» Fiction » Hannalton School of Magic, Andrew Hamilton and Mady Hanna [best books to read ever txt] 📗

Book online «Hannalton School of Magic, Andrew Hamilton and Mady Hanna [best books to read ever txt] 📗». Author Andrew Hamilton and Mady Hanna

Alex? Did you get one too?” asked Kacey Johnson.

“Get what?” Alex Georgia had no idea about the big news that her and her best friend Kacey were about to have a life changing experience.

“Check your mail box! It’s some letter for some school of magic called Hannalton School for Young Wizards and Witches.” Replied Kacey.

Really! Cool! But if this is some prank I will KILL you! She said.

She went to the mail and pulled out an old yellow piece of paper.

Dear parents and guardians,

Welcome to the Hannalton School of Magic. You will learn how to wield your wand, cast magic spells, and defend yourself from enemies. You will need one magic wand, a set of books for your classes (The titles will be announced at the bottom of the letter), and robes. Your house will be announced at the begging of the school year.
Hannalton School of Magic

• Charms 101 grade one
• Defense from enemies grade one
• Mastering herbology grade one
• Potion making grade one
• Transfiguration for beginners grade one
• The history of the magic world grade one

“Oh my gosh! I am really going to a wizard and witch school. I can not wait. But Kacey, where will we get the books?” asked Alex.

“No problem. My mom told me she’s a witch, so let’s ask her.” Replied Kacey.

They rode their bikes over to Kacey’s house and argued on who would ask her.

“She’s your mom. You ask her!” yelled Alex.

“Fine! Gosh.” Yelled Kacey.

“Hey mom, on Saturday can you take us to get our school books?” asked Kacey.

“What school? School doesn’t start for another month.”

“I don’t think you know this, but we just got letters from the Hannalton school of magic saying that we are magic and that we have been accepted to go to their school.

“That’s the school that I learnd how to use magic! We will go on Saturday.” Said Kacey’s mom.

“Yes! Here is the book list.” Kacey handed his book list to his mother.

“Wow, these are a lot more advanced than the books I had to get. If you happen to see a professor named Swanson, tell him Joan Johnson wants to give him a good kick in the bottom.” Said Kacey’s mom.

“Well that is nice.” Said Alex.

“Yeah mom that is really nice. What does he teach?” asked Kacey.

“Defense against the dark arts, but I think he switched to history of magic.” She replied.

The rest of the week took forever to Kacey and Alex. They couldn’t wait to go and get their books, cloaks, and wands.

“This is going to be awesome! I can’t wait.” Said Alex.

“Here, grab my arm you two.” Said Kacey’s mom.

“Why?” asked Alex.

“Just do it.” She replied.

“Here we are. Charm Lane. I have great memories of this place.” Said Kacey’s mom.

“Look! The wand store!” said Kacey.

“How do you know” asked Alex.

“It says First Timer Wands on the door. The windows and the roof.” He replied.

“Oh.” Said Alex. Looking a little embarrassed.

“How are we going to buy this stuff mom?” asked Kacey.

“Take this money. It’s different than American money. Don’t spend it on anything except for what you need.” Said Kacey’s mom sternly.

In unison, Alex and Kacey said “Okay” and ran off to the wand store.

“Hello?” said a scratchy voice.

“Hi, I’m Alex and this is my friend Kacey. We need to get our wands for Hannalton School of Magic.”

“I see. My name is George Joldenson the third. Will the young lady please step up and I will choose her wand first.” He said

“Okay, fine. But I seriously think that that’s sexist.” Said Kacey.

“Ladies first.” Said Alex in a sassy sort of voice.



“Try this one. Flick it and see what happens.”

It destroyed a shelf of books.

“How about this one?”

She flicked it and she sent Kacey’s Bulls hat flying across the room.

“Hey!” yelled Kacey.


“Here, this one.” Said the wand maker.

This one seemed to work, because when she flicked it a golden light filled the room.

“Perfect. That will be ten mensons.” He said.

“Which one is that?” asked Alex.

“It’s the grayish one.”

“Oh, here you go.”

“Thank you. Now for you boy.”

It also took Kacey three times to get the right wand, but for him silver light filled the room.

“Here you go.” Kacey handed him ten mensons as well.

“Have a good day children!” screamed the wand maker.

“Wow he’s old”

“Oh shut up Alex least he’s nice.”

“That’s true.”

“We still have to get our books and robes. My mom said we should get our books from Madam Amy’s book store.” Said Kacey.

“Sounds good to me.” Said Alex.

They walked across the streat to Madam Jesse’s book store and told her the books they needed.

“I would like to get two copies of each book I say. I need Charms 101 grade one, Defense from ememies grade one, Mastering herbology grade one,Potion making grade one, Transfiguration for beginners grade one and The history of the magic world grade one.” Said Alex.

“Starting Hannalton this year?

“ yep how did you know.”

“ I am your aunt, aunt Amy remember.”

“Oh I am so sorry. I missed you so much. Alex said hugging her aunt.

“I was off in Brazil investigating something. People were illegally breeding dragons. The magic world is going crazy these days.” She said.

“Oh, why? Is it illegal there too?” asked Kacey.

“Yep. They have to alert the president of magic in their country and he or she has to say yes, but they didn’t even ask.” She replied.

“Well, thanks for the books. We will be back next year to say hello!” yelled Kacey.
“I actually teach potion class when the school year starts, so I won’t be gone for long.” She yelled.

“Okay see you soon.” Screamed Alex.

“Now we need our robes. My mom said we should try Jacks Clothing Store for Wizards and Witches. He’s actually my grandpa. Fourth great grandpa actually.” Said Kacey.

“He’s old!” said Alex.

“You’re nice. Come on. Fallow me.” Kacey felt a little sad about Alex insulting one of his family members, but he tried to hide it.

They got their robes and headed out of the store.

“Your underground train leaves in half an hour. I have one more think to do. How about you go to Magic Food Fun and get something to eat. I’ll be right back.” Said Kacey’s mom.

“I wonder what she’s doing.” Said Alex.

“Who cares? Let’s eat.” Said Kacey in a irritated voice.

When Kacey’s mom came, she was holding two things covered in a blanket.
“What’s that” asked Kacey.

“Gifts for you two. For you Alex and for you Kacey.” Said his mom.

“Wow! A pet eagle! Thanks mom” yelled Andrew.

“Wow! A pet kitten! I never had a pet other than a gerbil.” Said Alex, full of excitement.

“Wow! You train leaves in five minutes! Come on guys! Travel” said his mom.

“How are we at the train station already” asked Alex.

“I used a spell. Now all you have to do is take out your wands and say travel to train. Okay?” said his mom.

At the same time, Alex and Kacey took out their wands and said “Travel to train!”

“Wow! That’s a big train!” yelled Kacey.

“Ya. We better get in.” said Alex.

“Ya. Let’s go.” Kacey replied.

So they went in the train and they tried to find a seat.


Publication Date: 05-03-2011

All Rights Reserved

To Megen Monsen, my awesome 6th grade teacher for all of her support

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