» Fiction » Ghosts Of The Past, Alexia Stargazer [the alpha prince and his bride full story free txt] 📗

Book online «Ghosts Of The Past, Alexia Stargazer [the alpha prince and his bride full story free txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer


My full name is Alexis but friends call me Alex. I have lived on earth for so long I have not kept count. I lost my family when I was about 28, a guy named Damien changing me from a mere human to a Vampire. I hated him for that, for killing everyone I loved and having me watch as he slit my sisters throat. I had promised her I would fight him and kill him, it was her dying wish that I be free of him. It has been thousands of years and he still lives and I still hide scared of what is to come.

I have met many people over the years and been in one war and lost only one great friend in 1950. After she died I disappeared and moved to Tennessee. I stayed there for about 20 years before moving again and going to Wyoming. I spent 20 more years there then moved back to Tennessee. I was only there for about half a year when I met Allie. She was the image of my sister but much more eccentric then her. I loved her before we had even become friends, though our friendship put her in danger I couldn’t help myself. I finally told her two years later just who I was. She was shocked but she said she didn’t care and that she still loved me. I had almost cried, but again being a vamp limits you to what you can do. I had an idea to help her out and give me extra money if I ever needed it. She luckily agreed and we built an equine center together using it as a cover for our spy center, It gathered all the information we wanted or needed and we never got caught. To do this I got the funds and she planned it all out, calling it Green Acres. We looked for the right things and the best place. We found it a couple months later. I waited till everything was settled before moving to Wyoming again. I was back in business, secretly looking for Damien, and waiting for the day that he came for me but what I hadn’t counted on was....

Chapter 1: Five years Later....

I was on a beach over looking the sea as the sun set. I sighed and leaned back on my elbows, smiling. This day could not be any better I thought to my self. The sand sifted and I knew someone one was walking close but paid no mind until I heard someone coming up behind me, I smiled wide.
“Jason what do you think you are trying to do?” I asked. I heard him muttering random complaints.
“You just can’t go with things can you?” Jason asked mockingly, coming to sit beside me. I closed my eyes and lay back.
“I guess not” I said giggling. I felt him lean over me and opened my eyes. He was grinning with an evil glint in his eyes. I narrowed my eye at him. He jumped up.
“Catch me if you can!” he called over his back before jumping into the sea. I sat up quickly, suspicious. I ran out slowly and jumped in looking for him. He was waiting for me. I squealed letting all the breath I had out as he grabbed me. I wiggled out of his grasp and lunged for the surface. He was laughing so hard he didn’t see it coming. I took a breath and dove down. The water was calming for me as I swam to the bottom. I waited for about thirty second before I moved behind him. He was looking everywhere for me.
“Alex!” He called worried. I came silently behind him, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down with me. I heard his surprised yelp before the water flowed around us. I quickly swam away from him. He turned to me and narrowed his eyes. I smiled, swam to the surface and took a breath. I looked around looking for the shore I found it quickly and swam quickly towards it. I could hear him swimming behind me. We had swam out a long ways, about 30 feet from the shore I observed. I felt the sand beneath my feet about 10 feet from the shore and stood shaking my wet hair out. I could hear Jason behind me. I took about three steps before he tackled me down. I fell laughing. The water was only up to my knees so when we fell it hardly stopped my fall. The air left my lungs and it took a moment before I got it back. By then Jason was laughing I soon joined him when I had my breath. I couldn’t move with him over me so I couldn't finish the race to shore. He looked down at me and I smiled.
“This is going to be a never ending battle, that I WILL win” I said playfully. He chuckled shaking his head splashing water at me with his medium length brown hair.
“Oh I don’t think so love” Then he pressed his lips to mine. I brought my arm around his neck, deepening the kiss. I broke away after a minuet and tried to wiggle out of his arms. He laughed, gave me a quick kiss then stood and pulled me up. I held his hand, smirking.
“I will win this battle” I whispered to him before letting his hand go and racing to the shore. I quickly grabbed our stuff took a quick peek over my shoulder to see that he was standing where I had left him, shocked before running after me. I laughed and ran to the car making it before him. He smiled and shook his head. I tossed a towel to him along with his keys, he unlocked the car after drying a little. We got in and he started his little Honda Accord. I looked ahead as we headed to the hotel. Watching the ocean pace by us, our hotel was close to here so it was easy and quick. Once there we went into our room and Jason closed the door behind us an evil smirk on his face. I smiled innocently at him.
“No way will you win this battle.” He said grinning. I shook my head and he pushed me back into the door. I placed my palms against the door, trapped. I was surprised yet I did not show it. He smiled and leaned in kissing me on the shoulder. Wearing a bikini was not really the best right now because his lips touched bare skin, making me shiver even though I wasn't cold
“You are too naive” I said trying to get him to back up. He chuckled against my skin and dragged his lips up to my ear.
“Am I?” He whispered into my ear. I shivered and felt his lips touch my jaw. I was trying to lean away but I had no way of getting out of this.
“Yes” I breathed. I felt him smile before I felt his hands move, one to my waist the other to my neck. I gulped and watched him out of the corner of my eyes, I could feel his thumb caressing my cheekbone. His lips moved to the corner of my mouth. He chuckled.
“You and I both know that is a lie” He whispered. I narrowed my eyes and smiled.
“You are self centered then..” I said confidently. He pulled back a little in surprise and I closed the gap between us kissing him with all the passion he had started. I felt him frown before I smiled and pulled away. He grumbled. I skipped around him to the bed, sitting on its edge.
“I win” I said smugly. He turned then and shook his head.
“Oh no you don’t besides that was cheating” he said whining a little at the end. He shook his head and walked over to stand in front of me. I lay back.
“If we continue this battle it will become even more terrible and I will win and you will lose” I said with confidence before closing my eyes. I felt him come to lay beside me. His hand brushed my cheek. I opened my eyes and he sighed then slowly got up, went to the bathroom. I brought out our bags and went to the bathroom to hear him taking a shower. I knocked.
“Here” I said slipping the bag into the small bathroom and closing the door before getting my own and getting dressed in a simple pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I got my bikini and hung it up to dry then turned to see Jason rubbing his hair dry. He smiled at me.....


Publication Date: 04-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

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