» Fantasy » Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗

Book online «Blood Moon Forest, falicity davis, falicity davis [read 50 shades of grey txt] 📗». Author falicity davis, falicity davis

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other then the crackling of the orange and red flames that danced in the stone fireplace. I jogged up the modern zig-zag stairs and took a left at the second floor. I walked down the hallway and to the door with a wooden wolf nailed to it that said Kol. Twisting the handle I slipped inside. There he laid on his race-car bed fast asleep. I sat down on the floor and held his hand. "Kol. It's Meela." His eyes fluttered open and a lazy smile flew onto his face. His arms wrapped around my neck. "Meela! I missed you this much!" He held his arms out wide to display how much. "Really? Well I missed you this much!" Seeing as my arms were longer there was more room in between. "No fair. I drew you a picture." I chuckled and followed him to the table in the corner. I sat with him a while longer before I laid him down and watched his eyes close. He was so peaceful. I stared at him and wished he wouldn't have to know the evils I did.

I stood to my feet and walked to the door and watched him a second longer. His golden hair matched my mothers and siblings. I was the only one out of us all that had dark hair. My fathers hair was a chestnut brown. And mine was pitch black, long and curly. Whilst they'res was bone straight and barely grew. I was the odd one out. The one who was different and never seemed to fit in. I shut his door and as I turned there was Kai. On instinct I went to hit him in the face, but he was older, therefor faster. His hand held onto my wrist like a leach. "Let me go. I don't have time for this."

"What happened out there, with the loner?" His curiosity was peaked. "Go ask her. Jackass." I yanked my hand from his grasp only to have grip my chin. "Give me attitude again." His wolf was going through an angry spurt. "Fuck. Off." I placed my hand on his shoulder before shoving him away from me. Walking down the hall I could here his foot steps following me. "You remind me of a fly, Annoying, gross."

"You have no respect. I guess being with them really did change you. You aren't my sister. You're they're slave." I stopped abruptly and turned and punched him in his throat. "Say one more thing Malikai, I dare you. I will rip your throat from your body. Test me." He stood up and stared at me in disbelief. He held his throat. I could tell from the looks of it, it'd be bruised. "Now leave me alone." As I turned my back from him I could tell he'd walked the other way. My shock was still prominent as I entered my room. I was baffled. I know he didn't know, he hasn't been around, But he did know that they were touchy to bring up, let alone be a dick about it. If I had said that about his mate I swear this house would have been burnt to the ground. As I stepped in my shower, I watched as the dirt was washing down the drain and slightly wished I could slip through the holes and wash away with it. I wouldn't have to be burdened by the nagging rage and revenge. Or the disappointment I seen in everyone's eyes every now and then, even if I wasn't supposed to see it. I knew they weren't exactly happy with me. Yes we were close, but not as close. I rubbed my hands through my hair and watched as more dirt slid down my body and down the drain. As I picked up my shampoo bottle I heard a bang and a thud from my room. Peaking my head out of the shower I looked through the open door and seen my room, with two of my brothers fighting. Leaning out I slammed the door shut and resumed with my shower. I scratched my hair restlessly as I walked into my room with a robe around me and a towel, now, half off of my head. I looked around my room and seen nothing broke, just out of place. I picked up my comforter and threw it on the bed and went to my closet. As I threw on shorts and a tank top, I was still thinking of how insane Kai was to have brought them up, but I was more surprised that he was shocked at my actions towards him. He had excepted me not to react badly towards him after he had uttered words of betrayal. He should have thrown hot boiling water on my face, It wouldn't have shocked me as much. I re-positioned my towel on my head after brushing it, and made my way to my door, Praying to god I didn't get hit by my brothers. I walked down the hallway to the stairs. I could hear the yelling, and I realized whatever they were fighting about before had escalated. I looked over the ledge of the stairs and seen into the common room. Kai was standing and watching Mekeel and Mikah fighting. Zafara stood off to the side watching the altercation. I wasn't sure if I should stand here or go down and see what the fuck they were yapping about.

