» Fiction » Prometheus, Tyler Feist [reading a book .TXT] 📗

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The Project Series
Book 1 Prometheus
Year: 2225
Date: November 14
Location: Sky Tower California
Tim Fields: 16 dark ginger hair, 6 feet tall, freckles, white, green eyes
Nico Zelman: 14 light brown hair, 5feet 5 inches tall, white, blue eyes
Nolan Orgoto: 14 dark brown hair, 4 feet 11 inches, light tan, brown eyes
Bobby Talc: 15 blonde hair, 5 feet 7 inches, white, dark blue eyes
Naoki Atkins: 16 Dark brown hair, 5 feet 4inches, white, brown eyes
Nick Fields: 13 Dark Blonde, 5 feet, white, green eyes

“Test have been successful” Agent George said.
“To what extent,” said Cornel Green
“There bodies have accepted the alterations, but the power no longer lets the mind control drug take effect,” George replied.
“They are of no further use to us, terminate them,” Cornel Green said sternly.
“Sir these are boys we are talking about,” George smoothly said “these are not a couple of lab rats to poison, these boys have the power to destroy the world, or save it, I won’t let their gift go to waste,”
“You will terminate them,” Green replied “that is an order or you will be executed for disobeying an order about national security,”
“Yes sir,”
Cornel Green walked out the door to the Kentucky base hopped into an army jeep and drove off. As soon as he was out of site George started typing commands into the computer ferociously. The boys would live, even if it meant he wouldn’t.
Year: 2225
Date: November 14
Location: Cell block B
“Tim wake up,” Nico nudged Tim “Ty wake up the cell door opened,”
“WHAT?” Tim snapped his eyes open “Why didn’t you say so, wake up the others we’re getting out of here,”
One by one they woke up the boys first Bobby, then Naoki, next Nolan, and finally Nick (Tim’s little brother). Tim entered the hall, checked the hall way to make sure it was clear and then slowly motioned for the others to follow. He walked down the hall way. “Alright our powers won’t work till the sedative wears off so we need to get to our gear on the second floor,” Tim instructed everyone.
“If we can make it to the stairs we’ll be fine because they were dumb enough to train us,” Bobby said, “all we have to do is stick together,”
“Yes but in case we do get split up every one rendezvous at the first floor, they’ve been working on a time machine, that will be our escape” Naoki chimed in.
“Ok we have two floors to cover,” Tim said “We could always try the elevator?”
They all looked at the stairs, then the elevator.
“Stairs it is,” Tim calmly announced.
In a single file they made their way down the stairs till they made it to the second floor.
“So far so good everyone gear up, our powers should be returning any moment now,” Bobby said hastily
They all suited up and headed for the stairs, as they got to the stair well a group of guards burst out of the elevator doors, guns pointed at the boys. None of the boys gave them a chance to react, Nolan blasted them with lightning, Tim lit up the room with flames, Bobby froze the floor, and Nico threw the survivors at the wall knocking them unconscious. When they turned around to head for the stairs, the door shut and locked. Nick stepped up drew his swords and hacked the door to pieces, kicked the remainders of the door off its hinges and they continued to the first floor. In the room of the first floor was a mustang; on the side was an X. They piled into the car Tim in the driver’s seat, Nico in shotgun, and the other four squished in the back.
“Let’s see what she’s got,” Nolan screamed “floor it,”
“Nolan shut up I’m trying to figure out how to travel through time otherwise they’ll just keep hunting us, but if I can find the time travel button, we can escape to a time before they existed we can finally be free,” Tim explained.
He turned the keys, pressed the gas pedal and headed straight for the doors, as they closed in on the doors Nico blasted them off its hinges with his telekinesis. They sped down a run way, as they reached 150 miles Tim hit the time button, as they teleported a voice came from the radio ‘What time would you like to travel to?’
“2020” Tim replied.
‘Time set, prepare to travel,’
Everyone buckled up, while they started their travel they talked about what they would do, it was decided that were ever they landed they would find or build a home, then they would grow up like normal kids and attend school. When the car finally landed, it was next to a giant warehouse, the warehouse was just a few miles outside of town. They drove through the town exploring what would become their new home town. When they were done exploring they searched the car, inside the car cubby, was a pile of 20’s about 10 stacks of 50’s and a credit card. They drove to a gas station, as they refueled the car and bought food, they asked the owner about the warehouse, according to rumors it was empty and it had been for years. When they were all ready to go they drove back to the ware house. They all got out and Nico pulled the rusty doors open, they all went in and walked around. In the warehouse were a four rusted cars, an old couch, on one of the walls was a ladder, on the second floor there was one room and an over look onto the first floor, in the room was old pieces of metal, and a chest with the key on the top.
