» Fiction » When vampires tried to rule the world, kavongrubbs-hampton [red white royal blue TXT] 📗

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9 years ago i Ran into a vampire we fought i made it last into day time and he had to run away. Im a werewolf the vampires enemy. My name is Kavon. I'm about to tell you what i just got done doing.It was late at night i was walking home from a party when 3 vampires surrounded me. I had to think fast or die i transformed and called my dad and brother,i tried to draw out the fight into they came but they were taking to long.i tried to kill all the vampires until one pinned me down and was about to kill me. Then out of nowhere my dad came and bit the vampire in the neck.then the vampire fell down off me and shrieked. My brother pounced on him and ate his foot off. Then one of the other vampires bit my brother in the back. That really made me mad so i ripped him up with my claws and bit his head off. there was only one vampire left. He jumped on me and bit me in the arm. After that my dad my brother and me all ripped him up into shreds and ate him. Then we went home and saw my mom fighting a vampire she bit his head off and said "where's your cousin" we ran to his room and found his dead body and saw a vampire turn into a bat and fly out the window."Nooooooo i will get my revenge!"i yelled. we ate his body for dinner. That's the werewolf's tradition. After that i looked at the floor and saw a disk i put it in the computer and it was a disk form the vampires leader Nathan. He said "we will block the sun from coming to earth so we can rule." I had to stop him so i jumped out the window and ran to his house but he wasn't there. I ran all over town to find him but he was nowhere to be found. He probably took the tour to the NASA space base. I had two minutes to make it to the bus. i took a taxi and made it just in time but when i got out the bus drove away."time to turn into my werewolf form i thought. I went to the side streets and ran as fast as i could. I had to keep stopping though because vampires kept slowing me down. I was getting tired and fell asleep. When i woke up i was in the nasa space center all the tourist and astronauts were turned into vampires.i was tied up in a chair. I could only watch as the vampires covered up the sun with a giant metal ball. I tried to knock off one of their umbrellas so the sun could kill them but i couldn't move. After that they put me to sleep again i woke up to a total darkness at 1:00 pm. The vampires are evil creatures i thought. I Had to stop them from turning all the humans into vampires.I called a family meeting. We decided to turn all the humans we can into werewolves and then meet back together in four months. All of us went to different spots of the world to get more werewolves. After four months passed we had grown in size a lot but the vampires had more people than us. Everyone in the world was ether a vampire or a werewolf. Since the vampires covered the sun it was total darkness except for lights in the streets and houses. "We are ready for war!!!" i shouted. All of us went to the vampires main base and started a huge battle. "If we lose it will be the end of the world so never give up" i said. The battle raged on for hours but finally us werewolves won but we were all freezing cold so we built a giant machine to go into space and unblock the sun. This is a story you should never forget.


Publication Date: 05-19-2011

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