» Fiction » Trust in Me, Jake Rowe [ebook audio reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Trust in Me, Jake Rowe [ebook audio reader .txt] 📗». Author Jake Rowe

Trust in Me
Chapter 1

RIIING. The bell rings. No one quiets down. "Class take your seats please," our teacher, Mrs. Cuall, says politely. "Class," she's getting a little inpatient. Thats it she cracked,"QUIET."
I'm Kyle, just so you know. I am in the study of hypnology. I'm quite good, if I say so myself.I'm in the last class of the day, math. And as you can see our teacher, Mrs. Cuall, is not happy.
"Now that I have your attention, everyone open your books to page 83,"Mrs.Cuall said trying to instruct. Nobody is listening. "Everyone read this page and finish your homework. Without talking," she added quickly.

. . .

It's almost time to go home. 5...4...3...2...1 RIIING. The final bell of the day. I thought it would never end. I gathered all my stuff and put it in my backpack. Right before I walked out the door I saw a sign that read, ''TALENT SHOW''. I thought it would be nice to enter, but I don't have a talent. As soon as I walked out the door I thought I could do hypnotism.
Great, I can sign up first thing tomorrow morning!

Just in Me

Chapter 2

The next morning I rushed to school to sign up. By the time I got to the sheet there were already 12 entrees. After I signed up I grabbed an information sheet. On that I had to fill in my talent, my name, age, birthday, and a whole lot of other things. On the back of the sheet there was an instruction part. It said stuff like your routine can't be more than five minutes long and so forth.
During chemistry class, our principal, Mr. Cowelling, came on the intercom. He said, "Could the following come to the office". He named of the list and at the end he said, "Kyle". I wondered why I had to go to the office. I mean I didn't think I did anything wrong.
When I got down to the office, Mr. Cowelling said, "O.K. So you guys signed up to be in the talent show this year. So you guys have one and-a-half months to think about and practice your routines. We will have a rehearsal the day before the show. That means you will miss first through fourth period". I was up to missing four periods!

Close Your Eyes
Chapter 3

It's been a month since I signed up for the talent show. I have been practicing my talent. But then I thought it was getting kind of boring. Then I remembered I have a pretty good voice. I could probably sing my favorite song "Trust in Me". I sing it all the time. I can so win it now.

. . .

So tomorrow is the talent show. Which means I miss four periods of school today! I got to school and went straight to the auditorium.
There were some pretty amazing talents. There was magic, singing, dancing, and much more. But then I realized the talent before me had the same song as me. But they weren't as good. I was up next and I preformed my talent.
After it was all over I went to lunch. Then I had fifth and sixth period. It was the best day ever! I got home and asked my parents if they were going to the show. They said of course they're going.

And Trust in Me
Chapter 4

Did I mention that my best friend, Alex, is in the talent show with me? We made plans to come to my house after school to practice for a while. Then we'll walk over to the shool at 5;30. We have to be there before 6:00. The show starts at 7:30. So that gives us time to practice one last time.
I can hear the crowd starting to roar. I peeked out the curtain and the room was packed, and more people were coming in, still! I could feel myself getting nervous. Then the principal said,"Five minutes til' show time. First up Johnny. Then it's Mathew, after him it's Alex, then Jim, next it's Sam." He read more names. "Then last, but not least, Kyle."
So far from the side all the talents looked good. I'm not sure what it's like from the audience.
We're up to Sam preforming. Which means I'm next. I'm so nervous. Until the next thing I knew the announcer said,"Up next we have, Kyle". A loud roar filled the room. Oohh, now I'm really nervous.

You Can Sleep
Chapter 5

I walked on the stage looking out at the audience. Wow! It was dark and packed in there.
I waited for my music to start. Once it did, I walked down the steps to a girl-secretly my assistant-in the front row. We walked up the steps and I had her sit on a long table. I pulled out my hypnosis watch. (Need I remind you, I'm singing too). Next I hypnotised her and ha her lie down on the table. I told her to relax and that I'm putting a sheet around her. I did that and closed my eyes. I made an upward movement with my hands, hoping it would make her levitate. I peeked, and to my suprise, it worked! She was acutually floating. After that, I finished my act.
After I was done there was a short break. During the break, the judges figured out third place, second place, and the winner of $500.00 and a scholarship to a preforming arts high school in New York.

Safe and Sound
Chapter 6

They called all the contestants out on the stage. I could feel how tense was getting on stage. Then all I hoped for was to win something.
The judges finally announced,"Thank-you all for entering our 2010 talent show. Now it's down to three winners, third, second, and first. The first place winner gets $500.00 and a scholarship to New Yorks School of Preforming Arts. So now we announce the winners. In third place, Mathew Harrington. Congratulations! In second place is Samantha Cook. Congratulations to you too! And now it all comes down to, in first place, winning everything is... Kyle Tesh! Congratulations to all of you. So Kyle what does it feel like winning a scholarship and $500.00?" I didn't know what to say. "Uhhh, well it feels great."

. . .

So there's only a couple of days of school left. I decided to take the scholarship for the next for years in New York. My family said we're going to check-out the houses there. Then we'll come home, get packed, then wait a couple of weeks then we'll head back to New York. I can't wait!

Knowing I
Chapter 7

My family has been packing ever since we got back. We finally found a house. It's a four bed, three bath, three story house. It's really nice. i've also been saying good-bye to all my friends.
After a couple weeks have gone by, we decided it was time to go. We all agreed it was time to go this coming up Saturday.

. . .

So tomorrow we leave for the big city. I'm excited and sad. It's going to be a great experience for me, but it's kind of sad seeing our house vacant. But it's time that we leave.
Today's Saturday. We're going to leave around 10:00. Oh, did I ever mention that I have a brother and cousin who live with us? Well I do. My brother and I kind of get along. But my cousin and I are B.F.F.A.T.N.L.(Best Friends Forever And That's No Lie).


Publication Date: 07-27-2010

All Rights Reserved

To all my friends and family

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