» Fiction » I'm not normal, Cade [classic novels for teens txt] 📗

Book online «I'm not normal, Cade [classic novels for teens txt] 📗». Author Cade

Chapter 1


"Yo Ty wake up." Said my little sister Sara. She has blond hair, blue eyes, and is 5'4.
I groan and sit up "What do you want?" I asked her.
She stared at me and said "The elders are here they say they have a assignment for us to do. But since your our Alpha we need you down stairs so they can start."
"Alright I'll be down there in a minute." I told her as she left. I go over to my dresser and grabbed a gray t-shirt and dark baggy blue jeans.
I go down stairs to the living room and see everyone there sitting and the elders in the front of the room. "Ah Tyler its good that you finely join us. Now that everyone is here we can start. We have you all here because you are the best of the clans and most powerful." Said one of the elders. " Has anyone in here ever here the roomers of Rachelle and Keven Veltkint?" Everyone was silent because they didn't no unlike me. They use to babysit me and I got to see there little girl a couple of times until that attack and I couldn't find her any were.
Everyone else shook there heads while I was silent wondering why they were talking to us about them. The elder shook his head sighs and say's " Well the Veltkints have a long line of different beings in it and Rachelle was part of the line she was a witch. Keven came from a line with good magic. When the attack happened they just wanted there little girl Valerick."
"Why did they want the little girl?" Kimberly asked. She has died pink hair, brown eyes, and is 5'6.
"Because she is powerful. She has almost all her ansisters powers and if she sees someone else's power being used she will end up being able to have that power and use it herself with some practice."
"Then why do you want us then?" Asked John, he has black hair dark blue eyes, and is 6'10. The elder looks at the rest of us and says,
"She doesn't know what she is or how she has the powers she does. She knows that she has some powers but she still has more powers that she doesn't know about. The Rivils know shes alive and where she is and soon she will have a thrist for blood because the half vampire she is. But only the half vampire she is, is called a girl djamphir. She also has her first transformation into a wolf coming up but she doesn't know and might not beable to control her powers at all for a little bit but by then they might alrady have her."
"But why us why do you want us to go and prtect her?" Asked my sister.
I looked at the elder wondering the same thing. I know that I used watch Valerick in all but she won't remember me I don't think she will anyway.
The old elder looks at the rest of the elers and they all nod. I eye them suspisuily and the elder tuns his attion on us again and says " Because she will be one of your guys mate is why. We could only got to visions for her futuor the first one to let us know that her parents weren't ling when they said she would be powerful, but she could end up losing control and only her mate can pretect her from that ever happening if she loses control all he has to do is calm her down. That's were the second vision comes in at we didn't get to the face of her mate but were pretty sure its one of you."
For some reason my heart jumped just talking about her being one of are mates, I've been waiting to find my mate for a long time. I wonder if she's my mate. I looked at the elder and asked, " How exactedly do you know when you find your mate?"
" Well you get a shock like if you touched her arm and your skin touch it will be more an electric spark that leaves your skin tingilon." The elder explaned.
" Who's all supposed to be going were ever the hell were supposed to be going to pretect this girl?" Asked John.
" Well Tyler your family already knows there packing there things. The reason there going is because Valkerick might need a little bit more pertection until she can control her powers."
"Why does she need to learn how to use her powers? When she was a little girl she saved Tyler's parents life." Asked Sara.
I stared at her then said, " Really?" she stares at me and nods.
" Her parents had to do a spell to get her away from the battle and while they did that they took away her memery of what ever she could remember."
" And were are we supposed to go exactly?" I ask.
"You all will be going to California is were you will be going. So you might want to go pack Because we don't know when the Rivils will find out her location." We all nod and leave to go pack are things.


I'm so not normal ever since I turned 13 I've gotten these powers that are hard to control. I've been to 10 foster family's and alot of schools because of my powers. The foster familys didn't want me because I would get expelled lots of schools until I got stuck with the Simons family they at least don't care that we have to move around the world so that I can go to school. When I get pissed off by someone I can't control my powers so they sometimes thrown against walls, lockers, trees, buildings, all kinds of things and sometimes there so injered that they end up having to go to the hospital. Now I'm in California at a new school which lots of people know my reputaion from other schools that I have know friends which I'm glad about.
"Valerick wake up you have school today!" Yelled my foster mother Karen. I groan and roll out of bed. I get up and go to my closet and grabe a black pair of jeans, a dark blood red tank top, and black long vest. Once I get done getting dressed I grab my skateboard and backpack and walk down stairs. "Bye mom. I'm not hungery see you after school." I holer as I walk out the door. I put my skateboard down on the road and start doing tricks with my skateboard as I headed to school.
Once I got to school I went inside and to my locker. I put my skateboard and backpack in my locker and looked at my scadual that I have for this year as long as I don't get expelled. My first class is science and I completly suck at that class I've always gotten a big fat F in that class.
Once I'm in the class room and seated know one takes the seat next to me and that causes me to laugh at there faces they gave me as they took there seats.Then the teacher Mrs. Clarkson walks into the room. "Good morning class! We'll have a copule new students tomorrow so I hope everyone gets along and nobody gets put in the hospital." Mrs. Clarkson says. Everyone turns to me and laughs I smirk and everyone stops laughing.
"Not making any promises." I said and everyone looks away from me scared which causes me to laugh. The school day goes by in a blur it was so boring. As I'm skateboarding I see a black Spider and decide to do a trick when the car got closer. Once its close enough I get out in front of it do a 180 landing on the roof of the car and doing a double back flip and skateboarding backwards to find out that the car stopped and a guy with dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, a little of a tan and looks to be 6'12.
"What the hell do you think your doing doing tricks like that? I could'v hit by accudent."The guy yelled
I roll my eyes "I'm having fun is what I'm doing" I said in a anoud voice and got back on my skateboard and took off.


What the hell was that girl thinking to pull a trick like that for? We just got off our private plain a half hour ago and we have to go to a new school tomorrow and I already almost hit someone. The girl had black hair with dark red stricks in it, silver eyes, pale white skin, and looked to be 5'3. I wonder if shes always this reckless?
I pull into the driveway of are new mansion and see that the rest of the pack is here. I grab what I could carry and went inside. "There you are Tyler what took you so long?" Ask my sister Sara.
I put my stuff down and sigh, "I almost ran over a girl because she decided to do a 180 land on the roof of my car and do a double back flip." I said.
Her eyes go wide then she says, "Wow! That old man wasn't lieing then when he said becareful that a girl with black and red hair liked doing tricks over cars and not one times has she messed the trick up and got hurt. and shes only gotten here during the last month of school last year so she hasn't been here long."
"That was the girl with black and red hair that did that trick over my car." I said.
Sara has a smirck on her face and I was getting ready to ask her when she said, "I wonder how things will go if she ends up being your mate? You'll probly lock her in a room intil she quits skateboarding." and then she starts laughing but I don't because I have know idea if she is or not. If she is I might end up doing that so she doesn't get hurt.


Publication Date: 04-28-2012

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