» Fiction » Lady Death, Lora Carlson [best ebook reader for surface pro TXT] 📗

Book online «Lady Death, Lora Carlson [best ebook reader for surface pro TXT] 📗». Author Lora Carlson

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The Legend of Lady Death

“I heard her hair is the color of blood” says the younger man.

“That’s her eyes you idiot,” whispers the older brother, hitting the back of the youngest‘s head. The old man sits back watching them, a smirk creeping on his lips.

“Well, her eyes may be blood red, but her hair is the color of night, pitch black,” says the next youngest.

I snicker, it’s fun to hear the tales of Lady Death.

“Something to add girl?” says the old man.

“No, just listening.” I go back to cleaning the glass on the counter.

“Lady Death. The most wanted thief and murderer in Treslan. No one has ever survived an attack.” The old man takes a out his pipe and lights it.

“She takes your life in different ways , but the most common is her kiss of death. Her kiss sucks the life from your lips. But she also has a sacred dagger. The blade is the color of blood and the hilt is as black as night.”

I flinch, my dagger is not the color of blood, it’s blade is pitch black. As for the hilt, that is a dull gold. I reach up and scratch my head. This wig is killing me. I jump when the door of the bar slams open and four men walk in. It’s Enro and The Brothers of Matsa. They spend all their time trying to find Lady Death and kill her. Or me. Same thing. Enro walks up to the counter and leans on one arm.

“Hey Amara. How bout a Zilz?” He grins and flips a copper coin onto the counter. I grab it and slide it into my apron pocket. A Zilz is a light beer with a splash of fizzy water. I grab a glass and fill it up with Zilz. I set it on the counter and lean on my elbows. Enro and his gang plus everyone in town is under the impression that I am Amara, the sixteen year old girl with straight elbow length muddy brown hair and brown eyes. The hair is really a wig made from the tail of Enro’s horse. I stole it. And my eyes I colored with Magik. I flip my hair behind my shoulder and smile.

“Amara! Come here!” yells a booming voice. Enro looks at me and I roll my eyes. My boss, Waytel Naydorn, is summoning me. I walk from behind the counter and hitch up my skirt to walk down the steps. I walk around the tables and stand next to Master Naydorn’s table. Waytel Naydorn is a big man with grey hair and glasses.

“Yes, Master Naydorn?”

“Ah, Amara. This is Nalfar Oceloth. He was just saying how he needs a new maid. I suggested that you be his new maid.”

“But I work here,” I protest. I am not anyone’s maid.

“Yes, but a young man offered to do your job for free.” Ugh. The free card.

“Fine. Master Oceloth. Meet your new maid.” I had to force the words out. A. Maid. I walk back to the counter and say:

“Sorry Enro, I just got replaced by a young man and became a-” I choke on the word.

“A what?” He presses.

“A maid” I spit through my teeth.

“Ouch. Sorry Amara. I’ll visit. Who’s your new Master?”

“Nalfar Oceloth”

“He just moved here from Gryni,” comments Yeta. One of The Brothers of Matsa.
Matsa means “The Slayer of Death” in Breen. The ancient language. So technically they are The Brothers of the Slayer of Death. That’s a weird name.

They don’t make faces or look too sorry for me so I shrug and walk into the back. I grab my shawl off it’s hook and my bag with what little I own in it. I wrap the shawl around my shoulders and walk back into the bar.

“Are you ready to go Amara?” Master Oceloth asks. Well, yeah. I think to myself. Not that I really want to or anything, but I can make the best of any situation. So let’s see what this one brings me.

“Yes, Master Oceloth.”

Nalfar Oceloth is a tall, skinny man with black slicked back hair and gray eyes.

We walk out of the bar and around to the back to the stables.

“Amara, do you have a horse?” Nalfar asks me as we walk. I wonder what he would do if I didn’t, make me walk or try to ride double with me?

“I do actually.” Of course, like me, she is in disguise.

My horse is a black Modric. A Modric is a pegasus and unicorn mix. They are usually purple, pink, light blue or green. So a black one is really rare. But she is also the last of her kind, that I know of, so that makes her priceless. She is as black as death, her mane, wings and tail are the same color, but in her true form they are like flowing shadows. It looks amazing.

