Genre Fantasy. Page - 61
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This is a taste test and if you want more then please give me feedback. This is also part of a two piece story that will have twelve stories so alltogether this series would be twenty-four books long. twelve on the heroes side and twelve on the villains side. Please leave a rating and comments in the chat below. Thanks

As far as Ariella knows, she is the only one with wings. She doesn't know very much about her kind, till she meets James. He is just like her. James tells her of the battle between Humans and the Kellopands (Kel-o-pands). How most of them we're wiped out. Now there is only two. And the Humans are out to get them. Will they survive?

Shannon Maretez Cortez has been curse with her families past. Her distant Grandmother was blessed by the Aztecs with the ability to create her own world with. Her husband became jelous of her and, wanting a foutune of his own stole the Aztecs gold and left hedding back for Spain. The Aztecs became angery and took it out on his wife, she was no longer able to control the creation of her world, her nightmares would now become her and her family's reality. on each Cortezes 5th birthday they are