» Fiction » Cirlce of Fire, Heather Parsons [best book club books for discussion .txt] 📗

Book online «Cirlce of Fire, Heather Parsons [best book club books for discussion .txt] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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The Glass City

I'M a runner, an escapee. Fleeing this world for the next,

Sierra thought as she stepped into the darkened pathway between worlds. Leaving this way is best. It has to be best because there's nothing at home left for me.

The moment Sierra's foot touched the soft plush green grass, she broke. She still cannot believe what just happened with Travis. The way he said that he would never in a million years love someone like her, crushed her. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. How did she manage to have everything she has ever wanted one minute and then the next have it ripped apart and taken away to be forever lost? The tears ran down her face and she felt exhausted inside and out.
Caedman kept his distance for awhile but as the sun's set, he moved closer. "We need to get into town before dark. It may seem like a peaceful place but at night things change." He whispered reaching down and pulling her into his arms. The warmth she felt from him sent shivers down her spine and goose bumps on her skin. She didn't even know she was cold until now.
"Your right and I'm sorry. It seems every time I've seen you, I'm crying. It's not fair for you and for that, I'm truly sorry." Sierra whispered looking up at his face. He wore a small smile that lit up the darkening sky. Even the stars dulled in comparison.
Soon enough they were on their way into town. Passing the plush green hills and rolling mountain sides. There was a river that gave off the most beautiful colors. A mixture of greens, blues and whites. Sierra could only imagine what it must look like with two different sun's shinning down on it in the daylight.
While her eyes were glued to the river, she felt a nudge from Caedman. Looking away from the water to his eyes. She saw that he was pointing at something. Turning her head in the direction he was pointing to, she saw the most spectacular sight imaginable. The entire town was encased in glass. Turning her head to look up at the sky, she couldn't tell where the glass itself ended or even where it began. It reminded her of a snow globe, the way it enclosed the town. The ones you shake to watch the snow fall on the forest below.
"Where are we?" Sierra asked not sure if this was Serenity or maybe something else entirely. She didn't take her eyes away from the glass while asking this but the sudden tightness of his hold diverted her eyes and now she was looking straight ahead. "Is there something wrong?" She could tell there was but just couldn't tell what it was. Or if she had said something wrong.
"Humans are not allowed here. But your not any ordinary human. Let me talk when we get to the gates. I'll explain why I've brought you here. I'll take the punishment for it just please don't say anything." He said while catching her eye then turning away before she could see the fear in his. What did he mean punishment? And why did he all the sudden looked so frightened?
"I'm not going to sit by and let you get hurt for something that's clearly my own doing. I've hurt enough people I care about today. Please don't ask me to do this." Sierra whispered catching his face in her hand and turning him so she could see his eyes.
"You don't understand. The Glass City is full of spirit warriors. Their whole mission is to keep humans out. Please for my sake, don't say a word. Keep your eyes on the ground in front of you. Don't make eye contact with anyone." He whispered urgently. Only after she nodded in agreement did they started walking again.
All of this conversation took place behind the tree line, out of view from the city itself. Picking her feet up off the ground, she tried to move as quietly as he did so, no one would pick up on the fact that after much argument she was human after all. It was a lot harder than she thought. Without even thinking, she glanced up and saw two guard standing post in front of a doorway. But her focus on them slowly became unfocused as she took in the sight in front of her. The door could have easily gone up for miles and the width was just as big. This made her wonder what other creatures they let in and how big they were. With Sierra being short and petite, she must have looked to everyone else like the smallest creature ever. Everyone around including the two guards were about the same height as Caedman or taller. So here she was standing next to giants. Talk about a complex.
"What have we here, Caedman. Picking up another stray?" One of the guards asked in a teasing way. He even laughed a little and that made her upset. But not enough to do anything about it. And to look him in the face and scold him for his words would mean a neck breaking event for her.
"Your missing out on the celebration, man. What I wouldn't give to be in there right now instead of standing out here. Your lucky through, you can always join in while I have guard the city against your occasional boogeyman." The other guard stated. He didn't laugh at all and the sadness in his voice, Sierra heard clearly. She actually felt sorry for him until the last words he spoke registered in her brain. Were there such things as boogeymen?
The breeze whipped up behind her so fast it almost knocked her over. It wasn't the usual breeze she's accustomed to, it was hot and sticky. And without a second thought Sierra turned around and saw a huge wolf staring down at her. Shaken with fear, she opened her mouth to scream but nothing come out. Not even a whimper. Her legs went numb almost instantly and she felt the world tilting in an odd way.
"Jeremiah stop being such an animal. You know you can't enter the city that way. Change back to your human form and leave Caedman and his girlfriend alone." One of the guards said behind her. His joking manner did not bring a smile to my face. All funny business aside, Jeremiah was one horrifyingly scary creature.
All Sierra saw were teeth, fangs and his yellow eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he walked away to change. When the shape of a man returned from where the creature had disappeared to, she still couldn't look away. Not believing what she had just seen.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. I'm Jeremiah and you are?" He asked walking up to stand in front of her. Once again she opened her mouth to answer him but no sound come out. Quickly shutting it, she turned into Caedman and placed her head on his chest. Her stomach was twisting and turning and she was sure her face was giving all the signs away. Her legs still felt numb and all to soon she know she would loss control of them as well. Lightly Sierra swayed in his arms but never did he released his grip. If anything he held on tighter.
"Sorry guys my dates not feeling well. Could we go inside so I can take her somewhere to lay down?" Caedman asked, relieved by the change in subject. Sierra couldn't tell if they were going to agree to it or not and she couldn't look away from where her eyes were without throwing up. It took everything she had right now to keep from falling over.
"Sure man, go inside." The guards said together and then the door open. But when she looked up slightly, just so she could see where she was going. The door wasn't opened at all. In fact there was no doors in sight. It only looked like there were from a distance but it was a solid piece of glass all around.
Sierra hesitated for a second before Caedman practically pulled her through. It was like walking through a doorway without opening the door before hand. But as solid as it looks, it's more like jello when you pass through. Strange, very strange. Yet it's also very refreshing too. Almost immediately her stomach stopped hurting and the numbness subsided. She felt almost a hundred times better. If only it could heal her broken heart then she would be perfect.
She looked up at Caedman, the first time since passing through the wall and saw that he was neither smiling or frowning. Something was wrong, she could tell. "I need to get you off the street and fast. There's something going on here." He said urgently. The strength of his arms as he pulled her out of sight would definitely leave bruises. But the way he slammed her back against the wall knocked the breath out of her. Sending her falling on my knees on the hard stones and holding her chest.
"What are you doing? Now is no time to rest!" He yelled at her, quietly. The sound of his voice and the way his face looked had her terrified. What in God's name was going on?

"'t... I'" Sierra gasped between words. Still not able to catch her breath. But the little amount of air that was getting in was helping. She felt his hands on her shoulder and looked up to meet his eyes only to find he was gone. She looked up and down were she was but there was no one around. There was however a faint sound of music and voices but she couldn't tell where they were coming from.
Once Sierra caught her breath, she stood. Not certain in which direction she should go, so she guessed. Hoping she was right as she stepped out from between the building and onto a crowded street. There were people all around, shouting and celebrating. From the sight she saw before her it looked like a party. But she was probably wrong. Most of the time she is wrong.
She lowered her head and walked around aimlessly for awhile before catching sight of Caedman. He was surrounded by many, many beautiful females

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