» Fiction » Possessed, Rachel Sherratt [android based ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Possessed, Rachel Sherratt [android based ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Rachel Sherratt

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Samantha clicked on the E-mail.
10 years ago, an 8 year old girl called Anne was bulied at school untill she could take it no more. One night she hung herself in the celler of her aunts house. Her spirit now haunts people in revenge for the children who bullied her. Foreward this message to 25 people wihthin the next hour or else Anne will haunt you tonight.

"Sammy!" called her mum from downstairs, "Come on, Katie's dance class starts in 5 minutes!"
"Ok, I'm coming!" she replied. Sighing, Sammy turned off her computer.
She completely forgot about the e-mail...


"Morning Mrs Harrison!" Kaitlin and Sophie called to Sammy's mum as she was getting into her car.
"Oh hello girls," she replied cheerfully, "your early thismorning."
"Yeah, I wanted to ask Sammy about the history project we had to do for today," said Sophie.
"Oh ok, I think she's still in her room, I havn't seen her yet," replied Mrs Harrison, "go on up."
"Ok, thanks" called Kaitin waving as they walked up the drive towards the house.

Sophie knocked on the bedroom door. "Sammy, it's us," she said brightly. No reply.
"Sammy?" asked Kaitlin. Still no reply. Cautiously, Sophie pushed open the door. A lumpy shape under the bed covers showed that Sammy was still in bed.
Kaitlin laughed. "She must of forgot to set her alarm clock again," she said. Chuckling, Sophie walked up to the bed and pulled off the covers. Then she gasped.

Sammy's unseeing eyes were wide open, as if frozen in horror. Her pale white face was hollow and empty. With her mouth hanging open, anyone would think she was dead, apart from the fact that her chest was jumping up and down as she took sharp, uneven breaths.

Kaitlin walked over. "What's the ma..... OH MY GOD, WHAT'S UP WITH HER?!" she cried. She shook Sammy's shoulder furiously. Then her body shot upright.
"Anne has come to revenge you." she said in a hollow, empty voice that did not belong to her. The two girls let out ear-peircing screams, and ran down the stairs out of the house.


By the time they reached the school gates, Sophie and Kaitlin were gasping for breath and clutching stitches in their sides. They stared at eachother in horror, unable to understand what they had just seen. After a few minutes, their other friend Jade came down the path towards them.
"Hey guys," she greeted them brightly. Then she saw their expressions. "What's up with you two, you look like you've seen a ghost!"
"Well, I dont think it was a ghost, but not far off!" said Kaitlin in a shaky voice.
"What? What are you talking about?!" Jade asked.
It took a while for Sophie and Kaitlin to explain what they had witnessed at Sammy's house, as Jade just couldn't believe what they were saying.
"So she's... What? Possessed? Is that what you mean? Sammy is POSSESSED?!" cried Jade in disbelief.
"What's this about being possessed?" said an eerie voice behind them. The three girls turned around and saw Sabrina McCarthy, a gothic year 11 who most people tended to avoid. You couldn't really blame them, when she was wearing so much dark eye make up she looked like a panda, and had her lip, nose, and eyebrow peirced. "Because I think I might be able to help you."
"Oh... we just... Erm.... We..." stammered Jade.
"It's erm... It's our friend, Sammy" Sophie explained.
"We think she might be possessed," Kaitlin added.
"Okay," Sabrina said cooly, "take me too her after school. I will cure her." and she walked off towards the school.
The three girls just stared at eachother. "Well, we might aswell see what she can do," said Sophie after a while. The other two just looked at eachother in uncertainty.


"I thought she said she was meeting us by the gates?" said Jade impatiently. It was the end of school and the three girls were waiting for Sabrina.
"She did," replied Kaitlin, "Look, are you sure this is a good idea?"
Sophie looked nervously at Jade. "Kaitlin's right, what if..." her voice trailed away as Sabrina came walking towards them.
"Right then," she said in a dark voice, "Where is this girl.... what did you say her name was?"
"Sammy. Sammy Harrison. She's in our year - year 9," replied Sophie timidly.
"Ok. So where is Sammy now?" asked Sabrina.
"In her bedroom. In her house," Kaitlin told her.
"Right. Take me to her."

When the four girls got to the house, the door was still unlocked, as Sammy's mum was at work, and Sammy had not locked it on her way out because obviously she had never left. Jade pushed open the door, and they all entered into the kitchen. Sabrina looked at them. "Where is her room?" Kaitlin showed her up the stairs, and the other two followed nervously. When they reached her room, Sabrina walked in boldly, but Sophie, Kaitlin and Jade hung back in the doorway, obviously afraid.
"Well? Come in then," she said sharply. The three girls shuffled in.

Sammy was sitting bolt upright, looking exactly how she had that morning. Jade gasped and clapped her hands to her face, but Sabrina apeared to look almost bored, as if this was the sort of thing she did all the time. "Right then. First we need to lie her down on the floor." Jade continued to stare at Sammy in disbelief, while Sophie and Kailin looked at eachother in bewilderment. Sabrina didn't seem to notice though. "You two," she said jesturing to Sophie and Kaitlin, "You each take one of her legs. Me and Jade will carry the top half of her body."
The girls just nodded, not sure what to say. They did as Sabrina said, and after a few attempts, they managed to get Sammy onto the bedroom floor. The next thing Sabrina did was even weirder. She reached inside her bag and produced 10 small candels, which she aranged in a circle around Sammy's unconscious body. Then she took out a box of matches and lit them, while the other girls looked at her in astonishment.
"Now we all need to stand around her in a circle. It would be more effective if held hands aswell" instructed Sabrina. The others exchanged looks, then did as she said.
"Tell me exactly what happened thismorning then," said Sabrina, and for the second time, Kaitlin and Sophie explained what they had witnessed.
"'Anne has come to revenge you'

? Is that what she said?" Sabrina asked when they had finished. Kaitlin and Sophie nodded. "Ok. It sounds as though a sprit called Anne has possessed Sammy, in order to revenge her killers," explained Sabrina, "I think the only way to cure her is to lure the spirit out of her body." The other three stared at her as if she was insane, which was probably true.
"So.... How are we supposed to do that?" Jade asked after a few awkward moments.
"We have to talk to the spirit," said Sabrina, as if this was obvious, "So everyone gather round." They did as they were told. "Now then, you all need to repeat after me: 'Anne, we are sorry. Anne, we are sorry. Your death was so tradgic. Anne, we are sorry.'

After three - one, two, three"
The girls began to chant these words over and over again. After about a minute, Sammy's body began to jerk and convulse in sharp spasms. Sophie, Kaitlin and Jade screamed, but Sabrina told them to continue.
"It's working!" She cried, "Keep going!
"Anne, we are sorry. Anne, we are sorry,"

they continued, " Your death was so tradgic. Anne, we are...

" Then there was an ear shattering scream.


A ghostly figure rose from Sammy's mouth. It was girl with long fair hair and a very young face, but the most desturbing factor of her apearence was the dark marks around her neck. This was Anne's spirit. For a second it stared at the four girls, before zooming around the room screeching and screaming. Sophie, Kaitlin and Jade lept for cover behind the bed, but Sabrina rushed to Sammy's slowly stiring body. Sammy sat up and stared in horror at the spirit flying around her bedroom.
"Wha-" she began, but Sabrina silenced her.
"SPIRIT BE GONE!!!" she yelled. The effect was instintanious. Anne's spirit let out and ear-peircing shreek, and slowly evaporated into the air. The girls cheered.
Sammy looked at the others in bewilderment, but Sophie Kailin and Jade were too busy thanking Sabrina for curing their friend.

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