» Fiction » SunStar's Quest, Ashley Gogolin [novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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SunStar's Quest

Horses of The herds
Horses of Stardust
Shimmer~ Creamy White Pegasus Stallion with Blue Wings
SunStar~ Milky White Pegasus Mare with Sun On neck and rump
BriarRose~ Cream colored Unicorn Mare with Flower Design on rump
HoneyPearl~ White Unicorn Mare
WildStar~ White Unicorn Stallion with flowers on side
GoldenWind~ White Pegasus stallion with stars on neck
ShiningStar~ Star White Pegasus filly
JazzGodess~ White Unicorn Filly with flower design on side
Topaz~ Gray Percheron Stallion
Jade~ Gray Percheron Mare with Brown Mane
BlackNight~ Pure Black Fresian Stallion
MoonFlower~ Piebald Gypsy Cob Mare
SilverStar~ Gray Oldenburg Stallion
SilverFlame~ Brown Fresian Mare
SpottedStar~ Brown Appaloosa Stallion
GoldenFlower~ Palomino Haflinger Mare
DarkKnight~ Black Mustang Stallion
NightFire~ Black Mustang Mare
SunStorm~ Buckskin Welsh Cob Mare
Pirate~ Skewbald Mustang Stallion
FireHeart~ Chestnut Mustang Mare
SandStorm~ Skewbald Tinker Horse Stallion
MilkyWay~ Skewbald Tinker Horse Filly
Starglow~ Grey Mustang Stallion


Sunshine streamed down from the canopy of leaves above the white Pegasus mares head. Coating the world in sunlight dapples, she did not notice. Only one thing was on her mind, a voice calling to her

SunStar, SunStar
Where are you,
Come to me as soon and
Fast as possible
SunStar, SunStar, come to me

Shimmer her true love. He was calling to her heart this is the reason she was out in the middle of now-where. Not sure where her next resting spot or feeding place would be. She was on her way to StarDust Valley. The home of Shimmer.
SunStar thought about the voice wondering, wondering why Shimmer had not called her before now.
She walked down the path mindless to what was going on around her. Suddenly there was a rope around her neck. She tried and tried to free her self suddenly with a loud snap the rope broke. She is free

Chapter 1 ~ SunStar’s friend

Annalea help me SunStar whinnied softly. The rope around her neck had caused a burn and she had tripped twisting her leg.

“SunStar what have you done to yourself?” Annalea cried.
“I almost got caught by a human and while I was running away I tripped and twisted my leg.”

“It really hurts can you fix it?”
“Yes SunStar I can." Annalea said with a laugh
"Thank you Annalea"
"Well that is another lesson learned for you SunStar. You are getting closer every day to becoming an experienced Pegasus every day."
"Goodbye SunStar. Oh I almost forgot here you go."
"Oh how pretty." SunStar exclaimed as a million glittering strands appeared in her mane.
As Annalea disappeared, SunStar walked on towards her destiny.

I wish I could have gone with Shimmer on his search for fortune and a herd to lead.
However, Shimmer's mother said, "Shimmer must go alone dear. I know you want to go with him but it is best if you stay, someday you will find him if it is meant to be " She said with a rueful look up toward Star Valley she said " I will find you Shimmer because it is meant to be, just wait for me. As SunStar walked along the path WindDancer (Shimmers mother) looked down and smiled at the feisty mare, and in her
Head she thought yes SunStar you and Shimmer are meant to be together.
As SunStar watched the sunset she looked around her there was an apple tree "ah just the place I was looking for" she murmured. Drifting of into a dreamless sleep

Chapter 2 ~ Shimmers herd

“Shimmer when will SunStar get here?” a small dun filly asked of Shimmer Stardust Valleys Miniature Horse herd leader.
“Soon I hope LostStar, Very Soon”
Shimmer flew over to a nearby meadow, his favorite thinking spot.
“SunStar hurry up and come I miss you so much!” He murmured. Not realizing all the trouble SunStar had gone through.
Shimmer drifted off into a dreamy sleep.

“SunStar! I heard our foal was being born!” Shimmer cried. “How is it?”
“It is not an it any more it is a she, and her name is a she and her name is ShiningStar.”
“Wow she is perfect SunStar!” Shimmer whispered in awe as a small filly with blue-ish wings stepped out from behind her mother.
“Hello Father.” She said in a small voice.
“Congratulations SunStar!” Briar Rose the medicine called out your filly is a healthy, perfect filly and the most beautiful filly I have ever seen!

"Shimmer! Shimmer! Help us"
"What is going on here?" Shimmer neighed strongly as he noticed the wolves going after his herd.
"The wolves they are trying to eat us!" yelled BlackNight.
“Look they already injured one of us.” Came from Pirate.
Shimmer pinned his ears and bared his teeth making the wolves flee.

