» Fiction » The Unknown, Sapheria [best novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Unknown, Sapheria [best novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Sapheria

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Chapter One

My gun was loaded, everything was in place. "Target is coming," Sabastion told me through the ear piece we had picked up on our way there. I nodded and held up one finger, signaling that I had received the message and understood. My gun fell onto his head and I froze. Dimitri. I lowered my gun and started to pack up but, unfortunately, a guy came from behind me and tried to subdue my hands by grabbing them with his larger ones, making me strain against him until I could get my elbow connected to his stomach and my foot stomped on his. He cried out in pain and moved away.

"Look, Assassin, you need to get out of there now!" Sabastion yelled, using the name everyone called me.

"I didn't finish the job," I said back as I lifted my gun and shot our real target, Tambini, since it was obvious Dimitri wouldn't do it. The girl was a prostitute who had slept with the wrong person and I, The Assassin, was called in to clean up the mess.

"The Unknown is here!" Dimitri's bodyguard yelled. Dimitri nodded and picked up a glass bottle and hit the guard in the back of head, knocking him out. His eyes lifted to mine before I turned away and left the disastrous scene. It wasn't too long before he was beside me, asking me if he did a good job.

"No, you didn't. You're not the one who killed the woman, I was. You should learn how to slice and dice before you join this field," I snapped, my voice void of emotion. Tonight was the first time I've heard someone call me "The Unknown" in a long time. It felt nice, actually. No one knows my name, not even me, so everyone just called me "The Assassin" or "The Unknown" all my life. Funny part is...I'm only fifteen years old and have already killed over thirty five people. On the bright side they were Blood-Suckers.

"I know how to 'slice and dice' but I'm just not as cruel as you are," Dimitri replied after only a minute of silence. Makes me wonder why I can't be like a fifteen year old girl sometimes. Maybe I'll be less soft and nice to people..Hmm.

"Dimitri, it wouldn't matter if you were a girl or not. You would probably still be as useless as you are now," I said with a hint of a smile, which dropped from my face right after it was planted there.

"Stop probing my mind, woman!" he yelled, making me almost laugh. Dimitri was a known Blood-Sucker. People love to say I'm half-and-half since I act as ruthless as I do. Either way, I can read the minds of any Blood-Sucker within a two miles radius. Impressive? Hardly.

"You two, come back to base and quit fighting," Sabastion said to both of us, making us turn down our ear pieces. I don't think Sabastion realized it, but he talked a lot louder than he thought. I grimaced, knowing that when we get at base we would get in trouble for being found out. We always got a thirty minute lecture if we were caught. Only, last time, it didn't last too long since we were saving Sabastion from being completely killed. Since he's a human, he dies quicker, like me.

On the way there, we were quiet. The only thing that made a sound was his footsteps; take note here that I said HIS footsteps, NOT mine. The dark alley we walked in was deserted except for a few rats who I was sure doing things they weren't supposed to. Besides, we had too many rats as it was. Dimitri, trying to prove he was tough, shot the rats and made them die before the male could finish. Then he looked at me with a smug smile. "Oh! You can kill rats! Great, I'll call you when I need an exterminator," I said and rolled my eyes, walking away from him and continued along the edge of the road. About half way through he started singing the "Star Spangled Banner". A song that had stopped being sung about fifty years ago when the United States were overrun by Blood-Suckers.

"Shut up!" I yelled, twirling around with my gun pointed at him. He put his hands up and stayed silent the rest of the way, making me very blissful in the silence of the night. By the time we reached there, Sabastion had a relieved look on his face.

"I was worried you would kill him before you got here!" he said with a wide smile. When I didn't return the grin he turned around and pointed to different maps on the computers that floated in the air. "There aren't any Blood-Suckers here in town anymore. You killed the last one here on your latest mission. This is a success, ladies and gentlemen!" Dimitri fist-pumped him and laughed. I stood there, thinking, What will I do now?

