» Fiction » The Dead Zone, Mercades Licht [13 inch ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Dead Zone, Mercades Licht [13 inch ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

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Chapter One

It's called, The Dead Z'one. A place were animated creatures stay, until the time for the game begins. Scientists created a chemicle that animates the body of a suverily injured, but living person (putting them in a deep dead sleep) for a couple of hours until that person can get to a hospital and get taken care of. It worked for the longest time, saving many lives or so people thought until a year into there recovery they started showing signs of a sickness. The sickness took lives just to give them back only as dead ruthless, no consions, dead corpses. For decades on end all the disease did was kill the ones that were treated and then the already infected ones, went around turning other people.

Lots of people survived, lots of them didn't. When we finally got a leader for what was left of us humans, we finally got Earth back, but not the way we would have wanted. Instead of having a nice kind leader we had a greedy bastard for a leader.

Are human numbers coming back to there rightful numbers? Yes. Are all the zombies gone? Mostly. What do I mean by mostly? That's were The Dead Z'one comes in and the reason I say our 'ruler' is a bastard. 

It's twelve small towns that a small group of zombies were put into and then a hundred kids are put in every year. Once you reach the age of seven through age tweinty-five your name gets put into a wooden barl and drawn from. Once one kid is called that kid draws a name and then the kid that was drawn draws a name and so on and so forth. After every TV show of us trying to run from zombies, the broken down stores are carifully restocked full of clothse and food. And then the chosen hundred Dead Z'one kids have to survive three weeks in the small town. However many people survive not only get out of the zombie envested town, but they are shiped to the next town full of invested zombies, but instead of three weeks, they are put in there for four instead.

All of this, kids running or dyin' from zombies on real live TV supposed amusement, our suppoused 'ruler' made all of this happen just because of his greedy heart. 

Every year there is always a twist to the The Dead Z'one. Families buy things for there kids, which always cost a great deal of money for the families since there kids are put into the games. Not only does families buy things for there kids that they need and send them to be put into the games, but the President puts trapes where they are too. If its not a trap that your gift is around, you'll be lucky if you even get the gift that your parents sent to be put into the games for you. There are a small group of people that go by the name Takers and they choose to either give the gifts to the President for the boobytrap or they keep the gifts and just give the people that are supposed to recieve them a different gift instead.


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I wake up to the sound of screaming and it takes me a minute to realize that it is my own. Sitting up screaming, unable to stop ever since ten years ago when I saw my older sister die on TV in the Games, I've never been able to stop screaming when I wake up in the mornings. I know, why aren't my parents running to there screaming daughter? It's because there at work 24/7 trying to keep food on the table and get us all new clothse and things we need and with the President raising prices, working 24/7 is the only way we can get anything really.

My screams slowly turn to sobbs and I bairly hear the front door open and then close with a slam and then the weight of somebody else sitting on my bed and slowly moving over to me in a hug. I soke in the warmth of the person hugging me and sob into the hard-gray-shirt-covered chest. Chase lets me sob into his chest and all he does is hug me tighter when I put my arms around his waist. Chase is my bestfriend, he's like my brother, I've known him ever since I was five, and has been there for me when ever I needed him. It seems selfish of me to take comfort from him over my sister when I'm not the only one that has lost a family member.

Chase lost his twenty-one year old brother just two years ago and his is more of an open wound than mine is. Chase's name was drawn two years ago and his brother Seth took his place and made all the way to The Dead Z'one stage three when he was killed, turned into a zombie and that we still know of, woundering the small town of Quentin in stage three.

Chase doesn't say anything to me as I sob and repeat over and over, "She was only seventeen. Tina was only seventeen. She was only seventeen." After what feels like forever, but was only minutes maybe half an hour, my sobs finally subside.

Siencing that I've stopped crying Chase says softly, "I heard you screaming and ran strait over here. I hate it when your sad."

Leaning back from him I wipe my eyes before saying, "Sorry bro, hope I didn't take you away from Sally." Now I feel guilty, I probably took him away from his girlfriend because of my stupid scream/crying thing. She is really nice and I think of her as family I hope Sally isn't mad at me.

"No need to feel guilty, we were just getting it started hot and heavy." Chase says while laughing as I hit him repeatedly. "Ow! Now your starting to hit like a guy."

