» Fantasy » And The Heavens Fell Silent, Maria Louise [children's books read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «And The Heavens Fell Silent, Maria Louise [children's books read aloud txt] 📗». Author Maria Louise

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what? What do you want from me?! And how do you know what I am?” I demanded desperately.

        The demon sucked in a deep breath through his nose and shuddered. “We can sense your power. We sensed it the second you stepped foot in this city. Oh, so much power! The second we felt you we knew you were the one we had been waiting for. The chosen one. Oh, your father is going to bless us greatly for finding you!”

        I believed my mother when she told me all the horrendous things, but I still held some remaining doubt. What the demon said, removed all of it.

           “Oh, do not look so sad Crimson girl! Your daddy will be here soon! He has been waiting a long, long time to see you..”


The Man Of A Thousand Voices


God is a, vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic racist, an infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully-Richard Dawkins


        Humans call me The Man of Thousand Voices. Though it is not I who have been in control of my body’s bloodthirsty, murderous, ways.

     Was I demon? Human? It was hard to tell anymore. Each year my existence became smaller and smaller. Soon, I would be reduced to nothingness. Oh, how I longed for that day to come! I longed for the release of non-existence. For the freedom of not feeling any longer. But until that fateful day, I will be stuck here in this shell of a body, along with the bloodthirsty

demons and the souls of thousands of children. Even now, I could feel the presence of the children. Whimpering and locked inside this jail with me. In a body that was no longer my own but the hide of demons. I had been living as a donor for many years longer than any human being should.

        I was there, two hundred years ago, at the time of the flare. Only certain people, necessary for the survival of the human race, were chosen to go under ground and survive the flare in the safe cove. Even though it was near two hundred years ago, I am still in my prime.

        I was not, however, one of the few people chosen to hold out in the safe cove, instead I had found a subway tunnel to await my death in and hope on the slim chance that death might spare me. 

       I remembered hiding in the subway tunnels, thousands of others crammed in with me. The stench of perspiration and piss assaulted my nose, giving me a throbbing headache.

       I stepped over many people who lay bloodied and crumpled on the floor. They withered beneath my feet, trampled by the frantic crowd.

        Mothers cried out for their lost children and a roar of voices continued to swirl around me in chaos. I heard a few people around me praying uselessly. I did not. This whole mess was god's fault. The people around me did not seem to realize that, yet. Oh, I hated the lord god with a passion and I guess that was what drew the demons to me. It was all my fault in the end. Or I guess you could say it was my parents fault for beating me mercilessly as a child, but then again, who hurt them so bad that they wanted to beat me?

        “Do you wish to live?” boomed a voice seemingly in my head. I looked around trying to find the person whom spoke to me. I soon realized the voice was too loud and clear to be found in this roaring crowd. The voice was in my mind. I was not near as surprised as I would have been before the flare came about. The news had reported strange happenings, of what looked like possession and demonic activity. Cults, at that time, had been all the rage.

        “Y-yes.” I stuttered weekly. I could sense the power flowing off the unseen being, and I knew if anyone could, this thing might be able to save me. Frankly, I did not care if the creature was satanic, I just wanted to live! I knew the subway cave was too close to the surface of the earth and would save no one.

        “Then let us inside you. We will guide you.” slithered the voices.

       “Okay, do whatever you want!” I said desperately. “Just save me!”

        And just like that, I was no more. I was no longer the one in control of my body, I was merely an annoyance swatted aside like a buzzing fly. I did not know why they chose me at the time, but I soon found out. I had a far, far off gene inside of me that still held a ounce of power. A demon gene. Demons had slowly been leaking their way into the world for generations, breeding with the woman, possessing the week. Why had we, the strongest and wisest species on this planet, not realized that our invaders were not green with big eyes, but dark creatures of the underworld that use us to fulfil their own selfish desires? We had been standing back watching the news and wondering, how could a mother kill her child? How could racism drive people to murder? How could a man find enjoyment in raping woman? The answer is, we alone cannot. But humans can easily be used, possessed, persuaded, controlled, to do, be, and become whatever the devil wills. We are not the strongest species, by far.