Chapter Two

Dimitri laid on the floor with a bloody nose; one I had given him. We were practicing and I was going all out on him. Earlier he had tried to shove a doughnut down my throat so I was still mad at him for that. Sabastion was sitting on the sidelines, laughing his butt off. Dimitri stood back up and tried to fight me once again but I had him on his back in three seconds flat. When he tried to grab my ankle and trip me, I stomped my foot onto his wrist. If he were a human, it would've broken bones, but since he wasn't, Dimitri was fine.

"Day-um, girl. You have some moves," an unknown male's voice said from the doorway. An African American stood there with a wide grin on his face. "Were you trained here since you were, like, six or something?!"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I have only been here for three years. I trained myself, starting at age five." His eyes grew bigger and his smile dampened a little. "Let's fight!" He started to shake his head but Sabastion went behind him and pushed him towards me. The guy was retarded, I swear. He tried to kick me in the face but everyone knows that a kick to the face is the worst way to start a fight, so I grabbed his ankle and twisted it while kicking under his other one so he fell the floor in one swift movement. Afterwards, I fixed my black hair into a ponytail and stared at my blue eyes in the mirror. I was a mixture of the Upper World and the Lower World, you could tell. Black hair came from Upper and blue eyes came from Lower.

"What's up, Assassin," Sabastion asked, jogging over to me and placing his arm around my shoulders.

"I just wonder who my parents are, that's all," I replied. He sighed a little and brushed some of the bangs I had left out of the ponytail away from my eyes.

"Hon, your parents were killed by Blood-Suckers, that's all you need to know. That's why you fight. To get revenge for them since they can't anymore," he said, looking sorrowful, like he actually knew my parents but I knew he didn't. He found me when I was twelve years old. I had still remembered the day my parents had died and told him how I planned to get revenge; that I wouldn't stop until I killed every single one of them.

"I know, Sabastion, I know." Jeez, and I'M the one who has emotional breakdowns?!

My ears perked as I heard Dimitri's voice echo through my head. "What was that, Dimitri?" In a flash, I was picking him up and throwing into a wall.

"I didn't mean it! I'm sorry," he whimpered, then his eyes went huge. "Y-your eyes, they're g-g-glowing." I looked in the mirror and, sure enough, my eyes were a blazing blue that you only saw on some people's headlights. Terror was on everyone's faces except for Sabastion, his showed awe and wonder.

"It can't be," Sabastion murmured, just loud enough for me to hear.

"What, Sabastion?" I asked while feeling my eyes cool down.

"Here, read this." He tossed me a book and I opened it to the first page:

"From here on out you are no longer known as a human," it read, "You are now the Chosen Unknown. You know you are when you are a mixture of the Two Worlds and your eyes will glow in sparks of anger. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean you can simply walk out your front door and kill whoever you wish. No, there are consequences for killing the innocent. The top priority is to make sure you do not get power hungry or feel as if you are God. For you are not.

"From this moment on you will fight for the innocent, kill the enemies, and continue to keep your identity a secret. Do know that you are not a superhero at all. For the ones you are killing are, indeed, Blood-Suckers. There are few Blood-Suckers worth the air they don't breath. The ones who aren't shall be terminated by your hand and another. Yes, there will be two of you Chosen every ninety years."

My eyes lifted from the book and to Sabastion.

"You've known all this time, haven't you?" I asked.

"No, I only guessed it because of your fighting skills but I have never, in my thirty-seven years, seen a Chosen Unknown. But now we need to find out who was born on the same day, time, and year as you, for I have a feeling he will be the other Chosen. Okay?" he replied.

"But if he is as unknown as I am then how are we supposed to find him? How do we even know if it is a him?"

"Oh, come on! Everyone knows it's a male and female who do it! Everyone. Knows. And how do you think I found you? Through my vast knowledge of technology, that's how," he said with a smug smirk.

"I don't think that will be needed. I'm right here," a male's voice said, making me twirl with my gun pointed straight at him. "Don't worry, I am the other Chosen Unknown, except I'm not that Unknown."

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