Pushing the slitly tanned man next to me off my bed, I hear a loud thud and peak over the edge at a still laughing Chase. I throw a pillow at him before saying, "Stop laughing! And don't say things like that to me! First off my vergin ears don't need to hear it and second off you know how guilty I feel when I take you away from Sally to be all brotherly to me, when you two are... uh...uh...doing whatever it was that you men like to do." My little hesitatioin causes him to go into another fit of laughter, so I pick up the pellow I threw at him and hit him repeatedly with it. With him still laughing as I hit him with the pillow, I jump down onto him and cover his face with the pillow just to still hear laughter, but only muffled through the pillow. "Your still fucking laughing! I give up!" I yell standing and stomping out of the bedroom, down the small hall, and to the small kitchen.

"For someone who says she doesn't like saying anything to do with the word sex, you sure have a mouth, and like saying the word fuck all the time!" Chase hallars from the bedroom.

"Because I use it for a curse word not a dirty word!" I hallar back as I open a drawer and the fridge and two different cabinets to grab: a butterknife and penutbutter and bread and two glasses to make two PP and J sandwhiches with milk. Cutting the crust off of one I put the pieces of crust in a small bowl in one of the corners in the kitchen for my simies cat Sammy.

Uncapping the lid to the jug of milk I pore some into the two glasses that I laid out on the table. Recapping the lid to the jug I walk over and put it back in the frigde just as a still smiling Chase walks into the kitchen. Walking over to the table he grabs one out of the two glasses of milk and the sandwhich with no crust on it before he sits down. Shutting the fridge I walk over to the table and sit across from him.

Picking up his glass of milk Chase smirks at me before saying, "You have a potty mouth. One that needs to be washed out. Again."

Glarring at him because its the only thing I can do because he has his glass of milk at his mouth and he knows that I won't try to hit him and have him choke or worse. Break one of my parent's favorite glasses. Setting his glass aside he changes the subject which is probably a good idea for him.

"How much peanutbutter and jelly is on this?"

"Well you like a lot of beanutbutter on your sandwhich so I put alot. I put alot of jelly on it to, but I don't think it's enough to over ride the beanutbutter." I say as I take a big bite out of my own sandwhich, taking a big huge chunk of rust with it.

Takin' a bite, that was bigger than the one I took, out of his own sandwhich he nods in approval and keeps on eatin'. I rip a peice from the middle of my sandwhich and put it in my mouth, taking a drink from my glass of milk after chewing because I have peanutbutter and jelly stuck to the roof of my mouth. Finishing his sandwhich in record time Chase downs the rest of his milk while I'm only half way done with mine. I smile slitly while I take another bite out of my sandwhich and see him looking at me with differnt emosions crossing his face. The only way I can describe the emosions are brotherly protectivness.

"What?" I ask after a few seconds of him just staring at me.

"You know what today is, don't you? What will happen this afternoon."

Putting down what is left of my sandwhich I slowly nod my head.

"If you or Sally are drawn I'm goi-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! If my name is drawn I don't want you to nominate yourself to take my place."

"You my sister and I'm not going to let anythin' happen to you or Sally. I will nominate myself if you or Sally are drawn. You can't stop me."

"I feel guilty enough with taking you away from Sally because of my nightmares, I couldn't stand it if you nominated yourself to take my place if my name is drawn. You go into The Dead Z'one and you are as good as dead."

"Thanks for havin' so much faith in me sis'."

"Sorry, but it's the truth. Only a few people have ever finished all twelve towns in the Dead Games and all of that we know of have killed themselves because of the horrors. I don't want to be the reason you're taken away from Sally. If Sally's name is drawn it would be different."

"Sally's my girlfriend and I'm madly in love with her. Thinkin' about asking her to marry me, but today's definatly not the day. You're my bestfriend the only one I'm proud to call my sister I wouldn't let anythin' happen to you either. If you or Sally are drawn I wi-"

"No you will not! I forbide you to nominate yourself if my name is drawn!"

"But-" Standing up I cut him off for the third time.

"No! You said it yourself that your madly in love with Sally and you want to marry her! You can't do that if your dead or undead! Zombies can't come back to there families because they will try to turn them or just eat them! I will not be the one that takes you from Sally! How many times do I have to tell you that! I call Sally my sister and

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