“Well guys let’s fix her up and call her home,” Tim said “It won’t be easy but together there’s nothing we can’t do”
They started on the doors, Nick carved the rust off and Tim heated the metal, then Nico forced the dents and cracks out of it. Next they cleared the first floor; they melted two cars down and used that metal to build an air conditioning system for the whole building, then Nolan put an electric charge into the system so strong it could power a jet, Nico worked some more metal into a fridge and freezer, then Bobby put a disk in each to freeze and keep them cold, Nick went to a grove of trees and cut a bunch of wood, Tim melted metal into nails, and Nico worked them into cupboards, Drawers, and closets. When they were done with the first floor they moved to the second, they worked the one big room into three rooms, two boys to a room. They used the metal to create a sparring dummy, a few staffs to practice with, and a microwave. When they were done working on their new home, they drove back to town and went on a shopping spree for clothes and cell phones for each of them. They had decided that walking around in a metarock suit with armor kind of stands out. After they were done they returned to the warehouse and relaxed for the night. The next morning they went to the library and on one of the computers enrolled them all in school, Bobby, Nico, Naoki, and Tim in high school, and Nick and Nolan in middle school. They went shopping for school supplies that day and the next morning Tim drove Nick and Nolan to school.
“Try to stay out of trouble, and don’t use your powers” He said “I mean it, if I get a call you’ll seriously regret it”
After that he drove the rest of the bunch to high school. One by one they found their classes, Naoki had chemistry, Bobby had Basketball, Nico had workshop, and Tim had Geometry. Bobby had no problem fitting in; he cracked a few jokes, answered a few questions, and made some friends. Naoki just acted normal, answered a question here, talked when he was supposed to, and made sure he did his work when he was supposed to. Nico just stuck to the middle of the crowd, wasn’t the first to talk, but wasn’t the last, he made sure that he seemed cool, but not to cool. Tim stayed quiet and still managed to make a few friends, mostly with girls but he made a male friend or two. During PE they stood out though, they had the best mile times, long jump was a breeze, and weight training wasn’t too hard either. When school got out they picked up Nick and Nolan, apparently they had an ok day, and middle school was a hard place to fit in.
“Everyone does their homework as soon as we get home, we don’t want the school to have to call our parents and realize the number is mine” Tim said.
Everyone else complained the rest of the car ride home, until Bobby turned on the radio and they all started to sing along. They arrived back at the warehouse and did home work for the next few hours.
“Anyone wanna see a go for a swim?” Naoki asked.
“Nolan and Bobby can’t, they’ll shock and freeze the pool, and it’s how their molecular compound was structured” Tim commented slowly.
“Fine I’m going for a swim, Nicks you wanna come?” Naoki said stubbornly
“Sure” both Nicks replied.
“How about we go for a quick fly instead?” Tim asked “that way we could all go, Bobby could surf behind us and you could teleport, and Nick could power up and jump with us”
Immediately they all started to suit up. They walked out the door and one by one took off Nico first, then Nolan, Bobby, Tim, Naoki, and finally Nick. They flew above the city, over the lake, and to end it the circled around the airport and started back. While they were making their way back they saw police cars chasing a small armored vehicle.
“Naoki think you could find out what’s going on?” Bobby asked
“Way ahead of you,” Naoki chimed, he teleported in a puff of smoke and then reappeared. “Alright so apparently that armored vehicle has some escaped prisoners in it they’re armed and they have hostages”
“Those police will never get close, we could have in a matter of seconds” Tim thought out loud. “Alright either we all do this or none of us do this”
One by one they all nodded. Nolan flew down above the car and slowly sucked the power out of the battery and then overloaded the signals to blow out, then Tim took a small flame from the small explosion that occurred in the signals, he pushed it up to the windows, slowly the car halted. Next Naoki teleported in grabbed the hostages and teleported out, he reappeared in front of a line of police cars. The whole group of boys landed in front of the armored car. Nick cut the doors off its hinges. When the doors fell off bullets were fired, only to be stopped by Nico’s telekinesis, and then Bobby froze all the criminals’ hands and feet. When they were all done Tim created a ball of fire, slammed it into the ground and Naoki quickly teleported them back to the warehouse. Slowly they all went to their rooms and put away their gear. They reconvened on the first floor in front of the T.V they had bought on their shopping spree. They turned on the T.V and the first channel was the news, to their surprise they saw themselves.

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