» Fiction » Friends, Monica White [great novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Friends, Monica White [great novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Monica White

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Castiel stared down at the two boys one 16 the other 12. Their dad had been moving them around a lot lately. He watched as the '67 chevy impala drove away. His best friend inside it. Sam and dean walked up to the school. Dean walked with a swagger. The same way jon always had. He was so much like his father it was a little creepy at times. Making out with girls in the closet at school. Telling his little brother he was gonna kill the boy who had been pushing him around lately. Sam so much like mary. Strong can kick your ass but doesn't want to. He wants to become a lawyer to raise his kids out of the hunting lifestyle. If only he knew what was in store for him. He'd usually wait there all day long but today he decided to go check in on jon. He flew above the car for awhile. Then he pulled upto a place he knew well. the Roadhouse. John got out of the car and opened the door. Castiel landed by a window and peered inside. John was greeted by Ellen Harvelle.

"john Winchester" she said embracing him in a hug

"Ellen… is Ash in?"

"no he's out o a hunt with William they'll be back in a few days"


"can I treat you to a beer?"

"yeah sure" he walked over to the counter and sat down on a stool. Ellen slid a beer towards him then pulled out one of her own. Castiel remembered when him shippo and mary would be sitting there right next to him. He missed that time. Jon and cas hadn't talked in years. Though he still kept an eye out for jon and his sons he knew jon didn't want to see him. He watched the scene with wary eyes. He wanted to be in there with jon but he knew that jon would only get pissed off at the sight of him. For the first few years after the fight cas would try to talk to jon but he eventually gave up because it was clear that jon didn't want to see him. "Well I should get going" jon said finally. Standing up.

"Can't spend the night in town?" Ellen asked. She always got a little freaked when William and ash were out of town. Even thought there were plenty of hunters coming to the road house it still made her feel a little safer to have a hunter that she knew and trusted around.

"nope promised bobby and rufus I'd meet them"

"k bye" jon turned and walked out of the road house. He climbed back into the impala and drove off again. Cas flew overhead until he stopped in front o bobby singers house. Jon climed out and went inside. This time cas landed on the roof and listened down the chimney.

"So let's talk strategy"Rufus Turner said as the door closed below.

"we need to kill this evil son of a bitch tonight. I don't want it putting sam and dean in danger any longer" jon said. Cas knew exactly what they were talking were talking about azazel. The yellow eyed demon. Jon had been after that evil SOB for 12 years since it had killed mary.

"but how exactly are we gonna do that. If we just exercise him he'll be back up here in no time" bobby said " I mean we've been looking for the colt but we still haven't found it. And that's the only way to kill him"

"maybe we can trap him in a devils trap until we find it then shoot him" jon sai. Sometimes he wasn't the brightest bulb on the shelf. Cas smiled to himself. Jon, Really? He thought to himself.

"you can't be serios?" rufus asked as if he had read Cas's mind.

"do you have a better plan?" Jon demanded.

"yeah. We wait until we actually have the colt then we hunt him down and gank him"

"we know where he is now. We should at least exercise him. Get him off earth and back down in hell." Jon was exasperated. He wanted azazel dead no matter what he didn't even care if it cost him his life. He wanted him gone forever.

"ok we'll go and execise him but that's all" bobby said though he couldn't see cas guessed that bobby was looking back and forth between rufus and jon and that they were nodding their heads. "so let's get going"

