» Fiction » Got to play the Game, Taylor O'Toole [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1
Ok I just moved into Huston, Texas. I came from Toledo, Ohio. I was walking through school looking for a place to pick up my schedule and I stopped to ask this boy where the administration’s office is and he told me it was down the hall to the left. Right before he was about to leave I said. “Hey you don’t sound like you’re from around here.”
He smiled and said no. “I’m from Toledo, Ohio and you don’t sound like you’re from around here either.”
This time I smiled and said no. “I too am from Toledo.” I said and I stick out my hand. “I’m Margret Petterson.”
He firmly shakes my hand and says. “I’m Derek Lefler and it cool you’re from Toledo.” I shake my head.
Right then the bell rings and I walk to the administration’s office. I’m so happy that I met someone from Toledo.
I walked into the administration’s office and head to the counter. The lady in the front motioned me over. “What can I help you with?”
I hand her my transfer papers. “I’m a new student. My name is Margret Petterson.”
She smiles and hands me back my transfer. “Welcome to Jackson High.”
I smile. “Thank you.” Then I walk out into the hall. I stood there looking at my schedule.

Margret Petterson
11th grade
Counselor: Mrs. Tick
Home-base: Mr. Fink - 267
1st period: Chemistry – Mr. South - 119
2nd period: Honors Reading – Mrs. Lore - 218
3rd period: Honors English – Mrs. Lore - 218
4th period: Chorus – Mrs. Liffer - 115
5th period: World History – Mr. Lang - 214
6th period: Lunch – N/A
7th period: Algebra II – Mr. Keneth - 213
8th period: Creative Writing – Mrs. Crater - 129
9th period: Art III – Mr. McStraft - 166

I sighed. I always have advance classes. I walk to the second floor and look for my homeroom. When I walk in I see that Derek is in the same homeroom as me. I look for an open seat and the only one is by Derek. I walk over and sit down. He is talking to one of his friends so he doesn’t notice me when I sit down. It’s not that I don’t want him to notice me I just don’t like the attention.
I open up a military book and start reading it. I love the military. Ever since I heard how it helps people. I’ve always been one to help people, but have never gotten the chance to do it.
I looked up and saw that the teacher still was not here. I sighed. Then I felt someone shift on my left and then eyes staring into the side of my head. I turn my head. “What are you looking at?” Then I realized the person on my left was Derek. “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t like when people stare at me. It makes me uncomfortable.”
He smiles. “No. It’s alright. It’s my fault. I should not be staring its impolite.”
I smile back. “Well aren’t you a gentleman.” I mentally slap myself. What a stupid thing to say.
“Well I guess my mother taught me well.
I nod and then go back to my book. He looks down. “What are you reading?”
I sigh. “Twice the Citizen: The New Challenges of Serving in the Army Reserve and National Guard.”
His eyes go wide. “Why are you reading that?”
I shrug. “I guess I want to go into the military.”
His eyes are still wide so he makes them go wider. “Why?”
I shrugged and went back to my book. I really didn’t feel like explaining it to him. I heard him shift in his chair and start talking to his friends again.

Chapter 2

When the bell rang I packed up my things and headed to the door. I was just about to step out of the room when someone stepped in my way. I looked up to see it was Derek. “Ummm, Excuse me.” I said looking him straight in the eye. They were a dark blue. His eyes where surrounded by big black eye lashes. I shake my head. ‘This really is not the best time to think of his eyes.’ I scolded myself. I realized he still hasn’t moved. “OK, not to be mean or anything but what do you want? I don’t want to be late for class.”
He smiled. “You won’t be late for class.”
I frown. “How do you know? Now let me through.”
I tried to side step him but he moved so he was in my way. “I know because I got two passes for us.”
I give up trying to side step him and try to duck under him. He just moves again and then I was in his arms. ‘Woah, how did I get here?’ I thought as I tried to get out of his arms. Emphases on tried. So I stop struggling and look at him. “What do you want?”
He steps back but doesn’t let go of me. “You never answered my question back there. So I want an answer.”
I push his hands off me. “I want to join the military because I like to help people and if I join the military I would get to do that.”
He nods and steps aside. I walk to chemistry and he comes up by my side. “What do you want now!?”
He smiles. “Why are you yelling at me I didn’t do anything and I thought you would like some help to your next class.”
I sighed. I seemed to be doing a lot of sighing today. “Well I’m yelling at you because you kept me from going to my next class and made me late just to ask a question and now you think I need help with my way around school, WHICH I DON’T!!!!” Then I storm off to chemistry. Any normal person might have thought I just yelled at a person that was trying to help me but I know how his kind is like. How do I know what he is you ask? Or what is he? He is a jock that thinks he can get any girl in the school. But there is one thing he doesn’t know one thing and that is he will never get me unless he can prove to me he is not a total jerk. Oh and I forgot to mention how I knew he is a jock. Well when I came into the school I saw his picture in a case with all the baseball trophies. He is the captain of the baseball team.

Chapter 3

Uggggg, I just hate it when jocks hit on me or think I need help. It is stupid. I’m pretty capable of getting around on my own. I walk to my next class and guess who is in that class to.
There is only one seat left and that is the one next to Derek. I sigh and walk to the seat. I was lucky enough to make it here a second before the bell rang. The teacher was late so everyone was still talking. I took out my notebook and started doodling in it. Then I felt a foot kick my leg. “Ow,” I turn to Derek. “What did you do that for?”
He shrugs. “I needed a way to get your attention.”
I sigh again. “Ok, well you got my attention. Now, what do you want?”
He smiles. “Well I wanted to know why you are so mad at me. I mean I know I shouldn’t have held you back in class. I should have asked in this class or another one but I didn’t know your schedule. So I would like to say sorry.”
“I’m not mad at you ok. I might have over reacted but that still doesn’t change my mind that you could possibly be a jerk and if you want me to change my mind then all you have to do is prove to me you’re not a jerk. Understand?”
He shakes his head right when the teacher walks in. I turn back to my work. Then a note is passed to me. I pick it up and see the most delicate hand writing.

Dear Margret,
Hey, listen or read. I’m sorry about what happened. I guess I ruined your compliment about me being a gentleman. I will take you up on your offer to try to prove that I am not a jerk. Again I’m really sorry. Can you forgive me? If you can’t I can understand.

Well this is a start. At least he is trying. There is one problem though. Should I forgive him? ‘What

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