» Fiction » Summer Camp, Andrea Gil [bearly read books TXT] 📗

Book online «Summer Camp, Andrea Gil [bearly read books TXT] 📗». Author Andrea Gil


Chapter 1
When It All Began...

"Omg I can't wait for summer camp I'm so excited even though I couldn't go the first day of summer camp well I will just have to go on the second day" said Alex to her father as he walked her to summer camp. Alex is 10 years old and it's her first time going to summer camp. She is going to be with her best friend Vanessa. And Vanessa's little sister Vicky and her older brother Jake. As soon as Alex got to summer camp she went to be with her best friend Vanessa and then they went to play in the little playground. As Vanessa told Alex how the first day was. Alex was looking around and saw him... The second she saw him she fell in LOVE with him. He had suck pretty eyes and was very loving and caring. Alex had falling in love with him……. She fell in love with Edward… Edward’s cousin Nathan knew Alex from school they have known each other for a few years. Vanessa, Vicky, and Alex all knew Nathan too… Nathan, Vanessa, and Alex were all in the same class... Alex just stared at Edward... “Alex, Alex!!!!! Are you even listening to me?????” Vanessa yelled to Alex “what ohh yeah I’m listening keep talking you were saying?????” “Are you sure what are you looking at…..” Ohh you’re looking at Edward” “do you know that my sister likes him”……. What Vicky likes Edward ohhhhhh what am I going to do she is not going to like the fact that I like him too….. Alex just started to think. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO OMG HELP ME OR KILL ME NOW PLEASE OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Alex and Vanessa went for a walk and then.... EDWARD WAS WALKING TOWARD HER... "Hi my name is Edward" OMG OMG WHAT DO I SAY, SAY YOUR NAME STUPID "Hello my name is Alex "Well I think I should leave the two of your alone to get to know each other" Vanessa walked away from the two of them. "This is your first time coming here am I right?" "Ommm yes I came here with my friends its our first time for all of us" "I'm sorry but I cant I just can't" Alex Started saying to Edward. "What you can't do what is something wrong?" "Yes I can't" "What is it you can"t do?" "I have to go I'm sorry" "What why?" "I.. I..I hate you!" Alex started to run away from him and tears where about to come down but she held them back. I can't I just can't I can't do this I HATE MYSELF I HATE THE FACT THAT I LIKE HIM WHY ME NO I DON'T LIKE HIM I LOVE HIM NOOOO I CAN'T NOO!!!!!!!!!! This can't be happening!! Why?! Ohh why did I have to no.. I don't I can't .....

The next day was worst! "Hey.. Alex!!" Edward yelled at Alex. "Ohh no!!" "Alex!" "oh hey Edward" "Hey didn't you hear me calling you?" " what? oh no"


Publication Date: 08-28-2011

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