They walked out of the house and bobby got in his truck rufus in his and jon in the impala. They drove of and again cas flew overhead. They dove to the small town of bathory. So this is where azazel is. I wonder why cas thought to himself. They pulled up in front of a house. John pulled out a spray can a shogun and some salt. Bobby and rufus did the same. They walked up to the door and kicked it down. As they walked in they looked around to make sure that there wasn't anyone in there. They started to work. Pouring salt over all the window sills and doors except for one. Really? Cas thought to himself. Like azazel would actually fall for that. I couldn't believe what they were doing. They sat around a devils trap. Waiting. Then cas looked by the front door. The salt line started to slide apart. It was breaking. Then a man burst through the door. Just as he did a pipebomb wnt off. The man was completely obliterated. Black smoke rose from his mouth and went into rufus. His eyes immediately turned black. That wasn't azazel but it was some demon. Cas wanted to help but knew he couldn't he watched in horror as rufus lunged for jon a knife in his hand. The knife cut into jons shoulder and he howled in pain. Bobby threw holy water on rufus and his face sizzled where the holy water had hit. He then lunged at bobby. They fell to the ground. Rufus was on top of bobby. He was trying to plunge the knife into bobby's neck but bobby was pushing against his arms to keep it away. Bobby was losing. Cas was to absorbed in the fight between bobby and rufus that he didn't see jon stand up. He grabbed his shotgun and aimed it at rufus. He fired. cas Looked at john then back to rufus. The demon fled his body leaving the way it had come. Cas couldn't believe it. Jon had just shot rufus. Then rufus stood up gasping for breath. Rock salt. Cas thought gratefully. The gun was filled with rock salt. He sighed in relief. Jon held his bleeding arm. He'd need stitches and rufus would have a huge bruise for awhile but the 3 of them were ok. Cas laughed thinking about the time he'd shot jon with the rock salt to get the demon out f him. He smiled as jon helped bobby up. They got back in their cars and drove to a hotel. Bobby went in and got them a room. He wasn't bleeding and he could talk without grimacing in pain. When bobby came out they went to room 666 they found it a little ironic but didn't complain. When they got inside cas perched himself on the balcony. Bobby went and got rufus some ice. Jon sewed up his stab wound. Closing his eyes in pain each time he pushed the needle through his skin. Cas couldn't help but be grateful at the fact that he was an angel and healed within seconds without the pain of having to stitch himself up. Rufus held the ice to his chest and turned on the news.

"there sems to have been an explosion at the old shack just outside of bathory" the newswoman reported. "they are not sure how it exploded but are pretty sure that this is not aterrorist attack of any kind." Jon chuckled. He loved how they were always on the news. Or at least stuff they had done. Cas chucked to and flew off.

When john picked Sam and Dean up from school the next day he told them to say goodbye and that they were leaving the next day. As always Sam argued.

"But dad. I don't want to leave again. I wanna stay here with my friends" he whined and put on his best puppy dog face. Castiel chuckled to himself. Sam, Sam, Sam, always with the puppy dog look.

"Sam we're leaving tomorrow no questions. Jon started the car and didn't turn around knowing the puppy dog face would await him. "And stop giving me the puppy eyes. It's not gonna work. Sam's face turned to a pout and he leaned back in his seat. Castiel smiled. He'd known john forever and still he couldn't help but laugh every time he said that. Jon drove off and Castiel flew overhead. Dead or alive came on the radio and they all sang along.

"And I'm wanted" john sang

"Wanted" dean echoed.

"Dead or alive" they all sang in unison "dead or alive" Castiel even started to sorta sing the words to himself. He smiled wishing to be in the car with them. They finally stopped in front of their hotel room. Jon turned the Impala off and climbed out.

"Get packin boys" john called over his shoulder as Sam and dean climbed out. Jon unlocked the door to their room and went inside. Castiel hovered overhead. Sam turned to


"Why do we always have to move?"

"Because that's part of being a hunter. You never stay in the same place for long."

"Bobby does. He has his house that he's always at, and Rufus has his, and William and Ellen have the roadhouse. Why do we always have to keep moving?"

"Because dad is always moving and we stick with him."

"That's always your excuse" Sam grumbled.

"Well it's a good one"

"Boys" john shouted out the door "get in here" Sam and dean walked into the room. Castiel landed by the window and peered inside. Sam started to pack his bag. He folded his clothes neatly and put them in his suitcase. Dean just shoved them in his. Sam found all his books and pencils and put them on top. Dean found his notebooks and put them in. on the cover were sketches of devils traps and demons and vampires. Sam's were nice and neat. No ripped out pages no random scribbles on the front. It was hilarious how much different they were. Dean zipped his bag up and pushed it into the floor then climbed up on his bed. He flipped the TV on and surfed through the channels. Sam was still gathering his things and placing them neatly in his suitcase. When he was done he zipped it up and put it in the floor by his bed. He climbed up and laid next to dean.

"Can we watch sponge bob?" Sam asked as dean flipped past it.

"No" he replied and settled on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Why not?"

"Because it's lame"

"No it isn't"

"Yeah it is"

"No it isn't"




"Ok just stop" Jon shouted. They both fell silent.

"Isn't" Sam grumbled. Dean rolled his eyes and continued to watch the show. After an hour the episode went of and turned to news. Dean flipped through the channels and

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