I walk into the last stall on the left and pat her neck. Her name is Lynessa. Right now she looks like a rust colored horse with a brown mane. I lead her out of the stall to saddle and mount her. We walk out of the stable to find Master Oceloth on his brown horse. He walks up to us and says:

“Thats a fine horse you have there Amara. What’s his name?”

“Her, name is Sennetta.” It was the first thing I thought of.

“Oh, sorry. Hello Sennetta.” He smiles at her. We start off to his house without another word.

New Employee at Naydorn’s

Derik's POV

After a long day of riding, I ride to the back of Naydorn’s bar and dismount Xander, my gray warhorse. My legs are sore and I feel like I’m still riding him. I lock him in the stable, the last one on the left. It ’s the one they told me to use. I unsaddle him and pat his back.

“I’ll be back in a while Xander.” I grab my bag from the saddle and sling it over my shoulder. I walk around to the front of the big stone building and push the door open. I immediately notice the four guys at the counter. I slowly walk to the bar and up the stairs at the back of it. The biggest guy glares at me, then set down his glass. Pushing the glass toward me he nods at it, like I’m supposed to know what he’s drinking and fill it .

“What’s your name?” He growls.

“Derik” I snap back. I set my bag on the floor under the counter and head toward the other end of the bar to the man you gave me this job.

“Mr. Naydorn, I’m here” I say.

“Oh Devin, Good good” He walks toward me.

“Derik” I say quickly.


“My name is Derik”

He squints his eyes at me.“Well Derik, I'm so glad you decided to work here, the old bartender was an ungrateful girl”

“That’s nice” What is wrong with this guy? I’d be ungrateful to if he spoke about me like that.

“Well, I, um, will leave you to it” He claps his hands together and waddles off. I snort and walk back behind the bar.

I pick up the guys glass and turn around. I lift the glass to my nose and smell the inside of the glass. I turn back around and look and the different faucets. Choosing the one labeled “Zilz” I fill the glass and slid it to the guy. He just glares at me then raises the glass to his lips.

“What my comrade means to say is thank you” I look at the young, slender man who spoke. His hair is a darker brown and he has brown eyes. His hair is genuinely messy and he has a smaller nose that average.

“I’m Yeta” He says, putting his hand out.

“Derik” I grin and grab his hand. We shake and let go.

“This is Enro, Mezo and Ikar” He explains, pointing to each man as he says their name. Actually their more boyish than manly.  

“So,” I ask while cleaning a glass “Who was the old bartender?”

“A girl named Amara, She was really nice and funny” Enro says with a dreamy look in his eyes. Then he glares at me.

“Excuse my brother, he was smitten with her, but she barely noticed him” Yeta chuckled.

“Not true Yeta, shut your mouth” Enro snarls. Mezo pats Enro’s back.

“It’s okay Enro. I know the truth hurts” He says grinning. Enro tackles him out of his chair and onto the floor. Me, Yeta and Ikar just laugh as they wrestle on the floor like little boys fighting over a sweet rock. While they wrestle Yeta asks me some questions about where I’m from, why I’m here, who I am. I answer as truthfully as to be expected.

“Are you all actually brothers?” I ask, because, well, they look nothing alike. Enro is as muscular as Yeta is slender. Enro is also blonde. Ikar has darker skin and dark brown eyes. Mezo is pale with raven hair and dark green eyes.

“Yes, we are actually brothers, but Ikar, Mezo and I were adopted by Enro’s father”

“Ohhh I see” It makes sense. I realize that Mezo and Enro aren't wrestling anymore. I looked at them and saw they are back on their stools and talking.

“Enro, tell me more about Amara” I said while cleaning a dirty glass with a rag.

“She has long brown hair and brown eyes and a perfect smile. She is really funny too. And she always knows how to make everyone happy.”

“She sounds great” I say honestly. She does.

“She is, but then she got fired because you came" I look up in shock.

"Me? She was fired because of me? I told Naydorn that I would work here if no one was"  

“Well Naydorn never really liked her anyway” Ikar points out quietly.

“I think we should go visit her” Enro says.

“Why not? I don’t officially start working here until tomorrow” I point out as I set the cup down.

“Let’s go” Enro stands up, followed by Mezo, Yeta, Ikar and me.




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