» Fiction » Angelz Fallen, Kayla Woodworth and Aaliyah Lavade [chapter books to read to 5 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Angelz Fallen, Kayla Woodworth and Aaliyah Lavade [chapter books to read to 5 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Woodworth and Aaliyah Lavade

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Angelz. Not Angels but Angelz. Were a type of Angel but the most powerful. Its all on who your ancestors are. Angelz are powerful Angels who protect others from good. But dont get us mixed up with superhero's we are NOT superhero's. We just help people in life to keep everything balanced. If we didnt help others there would be total chaos. Chaos is how the Devilz work. Agian with the spelling. They are a type of Devil but they are powerful Devilz. Its like the Angel and Angelz thing. We have to pronounce it differently. Im not the one who makes up the rules or the spelling. I dont know who the hell decided to come up with the names of each category. There are only 4 Angelz left in the Angel Realm. Im one of them and so are my friends Lena, Elsie, and Alex. My name is Maciee, we are all unique and are suposed to be putting the world into new order. I dont know how they decided to put that in the hands of 16 year olds. They should really pay more attention. On top of us trying to save the world. There are these Devilz. They are not the Devil they just work for Evil. Even worse they are all hot. I dont know how Evil got ahold of all the hot guys but it is REALLY distracting. Theres going to be a meeting today and I am so going. Im saving the world right? Might as well go.
When it always comes to meetings im bored out my mind that i just want to stand up and yell them that we dont need meetings we have everything under control.We did not have meeting's in the past but when one of the angelz fell in love with the Devilz it made the whole world turn bad beacuse whenever an angelz falls in love with a devilz it makes the angelz make horrible mistakes. Whenever a human makes bad choices our angelz thermometer goes down and then we dont have alot of energy to do anything. The Conference Begins ....


"Welcome all" Says the Head Warden. She is in charge of all Angelz and her brother is in charge of all Devilz. "We are here to discuss the matters with the Angelz and Devilz. We must come to an agreement to keep the world in balance. So chaos isnt totally messing with the balance." She smiles at everyone.
How stupid is she? Does she not understand that Devilz are evil and cannot be trusted. I just had to butt in and be a smartass.
"Ahem? May I? Well Im going to continue anyways. I dont get why we have to make an agreement and discuss this crap. Devilz cannot be trusted. They are known for lying and cheating thier way in life. And if we could not trust them in the past what makes you so sure that you can trust them now?" Right when I was about to continue my little smart ass remark, someone else started talking.
"You not trusting us? What about us not trusting you? Angelz arent all that good. Yo may think you guys are better than us but in reality were just about the same. Angelz are not saints. Im not saying Devilz are saints either. Just that maybe try to understand what you just said? Are you trying to be the smart ass here?" With that he sits down. Abrubtly he gets back up ands adds "By the way the names Derek, you should remember that" Then he sits back down and smirks at me. Ohh hellll no.
"Oh in that case why dont you continue elaborating? Seems like your acting like the smart ass now. And my name is Maciee, maybe you should remember that also?" I sit down and give him a taunting smile" Strike one fucker! I showed his ass off. Who did he think he was? Derek? Cute name. What the heck am I saying? He is my enemey. My rival. It is SO on. Time for a little revenge? The Conference continues finally when The Head Warden continues talking. I doze off.
I start having a dream. It's with me and that Derek kid.

"Be with me" Derek's voice says.
"We cant. Its agianst the rules and I dont want to break the rules. Not now/ Not ever. I have a duty to my people" I hear myself saying.
"I dont care I want to be with you" Right then he kisses me softly.

Someone shakes me. The dream was ruined
"Wake up" Says a dreamy voice.
I open my eyes on alert. "What the fuck?" I say loudly
"Had to wake you up you um sort of fell asleep during the conference" He smiles weakly.
"Ohh thanks for waking me up. I gotta go" He grabs my wrist and grips my wrists hard. Owww!
But Im way to dazed to karate chop his ass.
"Nice debate earlier. But it was way to smart ass" His eyes and my eye lock.
"Well Im glad that you liked our little debate. And I recall you were also the one being a smart ass." My breathing fastens. Were so close right now.
"Can you do me a favor?" I ask
"Uh, sure" His eyebrows cock up.
"Let go of my fucking wrist" He lets go of my wrist and apologizes.
"Sorry" he trys to avert is gaze.
"Just to let you know if you ever touch me agian I will make sure you loose your fingers. OK?" I smile and walk away.


