the thoughts of how my skin erupted in flames when his flesh touched mine. His face became blank. I slowly turned away and walked out ignoring his growl. My eyes met My brother, Mikah's. His eyes held warning. A soon as I exited the room my face went from blank to unbelieving.


How in the world could I have a Mate? He was probably lower Alpha blood. Not an actual Alpha. I kept walking until I was on the opposite end of the house in the kitchen, where his scent was rather faint. I grabbed a random item out of the freezer which happened to be garlic bread, and tossed it on a pan and in the oven. Hopefully it'd mask his scent. Suddenly I felt as though part of me was gone. I heard ruckus and soon my family came through the door. When they seen me they went silent. I turned my attention to Zafara. "We nee-" I stopped as the man who I'm assuming is her mate stepped behind her. My wolf was already on edge. Not to mention hated him for attacking me. I needed a release. So before I knew it I had him against the wall by his throat. "I should rip out you're throat with my canines." I said as my eyes narrowed to slits. He did nothing but stare. I barely heard Zafara telling me to let him down. But I did hear, so I let him down. And right after I punched him in the nose, causing a fish of blood to flow. "You're a lucky little bastard." Was all I said as I turned to see my m taking the crisped and steaming garlic bread out of the oven. And inhaled. There was nothing but the smell of the bread. I glared harshly at the bread, my hands gripping the edge of the counter tightly. I felt anger rising, a need for release brimming. I could feel it. Deep inside, something invisbale in me snapped. The growl worked it's way up my throat, ripping from my mouth fiercly. Everyone regarded me with caution. My brother hesitantly coming forth. My wolf snarled and snapped inside me. She wanted out. her strength shown through as my gip became so tight the counter slowly cracked. i could feel a light tingle spreading and then I felt it. The familier snap and crack of a bone. I fell to my knees, still trying to resist the shift, making a normally painless and quick process drag on.



I gasped as I sat up right in bed. My breathing labored, I gripped my chest, where my heart was smashing against my ribcage. I shut my eyes tightly then looked out my window at the sky. Pinks and purples swirled brillantly with the blue, the fog making it more whimsical. But I wasn't paying any mind to it. Sure I stared at it, but I never really looked at it. Not anymore. I shook my head and tossed the sheets from my body, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I walked to my closet and looked around. Mindlessly, I grabbed a black top and a pair of slim fitting black pants. Slipping out of my old clothes, I carelessly put on the clothes and let my hands fall to my sides. My black curls fell just below my butt. I slipped on my combat boots along with my leather jacket.

Standing in my bathroom, watching as the reflection mimicked me. My perfectly shaped eyebrows were scrunched slightly above my pale green eyes that were sharp and alert yet held no flicker of life, no fire. Just completely souless. Only the tiny flecks of silver were vibrant and often got stares from the humans. My full lips often sat in a flat line and my skin was an olive tone. A layer of persperation sat heavily on my face. I turned on the facet splashed the cold water on my face. My hair curled even more where it had gotten wet. Some of my hair stuck to my face. My mind suddenly flashed to my conversation yesterday with my friend. I winced as I remembered what I'd agreed too. "Damn it."

I walked down the hallways of the house and into the living room to find my mother with my younger brother Kole. I smiled at him lightly and he jumped up. He was much slower then any of the other wolves his age. He hadn't shifted whihc arose alot of gossip, but he still carried Alpha blood. And everyone respected that. I caught him just as he jumped at me and stumble back a few steps. I set him down and took in his black and my went sour. I looked up at my mom with her red rimmed eyes and black attire. I looked away when our eyes connected and she looked disapproving of me. Well I'll admit that this probably isnt the best attire for a female to wear to a funeral. But why in the hell would I put a dress on to watch at my fathers casket being carried through town by my brother? And me. It's not something to get all dressed up about. I'm sure as hell not wearing a dress and carrying my fathers casket. With my luck the wind will blow up my dress for all to see. That's the last thing I need. To disgrace my father on his funeral. I watched as she stood up and looked down while pointing at the hallway. Istarted down the hallway and came to a stop when I heard my brothers talking loudly. "Mikah, You know damn well, the position belongs to Kai!" I furrowed my brows. Sure the postion was Kai's, but we all knew damn well Kai didn't want the title. Not since Amy that is. "And you know damn well our brother is to far fucking gone to be Apha. Even if he wanted the damn postion. That makes me Alpha. I'm second born. You know that very damn well Mekeel." I Sucked ina sharp breath. I knew Mekeel didn't want thw postion. He said that before. And I knew that Mikah would be fine without it, but his wolf was already coming into his full Alpha postion and he didn't like that Mekeel was questioning his authority. "You should at least consult with Kai. You know that." Mekeela said. I walked forward into the kitchen and leaned against the dor frame and seen they didn't notice me. Mikah stood in his suit and Mekeel stood wearing jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket. "You're both being idiots." I said frankly and they looked to me and naroowed there eyes. "It's the day of his damn funeral an you're arguing over Alpha title? You keep on with this, either of you, You're a fucking disgrace." I snapped loudly and Mikah growled lowly in his chest. "Our mother is out there, tongue tied, not knowing what to say to our kid brother." Iturned to Mekeel. "If Kai hasn't come so far for father, why in the hell would you think that he would want to be Alpha?" I looked to Mikah and spoke again. "And even though we all know that he doesn't want the damn postion, as an Alpha blood coming into title, it's you're duty to fucking consult with him first." They both said nothing and stared at me blankly. "Now, Mekeel. go see how things are going in the west kitchen. The women are arranging the dinning room for a dinner later. Mikah, go check the clearing see how the men are doing setting things up. Make sure the damn road is okay to walk on holding a casket." They stared at me disbeliving. My eyes darkeed my wolf coming forth a bit. "Go!" I said and they both started towards there destinations. Mekeel spoke though, before he

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