» Fiction » Dystopia, Marissa Cattoi Cattoi [ebook reader below 3000 .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dystopia, Marissa Cattoi Cattoi [ebook reader below 3000 .TXT] 📗». Author Marissa Cattoi Cattoi

The Routine

The alarm clock's buzzing reverberated through the tiny, square room. Jane Doe regretfully got up to stop the incessant noise only to look around in despair. This tiny room symbolized every facet of her life. Like herself, the pint sized "room" that was far closer to a closet had no personality. The four walls were depressingly bare, with a thick coat of off-white paint. There was not one poster, nor picture of family or friends aligning it. Not one ounce or brightness, much like her own soul. There was nothing that would give away that a person actually lived there. And indeed, no one did live


What she did with her life could not be considered living. Tearing herself away from the despairing reverie, she forced herself to get dressed and start the day. Slowly slinking into the kitchen, she threw open the cabinet and the fridge, knowing that it would be fruitless. There was never any food in the house. Not just her house, but any

house. She knew her home country was at "war" and that there was a shortage of everything, but couldn't help but try to remember why there was a war in the first place...she shook it off. Those thoughts would only get her into trouble. She had to be patriotic and support whatever her leaders decide. After all, she knows nothing about politics or foreign relations. That was not her place, nor was it any woman's. Her eyes flitted over to the clock. She was late! Tardiness was not accepted or tolerated at her job. She ran out the door hoping and praying to make it one time.

Her hoping had payed off, and she in fact made it with two minutes to spare. Her boss chided her for cutting it so close, but no other punishment was dished out. She quickly filed into her desk ready to start what would most likely be a long day. Jane Doe worked at an office building as a secretary. She was very proud of her job because it was the absolute best position a woman could get. Most women were maids, cooks, or various other professions that you certainly could not get by on. Though there were limited job opportunities, it was mandated that absolutely all men, women, and children hold down a job. Many people didn't understand this, but the reason behind the mandate was that Big Brother would not tolerate any free time. Free time led to thinking, and the most errant thought of rebellion would be met with a swift death. She quickly emptied her head of such things and turned to the computer screen. By law, you were required to watch a ten minute news segment each morning. Many people looked forward to the news because it was the only source of entertainment available. Jane however, hated the propaganda filled news broadcast and laughed derisively as yet another add, filling the populace in on what other items there are shortages of popped up. Coming to her senses, she quickly sobered up and looked around frantically as she realized her slip. Taking stock of her fellow employees she slowly calmed down. It seemed that she was safe and no one was paying attention to her.

After a long and arduous day of taking commands and being sexually harassed by men who were supposedly much smarter than her, she was relieved to finally be going home. As she walked up to her shabby apartment she sensed that something was off. Apprehensively, she turned the door knob and walked as softly as she could into her barren room. Something was different. it wasn't hard to make out the disturbance. Her dull grey dresser was cracked open and her matching grey clothes were moved. Something was missing...her journal! Every thought that she shouldn't have was written for anybody to read, She knew that it would get her into trouble one day. That damned laugh! Someone must have saw and reported it. Big Brother is always watching

, she thought sardonically. Wrapped up in her inner turmoil, she failed to notice the gestapo-like soldier sneaking up behind her. He swiftly injected her with something and ten seconds later, the would was a much blurrier place. The gestapo soldier dragged her unconscious body into a Humvee and awaited orders.

The alarm clock's buzzing reverberated through the square room. Jane Doe quickly moved to turn it off with a smile. She rapidly got dressed and left the room without a second look. Entering the kitchen, she didn't bother checking the cabinet or the fridge. She could not be so selfish as to think that feeding herself was more important than supporting the troops who are so admirably protecting the country. Leaving the house 20 minutes ahead of schedule, she promptly arrived at work and went to her desk, eager to watch the news. She watched with rapt interest, in amazement of all the wonderful things her country was doing. After a day not long enough of helping men with work that went far over her head, she walked to her apartment. She drifted off to sleep eagerly, wanting to replay this day as quickly as possible.


Publication Date: 12-01-2012

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