She is amazing. She knows how to carry herself. She is a total badass. And on top of that she is beautiful. When I grabbed her wrist I felt an electrical shock in me. This girl is going to be a tough egg to crack. But she did have a point at the conference at not being able to trust us Devilz. No one really knows the story about us. They just assume stupid shit. If you ask me I would say it was fucked up if you belived everything someone told you. Most of the Angelz gossip. But there are only a few powerful Angelz left in existance. Macie just happens to be on of them. Angels are really irratating. They piss me off most of the time. I need to be next to her. I need to be with her. Lena is going to be pissed. Like I give a fuck about her. I like her, she's hot and all. But theres nothing left for us. I actually think Maciee is the one. I dont think she's into me.


Derek.Touched.Me. He is so lucky I didnt cut his fingers off. THe feeling was weird. Like an electrical shock. Ugh! I cant even be thinking about him! He's one of the Devilz! Agian as if your werent paying attention. Devilz are a type od Devil but the most powerful type of Devil. Like me. Im one of the Angelz. Im a type of powerful Angelz. Only a few left in existence. As I was saying ....... I cant be thinking about him. Even werider I had a dream about him. Just my luck. Fuck! This is gonna be hard. What the hell am I even saying? So much for not dealing with bullshit.

I meet up with Lena,Esie and Alex.
"Thanks for waking my ass up" Im pissed. But on the bright side I did get to see Derek when i woke up. He was the one who woke me up too.
"We didnt want to wake you" Elsie said trying to hold in a giggle. What the hell?
"You looked like you were really into your dream" Alex burst out into laughter.
"Who were you dreaming about..? Mr. Hotstuff? He is quite the smart ass" Lena says not at all laughing. Damn this girl is all serious. I dont entirely get along with Lena. I never really knew why.
"No. I dont remember what I was dreaming about" I lie. Pfft. Better than telling them the truth right in front of Lena. I think I know why she hates me. Lena and I were tied up to be the leader of the Angelz. They ended up picking me. But she still wont let it go. I won fair and square. She cheated, and still didnt win.
"You sure? Lena wont stop staring at me. I think she thinks that she thinks she can out stare me. In that bitches dreams. No one can out stare me. She's just trying to act big and bad. On the inside she is the most scared person there is. She's a fake. I can see right through. Hopefully she falls into a hole and dies.

Macie thinks she can have everything. I know she was dreaming about Derek. Well what she doesnt know that well he's my boyfriend. She needs to backup. Sure she has everything else. But she will most definetly will not get Derek. Im sure of that. If she even trys I will be the one to whoop her ass. Maybe she should try to get Derek. SHe has no chance but at least it would give me an excuse to whoop her ass.

I've been up all night in my room. Looking for answers to my questions. Thinking on how to stop thinking about Derek. And how us Angelz are a huge deal to the human society, Angel societ, and Devil society. Were only teenagers. They expect us to be able to do everything. I hear a knock on my door. Who the hell would be up at 3:00am? I walk and open the door. And who do you think was at the door? Derek.
"Hi?" I stare at his emerald green eyes. Those eyes could melt an ice cream cone.
"Hello." Is he going to come in or what? As if he could read my mind he walks in and takes a seat on my plush couches.
"Can I help you?" I close the door and take a seat at my desk. I turn in the chair so I can see him.
"Sorry, I actually came here to ask you if you knew anything on the history of Devilz? You seemed smart enough so I thought that if you knew, you wouldnt be so bad." His eyes never waver from mine.
"Not enitrely." I shrug my shoulders. "May I ask why your on Angelz property at this hour?"

"Well I just couldnt stay away from all of your remarks." He answers sarcastically.
"Seriously what are you doing here?" I ask agian"
"Fine you want the real reason? Well I really did need help. The next conference is in a few days and the Devilz made me in charge they also want me to represent us with a huge ass speech. So they wanted me to handle the conference

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