» Fiction » Fairy Godmother, Ray Ray [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Fairy Godmother, Ray Ray [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗». Author Ray Ray

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Chapter 1

God, please let her be the real one.

Cinder prays. She keeps glancing over at the girl who is expose to be the witch who grants wishes. Cinder was sitting in the school library, 2 tables away from the witch was sitting at. The witch had her head tuck in reading a book. The witch didn't look like a witch at all; she looked more like a model.

In story books the witches are usually ugly and have pimples everywhere. The play the nasty villain who trys to separate the prince from his princess. But the expose to be 'witch' was just plain beautiful. She had a short bob cut light blond hair and violet eyes. Her skin was fair and she had a killer figure. She was tall; like a model. There no way she could be a witch but her website said her name was 'Sara Shaw' and she went to her school now; she just transfer a month ago.

How Cinder got all this information about the witch was? Well, Cinder works in the office since she a good student and trusted by many teachers. Cinder got the password to student information and look up Sara Shaw. She then print out a copy of Sara class schedule. Cinder been stalking Sara for days and trying to figure out she really was a witch. Sara didn't seem evil or wear dark gloomy colors; she worn more like bright colors. She didn't talk to anyone even though she been here for a month.Could she really be a witch?

That's what Cinder was here in the library to find out today. Today was the day Cinder was going to ask her the big question; Are you the witch who grants wishes? If she laughs in her faces and leaves; the good thing would be that Sara never talks to anyone so she wouldn't spread a rumor that Cinder till believes in fairy tales.

Cinder said a few more prayers and then got up to talk to the witch.

What a weirdo, praying? Who prays in a library?

Sara sat 2 table away from the strange girl known as the sweet twin's slave; Cinderella, Cinder for short. Sara notice the girl was stalking her for quite some while. At first she thought it was conquincidence that the girl show up at all her classes door right after the bell rang but it wasn't. Cinder would first act like she was waiting for someone and then when Sara was 10 feet away she would follow. Cinder tried to blind in with the crowd but Sara could spot the thick haired, glasses wearing weirdo.

Sara knows she was good looking but you didn't have to stalk her.

Now the weirdo was making her way toward Sara. A smile cracked on Sara lips.

Finally want to talk instead of stalk.


Cinder took a seat across from Sara. Sara look up from her book and had a half smile on her face. She's even more pretty up close....could she really be a witch?

"Hello Cinderella...or should I call you Cinder?" Said Sara.
"Um..." Cinder said completly stun. How did she know my name? Could see in her crystal ball I was coming?

"Cinder is fine."

"Cinderella I like better." Said Sara. "Mind if I call you that?"
Cinder shook head. "No I don't mind."
"okay, good. I like the name Cinderella. It's my favorite childhood story."
"Yea, it was my mom's too. That's way she name me Cinderella."
"Your mother has good taste." Said Sara.
"May I ask how you knew my name?" Ask Cinder. Cinder wanted to make sure that someone didn't just tell her here name she wanted her to say one of her familiars told her.
"Well, I wanted to know the name of my stalker so I ask one boy in my class." Said Sara.

Cinder bite her lip and look at her hand in her lap. Cinder face went red with shame. She knew I was stalking her.....

"Oh.....Sorry about that...I wanted to make sure..." Said Cinder. She didn't look up.
"Make sure of what?" Ask Sara.
"You were a witch." Cinder whisper. Cinder's face turn red like an apple and sweat slide down her forehead. Cinder as waiting to be laugh at and be call an idiot. A minute pass by.

"Oh, you're a costumer." Said Sara finally.
Cinder then look at her in wonder. "So you are a witch?"
Sara laugh. "No, I like to call myself a giver."
"But you take money." Said Cinder like she was stating a fact.
"Yes 'no', I don't take money...I take the most precious thing from you." Sara said.
"But I don't have or own anything precious." Said Cinder.
"Oh you do but it's lock away..." Said Sara.
"You can have it if you grant my wishes."

Sara held out on finger. "I only grant ONE wish for each person."
"Oh....well that's okay...I only need on wish." Said Cinder.
"What is that?"
"To make someone lo-"
"NOPE! I cannot do wishes about love try again." Sara cuts Cinder off.
"Oh.....That's the only wish I really wanted." Said Cinder.
"I'm sorry....but love potions are against my principles."
"It's okay..." Said Cinder. "I got to go...thanks for your time."

