» Fiction » The Beautiful Monsters, JA.Acero [books you have to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Beautiful Monsters, JA.Acero [books you have to read .txt] 📗». Author JA.Acero

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I trudged up the steps of Donnigan Manor.A.K.A my house. I hated that it drew so much attention in this neighborhood.Being rich is fun but also has it's downs. People want to be friends with you because of money. And at restaurants I always get the bill.
I strutted inside my giant, expensive house with all the European furniture, Diamond encrusted china, and caviar treats. But if I'd known what would happen the next day I wouldn't want to wake up. Not for a very long time...
My Gucci clock chimed and I smashed the button with my index finger. I got up on my normal day. I turned around and saw a flash of blond hair. Then came a giggle.With one last look I searched my room for whatever IT was. Whatever it was, it was gone. Probably just my eyes playing tricks on me.I put on my busted up Abercrombie jeans. And then I put on a white tang-top with a black hoodie.
I went down two flights of stairs to our second kitchen. I don't know why we don't use the first. Cosetta, my personal maid and chef, was baking pancakes with waffles and bacon. My favorite, but it was usual. Even though I eat this everyday for breakfast,I still remain skinny. No madder what I do my body likes to gain weight so slowly that I'll never be fat.It's physically impossible for me. Believe it or not I got it from my dad. My mom's drop dead gorgeous, but I certainly didn't get that.
I grabbed my book bag and was almost out the door when Cosetta said
"Wait Sara, this came in the mail for you,"
I grabbed the package. Who could this be from, I thought.
"Thanks, Cosetta!" and I left to my doom. I parked my Porsche in my favorite spot and spotted the popular girls. Icy,Tara,and Alex were the It girls. The ones every boy wanted to date. The ones every girl wanted to be. Well, I didn't want to be apart of that drama.
There was only one guy in this entire school that didn't his head in the clouds of sports, girls, and beer. To me he was cooler than anyone I knew.
"What are you doing Sara?We're going to be late for homeroom!" Mike said. That was the guy I was talking about. We are best friends, but not for long...
Suddenly Tara, the leader of the popular group, came walking towards me. Me out of all these people.
"Woah, why is she walking over here?" Mike took a step back.
"I have no idea..."
"Hey, what's your name?"Tara asked.All I saw was a flawless girl. The queen of the school. Her green eyes sparkling with mystery, glossy blond hair that ran down her back. Who wouldn't want to be her friend. It was like I was in a trance. All I knew was that she has over 1,000,345,678 Facebook friends.
"Well?"Tara smiled.
"My name is S-S-S-Sara D-D-Donnigan," I said shyly. I am such a dork!Why am I stuttering?!
"Cool, want to sit with us at lunch today?"
"Okay, s-s-sure..." i gave a small smile and she winked.
"Let's go to class and leave that vermin here." Tara grabbed my hand.
"Sara, what are you doing?" Mike pleaded, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Sorry, loser!" I couldn't believe what I had just said, but went with it anyway. I want to be popular and that's all that matters. We both strutted to class ,but before that we went to the bathroom. She started to add eyeliner and lipstick. I've tried it before, but never at school. Then she took off my hoodie and my shirt. Exposing my bra. I shielded myself, but then she gave me the cutest shirt to put on. I looked in the mirror and I like what I see.
"How did you know to bring clothes?" I asked.
"Oh, I had a little hunch..." her eyes sparkled with delight. I smiled and she continued putting make-up on me. When I opened my eyes I saw a totally different person in the mirror. She had glorious black hair, a clear face of shining delight, and beautiful clothes.It was everything I dreamed of....
"Now, you don't look like such a looser..." she smirked and picked up her bag.Y
"I look so cool!I wonder if you can let me borrow some make-up, oh and clothes..." I twirled around.
"One problem at a time darling..."Tara whispered. We stepped out of the bathroom to realize we missed first period. I looked nervously around for my history teacher. Tara just smiled and strutted gracefully to her two BFF's. She waved me over to them. i managed a grin and walked over to them.
"Sara, this is Icy and Alex," Tara beamed.
"Hi..." I said shyly.
"Okay, so at lunch you know where we sit and we'll go over the rules!" Tara started to walk away with her posse.