"What does Jameela think. After all, she seems to be listening." Kai's voice resonated up to where I stood. "Actually, Jackass, I don't know what the hell you're even fighting about. Besides if I wanted to know I'd be down there, finding out what you guys were bitching about." Mekeel went to open is mouth before Mikah cut him off and shouted at him for being to young to understand. As Mekeel raised his fist at him I jumped over the railing and grabbed his arm. "You know better." He looked at me and bared his canines at me and laughed. "I'll bruise your neck the way I did Malikai's. Try me." Zafara chuckled from her spot next to Kai, "I was wondering what happened too you. Now I know. You pissed off Meela." He looked at her smiled. She stared at the ground and and blushed red. I rose an eyebrow at her, making her blush harder. Be more obvious. "Secondly I'm take Mekeel. We need to train." He looked at me and nodded his head. As we walked out the door I was shoved down all of the steps and my head hit the ground. "You never said when we training or where." I growled loudly and stood to my feet before turning my back to him. He walked down the stairs and shoved me a little with a smile. "I'd be careful with that one mate. After all I did train her to kill with no mercy." The British accent that I knew so well had me frozen to my very spot. I could feel everything in my shutting down. I wanted to run from him but I also want to rip him limb from limb. I turned to him and seen that his face hadn't changed. The man I hated more then Vladimir was standing in front of me. The one who did it all.

"Azriel." I was shoved behind Mekeel and Malikai came down the stairs along with the rest of them. I pushed my way through and shoved them back.

"There's the feisty little wolf I created!" I growled and I felt it. The urge to attack him and make sure I he'd his life in my hands and then rip it from him. Not yet. Not now. He'd expect it. He turned and spoke again

"Walk with me, Jameela."

My feet paced behind him and my family was behind me. "I'm glad to see you have flourished into such a beautiful lady in the past few years. You used to be so angry. I expected you to have lash out." As his smooth voice rolled off his tongue I wanted to rip it out. "Just because I'm walking with you doesn't mean I'm not wondering what your heart would feel like after I soak it in aconite." He chuckled lightly and his hands touched the tree as he stopped. "You always wear such a dark person, sweetie. I guess that didn't change. How about those pesky feeling for Vladimir? Have those changed?" The fact that he had the audacity to bring it up shouldn't have shocked me the way it did. "I'm very sorry for using those feelings against you. Im sure he would be too." I squinted and spoke again. "What do you mean would?" I rolled my eyes around before stopping them on him. "Aren't you smart. He's dead. Did you want to see him?" His voice irked me deeply. I was pissed that he was teasing me but I just laughed at what he said. "No I was planning on ripping his heart from his chest, like he did me. But I'll settle for yours instead." His face was full of happiness as he turned to me. "I really have created the ultimate weapon, like a gun waiting for the trigger to be pulled." I could only stare. He thought he'd won. That his task was finished.

"You did. But your one single flaw in that whole plan was that you didn't just create a gun. You created a nuclear bomb, Azriel. And you have no fucking clue how to disarm me." I smirked at him and his smile faltered.

"Sweetie." My voice was sickeningly sweet. I just couldn't hold myself back. All I could imagine each time his pesky heart thumped in his chest was how is chest cavity would feel as I crushed it with my bare hands. Or how as I pulled my blood-drenched hand from his chest and would feel slightly chilly after being so so warm. I want him dead. I want to feel the life drain from him. I want to watch as his last shaky breath is drawn from his lips, before I burry him in a shallow grave next to Vladimir. And I lunged at him, ready to rip his head off and use it as a bowling ball, because those damn scenarios I was having became to much.


But hey, doesn't he deserve it?



I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He had gotten so close, It'd been three weeks since he was here. Right in my back yard. All I could do was watch as he left. He would've killed Kol. If he hadn't run out from the tree I would have had a solid chance. I shook my head and looked out at all of the lanterns floating in the sky. There were hundreds. Just floating. I knew if I didn't get down there my mom would kill me. I'd already missed the stupid lanterns if I missed the Candle I'd be six feet deep. So I slipped on my jacket and walked down the stairs. I looked like shit. Which is how I felt so I didn't really care as I walked out and everyone stared at me. My mother just rolled her eyes and

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