The demons inside me did save me though. We drove through the silent town to a cliff. I climbed the cliff with my muscles shaking and my hair matted with sweat, but they did not care about my discomfort. I continued on crawling into a small dark hole in the side of the cliff. The whole reminded me of a mouth, opening its jaws and taking me into the dark depths of its stomach. I blindly climbed deeper and deeper into the cave, away from the fiery death I would have faced.

      Little did I no at the time, my death would have been gratefully accepted compared to the life they had in store for me.        I came back to the dreadful present and noticing that the demons were so focused on the poor girl that they did not take notice at me. I took the opportunity to expand my conscience and look through their evil eyes and hear their voices.

       We could tell the girl was afraid by the desperate pounding of her heart. We did not

understand why.

       Our house should feel like home to her-

        The sulphur! That is why her heart is frantic-

       The sulphur heats her blood-

       We want her-

       Yes, yes, lets take her-

        Make us stronger, live longer-

       Oh, so hungry-

       Must feed-

        SILENCE! Bellowed the lead demon quieting all the others demon voices. LET US FEED SO WE WILL NOT HUNGER FOR THIS GIRL!

       I felt all the children shudder inside of me, knowing a new addition to our jail was coming.

        “Servants!” Called the demons out loud. “Bring us a child!”

        The crimson girl looked up at us, her eyes wild with fear.

        “A-a child?” she shuttered. Her innocent voice drenched our body with sweet ecstasy, sending rolling shivers down our spine. Oh, we wanted her so bad! It was near impossible to resist such sweet innocents with a spice of twisted evil growing within the core of her.

        Let us have her-

        Take her-

        So hungry-

        But her master-

       Would send us-

        Back to hell-

        Never going back there-

        So much pain-

        We smelt the child before we saw him. His innocent fear and the smell of fices clung to his garments.

       The young boy was dragged, screaming, towards us by our servants. The white of his eyes flashed with terror.

        Oh, he smelt so delicious! But not near as good as the crimson girl...

        Surprisingly the blood soaked, crimson girl, ripped the boy from our servants arms and made a run for the doorway. With a snap of our fingers the door slammed shut in her face.

She tried to run the opposite direction but five of our servants grabbed a hold of her and pinned her to the floor.

        The young boy clung to the girl with useless tears dripping down his face onto hers.

      For a demon, the girl felt a strong amount of compassion! How odd...

       We strode over to the child and plucked it off the girl. The girls eyes flashed with anger and she bared her teeth at us devilishly. We gave her a knowing smile. That was more like it! We could see her father in her now! Oh, such magnificent bloodlust! We have never known a demon of her father's power...not even us.

        “I will kill you.” She spat at our face.

        We simply ignored her and proceed with our much needed feed. Grabbing the boy by his throat we pulled him easily up to meet our fearsome eyes. The boy desperately kicked his feet and scratched at us but it did no good. What idiocy the child possessed! Did he honestly believe he can fight his way free of his own death?! He did show much courage. What a useless thing that is! Beings with courage do not live long in this world.

        Licking our lips we dislocated our lower jaw and opened it wide, like a snake would. Making a wet sucking noise we breathed in greedily, absorbing the boy into us, so that we might replenish our weary skin. We should soon find a new body. This old one is causing us much trouble. We had been reduced to absorbing a human a day! Where we had no problem with killing, it was a nuisance having to feed so much!

        The boys eyes went wide with terror as he felt his useless life being sucked out of him. We felt a smile creep up our mouth. With each second the boys life drained we grew stronger and our hunger began to recede, though our hunger was never truly quenched.

        The boys eyes rolled back into his head and spittle slithered down the corner of his mouth.

        “No! Stop! You're killing him! Stop! Take me!” screeched the crimson girl. A animistic note rang in her voice. The girl thrashed and struggled but she could not fight her way free of our five male slaves.

     The boys body went limp in death and we dropped him to the ground, discarding him. Ah, we felt the boy become apart of us, we shuddered excepting him inside.

         The girl seemed to noticed his abrupt death because pleads turned into threats.

       “I will kill you! You hear me?! Your blood will be shed, and I will send you back to the hell you came from!”

         We cocked our head to the side and looked down upon her. We ran our tongue along the line of our moist lips, savoring the mouth watering taste of the child’s death.

       “Why?” asked the crimson girl. She had stopped struggling and just laid on the floor acting as though her life had been sucked out of her as well.

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