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INCOMPLETE Jake is a freshman in his new high school, with a low self-esteem and a dream that one day he can join the football team and become their star player, when he is attacked out in the woods one night he walks away with a brutal scratch to his side, and twin puncture marks on his neck. Starting the next day, he begins to notice changes in himself, he is much stronger and faster than he ever was, his senses are at a level higher than he could've imagined, and he feels a confidence

Caraline's father recently died. After this many things changed. She realized that she was chosen to do something very dangerous. This includes risking her life. Jason and Annabelle are stuck with the same fate. Together they would have to end an ultimate war between the Hultarials and the Falcrons.

Her name was Mitte Puhas, which meant “not pure”. And it fit. It fit her too perfectly. Another cart drove by her and its driver glared at her. ‘Wonder what he’s so angry about?’ She thought to herself and sighed. Her eyes turned up to the sky as just one more ship passed over. Involuntarily her hands drifted up to her temples. She felt the tingle that ran through her body, the never disappearing reminder of what she had become. A freak. That’s what she was, a freak. She felt herself blink back

Aboutchildhood friends, a prince and a princess sent to earth for a little while beacuse of a battle on their planet. But they will manage well Not kate she doesn't wanna go. But Max could care less. But the worst thing is that thier handcuffed together the eintire time let's find out how this childood romance will grow.