"Wait, what ru-" but the three popular girls just walked away. I started to walk to P.E. when I saw a photo of the entire school body. It was taken two years ago. The popular girls, were of course in their own little group. There was something very different because there was another girl with the group. Okay, there was Tara,Icy,Alex, and....It looks like I didn't know this girl. Then I took a look at this years picture. The girl was no where to be seen. It was funny how this mystery girl had the exact same top as me. And when you looked at her face you could see almost the same colors of make-up. What is going on? I thought to myself. The hall was empty and then a sudden draft came. But that was impossible because everybody closed all doors while classes where going on. A flash of blond hair went around the corner. Then behind me and suddenly I was sprawled all over the floor. I fell into a black pool with no end. Suddenly in front of me was a girl I didn't know. But I did....oh my god!It was the exact same girl from the picture!
"I know that you've seen me from somewhere. I'm here to give one warning and you have to promise me...No questions asked," her voice was filled with pain, but it was firm.
"O-O-okay, I-I-I promise." I finally stated,"But, I get at least o-o-one question." I was shivering so badly that I regretted wearing this shirt.
"Who are you?" I shivered.
"Isabel Dickson and here's your warning. Steer clear of Tara and her pack of zombies. She's evil and she's also the reason I'm dead." Isabel stared frightfully around.
"What did she do to you?" I stopped stuttering.
"You promised me no more questions!" and with that Isabel disapeared. Then I felt like I was dunked into the pool of black again. I tried to move, but my body felt like it had been stuffed with lead. Suddenly, my eyes opened and I saw Tara yelling for help.
"Icy get out of here! Do something helpful and call the nurse!!!" Tara snapped. Her eyes where very different. They were pitch black with red liking the edge. It looked so beautiful and so evil at the same time. She didn't even look human...She had soft skin,a soft flush in cheeks, and hair that could probably make a model cry.But it wasn't long until I was plunged into darkness once again.
I was afraid to open my eyes. I was afraid to move. And I was afraid of what would happen next. Would I ever wake up?Would I ever get out of this black void that kept me from screaming in pain? It was like there was a thick blanket over me keeping me unconscious. I struggled to keep my heart beating, and to stop gasping for air so quickly. No matter how hard I try my lungs never get enough air. Suddenly I was engulfed in light. My eyes fluttered open and I tried to adjust. I was in the hospital, but it was so quiet. There was no nurses skittering around bringing patients to their rooms. No screaming and yelling when something went wrong.Nothing...
then I saw a flash of blond hair like I saw at home. And in the school hallways. Then she showed herself.
"Well look who it is again..." Isabel leaned on the side of my bed. She looked different too...she was very amused. She flipped her hair and played with the hem of her skirt. This was definitely not Isabel Dickson.
"What?" But then she figured out I already knew. Then her face morphed into the one and only Tara.
"You're smarter than you look Sara. Tara, Sara, Tara, Sara, doesn't that rhyme?"
"Why were you pretending to be Isabel? What had happened to your face when we where in the hallway? what's going on?!" I half shouted. I tried to get up but a rush of pain and adrenaline pumped through my veins.
"I don't think that's the question you wanted to ask me. so what's the real one?" Tara glanced at the still clock and sighed.
"What did you do to Isabel Dickson?" I asked nervously starting to get scared.
"I'll be fair and give a clue..." she smiled wickedly,
"When Isabel was first starting hanging out with us she had problems. Her mom and dad were abusive, school was hopeless, and then all there was left was me. I gave Isabel the best year ever, but she wanted more. So I gave it to her..." Tara stared deeply at me with sadness, but it changed back into that beautiful sneer
"What did you give her?Tell me more!" I pleaded.
"Hey, it was just a clue and there's more to this mystery than you think. The mystery of how long this tradition has been going on...and So.Much.More.
When I woke up I really was in a hospital, and thank god it wasn't empty! But what really shocked me was that Icy,Alex, and lastly Tara were sitting in chairs in the waiting room. The only reason I could see them is because the dang nurse forgot to shut the door.
Suddenly memories fluttered back to me in a rush of fear,sadness, and joy. I probably just imagined talking to Tara and seeing this weird other person of her. And probably seeing the ghost of Isabel Dickson too. But there was still a small part of my mind filled with doubt. Could it have been real? I mean the thought of all of this just seemed plain unreal. Maybe I should keep my guard up just to make sure. then my nurse came in, interrupting my thoughts.
"Are you ready for visitors honey?" the nurse slumped. (Hee hee, honey...) I swallowed a small lump in my throat and tried to make my hair less messy. The last thing I needed was Tara and the posse to think I was a looser still.
"Yeah, I guess," I took a deep breath and smiled.
"You may come in now..." the nurse yelled all the way to the waiting room. Then she checked my Ivy. Tara, Icy, and Alex waling slowly into the room and beamed. I guess that meant I still look beautiful. Then Mike walked in with a boutique of roses and teddy bears.

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