The Blood Of The Pack Trilogies, Krystle Leary [red queen free ebook .txt] 📗

- Author: Krystle Leary
Book online «The Blood Of The Pack Trilogies, Krystle Leary [red queen free ebook .txt] 📗». Author Krystle Leary
Why me of all wolves,to be chained up?
I thought to myself.Logan looked at my puzzled face.Logan had been raised in Mexico,so he had an accent."Princessa,why the sad face?"Logan asked me."Nothing other than we are inprisoned."Well princessa,look on the bright side,three more days to go till we are realeased."Logan said all so of a suddenly.
Three days later...
"C'mon Logan, I know we're so close to the other pack!" I yelled to Logan. "Coming, princessa." Logan yelled back. I came upon a wolf and went to a skid-stop. "I know what you want, travler wolves, follow me." The she-wolf said. I was led to an enourmus cave. "Cheif, we have new outflankers." The she-wolf said in an almost growling tone. "Cheif,it would be our honor to serve you in this pack." Logan said. "Very well you have pulled at my leg this time, but OK." The cheiftein said, joking but not about the part of letting Logan and I join.
1 year later
"Cheif, Cheif! Other wolves on the territory!" Logan barked out. "Call some of the other outflankers to chase them off." The cheif said calmly. "Cheif, isn't it better to see what they want I suggested. "Very well..." The cheif said. "I will go and see what they want,Logan come with me." I said."What do you want?" I asked the other wolves. "All we want is reconition to the pack, we have no intent to hurt anybody or anything." The brown little skinny one said. Logan gave the skinny brown one a stern look as if to say 'You'd better not'. "Logan..." my voice trailed away as Logan seemed to be an entirely different wolf. Logan had sort of puffed himself up to look bigger. "L-Logan don't." I stammered. I knew Logan was about to attack. The larger one stepped forward, bigger than what Logan had puffed himself up into. The larger one looked at me and said, "I am so sorry for my companions behavour, he is not used to being in packs and other things." "It's okay." I said cutting of whatever Logan was about to say. We returned to the cheiftan with the to out-clanners. "Cheif, We have two out-clanners requesting reconition to the pack." "Very well, the larger of the pack, the hunts are better." Said the cheiftan. "Thank you cheif." Said the bigger one. "My name,by the way, is Tony." Said the bigger one of the two. "And I'm Zack." Said the littler one. "We had been captured by humans and held there since we had been pups, well I lived in a pack untill I was 1 and a half months before I was taken away, now on the other hand, Zack was taken when he was only ready to start to chew meat, he doesn't know how a pack really works." Said Tony. "Yeah." Said Zack. I watched the two new outclanners as they walked off to a den. "Hmmm..." Said Logan."What's wrong?" I asked Logan. "Nothing, pricessa." Logan said. Logan and Zack have grown to friends ever since Zack and Tony joined. Almost everyday I see Logan and Tony, by the river catching trout for a dinner for the pack.
"Logan, Logan where are you?" I called in the forest. No answer. "Humph." I said with annoyance in my voice. Tony was following me to help me look for Logan who had seemed to dissipate into the night. "Logan!" I called one more time. "Jay,we have to get back to the chief and report. We can come back tomorrow." Tony said. "OK." I said. We walked back to the chief and gave him the report.
One day later...
"We still can't find Logan." I said trying to not sound disappointed. "It's OK, Jay we will find him." Said Tony and Zack said at the same time. "I still can't believe Logan is still missing." said Donna, another outclanner. "Yeah." said Tayna gloomy. "I know we all miss Logan, but we will find him. I promise." I said to Tayna and Donna. I didn't really know if we were going to find Logan,but i hoped so. "C'mon, let's go look for Logan a little more."
Eight days later...
"We still haven't found Logan." Said Donna. "Yes, I know. But we will find him, OK?" said Tayna trying to sound like she was panicking. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going looking for Logan later than usual." I said. "I'm coming with you." said Tony. "Me too." Offered Zack. "Me three." Said Donna. "OK, I'm with you." Said Tayna. At around midnight we were still out looking for Logan. "Come on Logan! Where are you?!" Tayna basically howled...then we gave up for then.
One month later...
"Come on you guys!" I said exited. I was going to see what I had heard in the forest. I was hoping it was Logan and not something else. We headed deeper, and deeper, and even deeper into the forest. "Um, not to set a bomb on your parade but,do you know where we are going even?" Tayna asked nervously. "Yes of course I do,Tayna. Why would you ask something like that? Everyone knows this forest." I said, exasperated. I was thinking Why would Tayna ask that?
. Tayna had been just a little right, I didn't really know where the sound came from, but I was sure it was this way. I had been so exited for a moment, but then fear stroked me. What if Logan was dead, because I hadn't heard the noise in a while, and what if this was a trap or just something like that? I didn't want to worry the others, so I just decided I had better keep my muzzle shut until we got to where or what the sound was.
One month later...
Almost three months has pasted since I last saw Logan. Most of the wolves have crazy thearies, but some didn't. Some wolf named Kaylee said that Logan had gone mad and run away. Another wolf named Iyana had a thearie that Logan had been taken away. Almost all of these thearies sound weird.
I thought to myself firmly. Zack had gotten used to pack life now, but without Logan there with him, he didn't seem the same. I was still wondering where in the world Logan had gotten to, but then another thought crossed my mind, Who was the she wolf that talked so sternly to Logan and I?
I thought. I decided to find out by asking some wolves in the pack. I asked Molly and she said that the wolf was called Emma. I decided to deal with Emma later and focus on Logan. Tanya, Zack, Iyana, Kaylee, Tony, Molly, and I were going to go out again into the forest. I hadn't found the sound in the forest, so I had decided that I should see if the others would help me and not just Tanya. Logan, Logan, Logan,
was the name that kept flowing through my mind constantly. Every time the name went, it came back. I thought I was going to go mad if I didn't find him. We all went smack into the middle of the forest and where assigned areas. I got mid-west areas. I was walking along when I saw a limp body lying on the ground. I walked up to it to see what it was and looked in horror at what I saw: Logan had been sliced by knife and was delusional because of his lack of food and water. I howled out to the others that I found him. All of the others came quickly and we all carried him to the Chief's den. "Chief, we have found Logan." Molly quickly called out. Mac Duncan, the 'chief', took one look at him and said "Quickly, get this wolf some caribou and water, ASAP!" We all new if we didn't get Logan some caribou,he would die. I rushed forward to the small lake in front of the chieftan's and got a small turtle shell and got water for Logan. "Logan,what happened?!" Akira demanded of Logan. "Akira,..." I said quietly, my voice drifting off as I looked at Logan with a horror on my face. "Logan was hit by a bullet,that's what happened!" I yelped out. I had to curtail all my evening activities for that night so I just supplied Logan with what he needed. "Princessa,..." His voice wavered and faded, breathing hard. "Logan? Logan?! Are you OK Logan?" I asked so quickly in case Logan needed something big. My ears droop as I strain my ears to hear what Logan has to say so badly to me. "Princessa,I have been shot by a bullet, but
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