Cinder then got up from her seat and left.

The witch felt sorry for Cinder and for herself.
Poor thing and I really wanted what she had....But I cannot get into without a equal trade.....

Sara then gather her things and went out of the library. It was time for fourth period.

chapter 2


Sara sat down in the way back of class. She put her head down and groan. Sara really wanted what Cinder had and what Cinder has will end up destroying Cinder.
poor girl....she'll be destroy in a couple of years...wasted....

Someone tap Sara shoulder and she look up to see one of the sweet twins holding out a piece of decorated paper at Sara. Sara took the paper; it was an invention to a party.

"You going?" ask Ashley; sweet twin.
Sara look confuse. why would she invite her? She never even talk to the girl and she didn't want to. But Sara did love to party after loosing an item.
"Maybe..." Said Sara.
" to ask your mommy and daddy?" Ashley tease.
"No, I just see if I'm up to it." Said Sara. Sara live alone and had not parents.
"Well, you should come....You could meet a lot of people at this school...I notice you haven't talk to anyone at all....are you too shy?" Ask Ashley.
"No, I just don't want to talk to anyone..." Said Sara honestly. Sara hated people.
"just come." Demanded Ashley.

Before Sara can said anything; Ashley walked away. Sara then look over the party invention. It was a birthday party at an hotel in the city next to their town. Maybe I should go.....


Cinder got in her rusty truck and rove out the parking lot. School was over and it was time to go to work. Still feeling gloomy about wasting all her time stalking and getting information about Sara. That was 2 weeks of her life wasted.

Why couldn't Sara just make the damn love potion?

Cinder stop at the stop light and a nice red mustang pull up next to her. The windows were down and she saw it was one of her step-sisters; Kaylee. Past Kaylee Cinder saw Byran sitting on the driver seat. Cinder learn a little toward the window to get a better look at Bryan. You could see his sun-kiss skin a mile away. He had on sunglasses and his long brown curly hair was pull back into a small pony tail.

Cinder though of her wish and sigh. If only she could find a witch who made love potion. She would surely use it on Byran.

Cinder first fell in lover with Byran when they were in the 7th grade and Cinder like always was being bullied. Byran was always there for her when she got bullied and he save her that day. She remember one time when the were at summer camp of the 8th grade summer that Byran save Cinder from drowning in the crystal Lake. One of Cinder's step-sisters push her off the dock. Both step-sister laugh but stop laughing when Cinder never rose to the top.

Byran was near by and heard the sisters calling for help. They pointed at the water lying to Byran about Cinder falling off on her own. Byran then jump in and go rescues Cinder. That warm summer day Cinder had her first kiss; it was CPR but hey a 'kiss is a kiss'. She still can taste his honey favor lips on hers when she woke up. Byran saving her life threw her more into love with him.

Kaylee saw Cinder looking into the car and flick Cinder off. Cinder glance down at her and mouth 'sorry'. Kaylee then roll up the window and the light turn green The mustang then went flying down the rode. Cinder sigh heavily and drove off.

If only Sara could make the potion...


Home sweet home.

Sara plodded down on her bed and fell backwards on it. She kicked off her high heels leather boots and heard them fall to the floor with a 'thud'. She layed there for a while trying to think of a way she could get Sara to change her wish to a different one. She thought for 5 minutes and then gave up she put her head on her pillow and felt something hard under it.

Sara put her hand under the pillow; it was a book but not just any old book, her Favorite one. It was Cinderella. Sara smile and flip through the book until she got on the page of the fairy godmother. She saw how the fairy godmother wave her magic wand and made Cinderella a perfect dress and nice glass slippers. How she turn the pumpkin into a carriage and the mouse to houses and a driver.

She then flip to the page where Cinderella met the prince and he fell in love with he beauty at first sight.
Fell in love with her beauty at first sight..... THAT'S IT!

Sara jump off her bed and jump up and down with excitement. She knew how to grant Cinderella's wish. She had to find cinder and tell her the good news. Sara stomach growl with hunger.

After dinner first...


"So a cheeseburger for you with fries and medium coke and a Salad with french dressing with a cup of

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