As Shimmer looked, he winced when he saw what had happened; HalfPied’s leg had a huge gash the length of a maple leaf.

“I’m sorry Pirate but I can fix it.” Shimmer said with a frown.

“You can, thank you so much Shimmer I knew there was a reason you where our leader.” Pirate said as Shimmer nuzzled HalfPied's leg and the cut disappeared.

"Thank you for healing my leg Shimmer." Whispered HalfPied quietly.

“Those where the biggest wolves I have ever seen Shimmer! How come they are so big?” Questioned BriteNite of Shimmer.

“Those are Buffalo Wolves BriteNite, they are known as the biggest wolves in the whole world.”

“How come they came after us?” Questioned GoldenRose one of the more fearful mares.

“We will be okay you guy’s quiet down I can't keep track when you all talk at once!"

Chapter 3 A Close Call

SunStar whirled around as she heard the noise. Suddenly without warning, a Cougar popped out of the bushes! SunStar screamed loudly and kicked wildly at the cougar that was huge.
The Cougar lunged for her throat he just missed by a hair
SunStar kicked out and hit the Cougar on the head as the Cougar ran of into the bushes SunStar Said to herself “That was a close call, I had better watch myself.”
With a enormous yawn, SunStar fell asleep standing up. In the morning, she felt the start of a bad bout of cramps and lay down crying out to the wilderness, “Why can’t I just travel and get to Shimmer without any more catastrophes.” By then SunStar was crying loudly she whimpered to herself my stomach hurts please someone help me.
I feel so alone and on top of that, I do not know what to do anymore.
After a very long day of colicky stomach cramps SunStar was able to travel on to her Destiny. I hope I find Shimmer soon I don’t know if I can keep Looking for him that much longer. With a sigh she continued on her journey.

Chapter 4 Finding Shimmer

As SunStar walked on suddenly ahead of her there was a valley filled with mares, stallions, and foals.
Shimmers valley SunStar murmured to herself.
"SunStar is it really you?" Came from a white Pegasus.
"Shimmer, yes it is me SunStar." SunStar replied.
"I thought I'd never see you again. I missed
you so much. Are you here to stay?" Shimmer asked.
"I missed you too. Yes I am here to stay." Was SunStar’s reply.

“Shimmer who is this?” A black filly asked.

“BriteNight this is SunStar my long lost friend.” Was Shimmers reply.

“Awesome. By the way Shimmer look over there, it is a herd of horses. I wonder what they want?” BriteNight warned.

“Thanks BriteNight I’ll check it out.” Shimmer answered quickly .

“And I will come with you.” SunStar said as quickly as she possibly could. Obviously not wanting to spend a second away from her precious Shimmer.

Chapter 5 Another Star?!

"Hello. What are you doing here and who are you?" Shimmer asked the herd of horses.

"Hi, we are the Horse mountain herd and we are looking for a horse that looks a lot like you." A pretty Pegasus answered

"Well, I'm Shimmer and this is my friend SunStar. How can we help you?" Shimmer asked.

"Maybe a place to sleep would be nice. Oh by the way, I'm Snowstar." The Pegasus answered with a grin.

"Snowstar? Do I know you from somewhere?" Shimmer exclaimed loudly.

"Well I guess we'll be getting to bed soon. So if you would like to stay here come on." SunStar said with a yawn

"I've been traveling long and hard. Goodnight Shimmer." SunStar added.

"Goodnight SunStar have a nice sleep." Shimmer answered only half aware of what SunStar was telling him.
He was too busy staring at Snowstar.

Chapter 6 SunStar's Jealousy

“I know who that is!” SunStar muttered angrily “Snowstar heir of the throne stormclan. Uggg. Stupid her she has a crush on Shimmer.” SunStar hoped that she was just over reacting but in her heart she knew that Snowstar really did love Shimmer.

As SunStar drifted of to sleep Shimmer walked over to SunStar’s den .
“SunStar are you OK.” Shimmer asked quietly.

"Go away I'm sleeping!" SunStar whispered in a fake groggy voice.

SunStar cried herself to sleep over what turned out later to be nothing. In the morning SunStar was still slightly shunned at the show Snowstar put on for Shimmer.
"Good Morning SunStar." Snowstar smiled her flashiest smile.

"Good Morning Snowbell." SunStar said with a silvery smile her most famous frightening smile that all horses ran from.

"Umm it's Snow-STAR." Snowstar said with a shaky smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry." SunStar said dramatically.

"Not!!!!!!!!" she muttered under her breath.

"Good morning guy's." Shimmer blurted out making an effort to stop the fight. With a sparkly smile that made SunStar's heart melt he said " How did you sleep Snowstar? When will you be continuing you journey?"

"Ohhh, the dens where perfect thank you so much! We will probably continue on when the foals are rested! If that is okay with you Shimmer?”

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