» Fiction » Misunderstood, Allan Deya [most read books .txt] 📗

Book online «Misunderstood, Allan Deya [most read books .txt] 📗». Author Allan Deya

He sat there almost as though what was happening was not real life; there was no air of doom about him, he even managed a dry smile to everyone whose eyes met his. He just sat there. Anybody looking at him could scarce believe that this was the end of a passionate 10 year union and a marriage that had been blessed with a baby girl.

“And the plaintiff will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the defendant is indeed a cold and heartless human being who has subjected his wife to years upon years of mental anguish and physical alienation of affection. It will be our case that due to his actions my client had no alternative but to do what she did…….” At that point he turned and looked at her. There was a sadness in his gaze then, an almost puppy dog look. But he said nothing. When she could hold his stare no more she turned away and looked back towards the bench.

The counsel for the defense stood and made his way slowly towards the front of the courtroom. “A son, a brother, a friend, a father, a neighbor, a confidant; those are but some of the adjectives that the defense and…” there was a pause, “prosecution’s witnesses will use to describe that man seated right there.” Said he, as he looked at the courtroom. “Why? I cannot be sure, only they can expound on that. But the one thing I can assure you is that those are not the words chosen to describe a hostile and frigid person. What the opposing counsel is trying to do is paint a depiction of a bastard man to gain mileage for his cause which is to discredit and to encumber the pursuit of justice.” Wallace's mind wandered once more. He tried to recall exactly what he had done to deserve this. He had thought about it so long that his mind was almost numb. He couldn’t go to the office anymore; couldn’t accept any assignments because there was no room for error in his line of work.

“We call our first witness, Samantha.” Whatever he had been thinking dissipated from his mind and his eyes flew straight to the down turned gaze of his soon to be ex wife. She couldn’t see him but she was sure what she would be looking at had she turned to him right then; anger, humiliation, hurt. What she was doing was beyond low, no what she had done was beyond low, this had just sunk to a whole new depth. Wallace's face though, was none of what she imagined, it was simply shocked. He observed as his 7 year old daughter approached the stand, watched as she was sworn in and smiled as her eyes finally found his across that great divide.

Only he had no idea how treacherous that moat between them was. When she finished her testimony, the courtroom was astounded; he on the other was distressed. Where had this come from, why would she say those things; how could she say those things. The answer he was sure was sitting right across from him at the opposing table, the reason he knew was that litigation was a bitchy business. “Does the defense wish to cross examine?” Asked the judge. His arm flew to that of his lawyer and long time friend and he could feel the tick in his veins. He knew that he knew that it was a lie and god daughter or not, Mathew would destroy that little girl up there.

And that is exactly what they were counting on. Mat turned his smoldering gaze towards Wallace and was surprised to see his friend shake his head. “Is there a problem Mr. Bitok?” asked the judge. “None at all, your honor; just a moment to confer with my client.” At that he edged closer. “I can’t let you do this Mat.” “Like hell you cant, this is exactly what they want. They know you wouldn’t want to hurt that kid so they put her in our crosshairs knowing you would back down.” He whispered furiously. “Don’t you think I know that?” he asked, just as furious. “But I am not them, I am better than them; I do not need to lie to win my daughter’s affection.” “Sorry to be the one to tell you this Wally, but blood lines have been drawn, she is no longer your daughter.” To which Wallace simply replied, “No.”

Mathew wasn’t sure what the no was for. “Anytime today would be quite alright with this court, Mr. Bitok.” Said the judge. “Right, your honor we will begin by proving the deplorable lengths to which the plaintiff will go to have her way,” said Mat looking at Vanessa as though seeing her for the first time. “Even subjecting a child to the lies and manipulations that are characteristic of her, knowing full well what the aftermath would be.” The entire jury, which had been shocked before was now reeling with this new allegations, turned their focus on the former Vanessa Miami; and not even the blind juror could mistake the guilt written on her face and the shock on her counsel’s face. At that very moment, the jury made up its mind.

“So miss Samantha,” “Mat don’t!” whispered Wallace. “Is anything you said about that man seated there; your father, true?” Samantha began to fidget, “Well maman says…” “Forget what your….mother told you,” barked Mat, the scorn dripping from his use of the word mother enough to fell a buffalo at thirty yards. “Please don’t!” rasped Wallace. Continuing non-plussed; but changing his voice to an even, friendly tone, he prompted, “Why don’t you tell us about your daddy.” The smile that instantly appeared on her face had an already confused courtroom even more infinitely perplexed. “My daddy is the best!” she gasped. “We do lots of things together and he lets me do stuff.”

“Stuff? What stuff?” asked Mat, fearing the answer, although he knew it most certainly couldn’t be what he was sure everyone was thinking. “Well… know stuff?” Sam was squirming again, another bad omen. “The prosecution demands that the witness answer the question.” The captive audience turned their enthralled gaze to the plaintiff’s table and few could mistake the malice in his eyes. The jury was at a loss, their champion had been felled. “Baby,” said justice Rushmore in a voice so soft it was almost inaudible, “Why don’t you tell uncle Rush what daddy made you do?” “I can’t!” she said. “Oh for chrissake why not?” shouted Daniel Mathers from his table. “Because,” explained Samantha simply “if I do my pappy will get in big trouble.” A woman actually gagged at the back of the room.

There was a buzz of shocked, disgusted and even sad whispers across the court. “Its always the ones you never expect.” Came a large stage whisper. Rushmore banged his gravel once and in a heartbeat there was utter silence. “Now sweetheart, you remember you swore by the bible to tell the truth.” He reminded her. At this point Mathew wished he had heeded his friend’s advice and just let it go, but it was too late. Samantha was nodding her head. “Crossed your heart and hoped to die if you didn’t.” a tear rolled down Sam’s cheek and her little shoulders begun to tremble. “I’m sorry daddy.” And though she said it in a whisper, there was not an ear in the audience that missed those three words.

The courtroom was appalled; how could a father subject his daughter to such despicable behavior, the judge was livid; having seen his sister go through the trauma of pedophilia: he was going to get some blood, Vanessa was shocked; how could this have been happening under her nose, the prosecutor was smiling; another notch on his quest for the D.A’s office, Mathew was flushed; a career and a friendship down the drain. The only person unaffected by this turn of events was Allan; he just sat there and looked at his little girl. Some thought it was the shock of having been discovered so publicly, yet some attributed it to the arrogance of a child molester.

“I’m so sorry daddy.” Then a long pause, one in which scarce anybody breathed for fear of missing a word or moved lest they miss an emotion. “Sometimes….” The tension doubled in size and intensity. “Sometimes when mommy goes away, daddy lets me ride the ponies like I want to- all on my own too.” “And?” prompted Rushmore. “Well if I do really well in school he watches cartoons with me until after midnight.” Confusion. “He always lets me eat ice cream before dinner, even though mommy says it’s not healthy.” Looking up at the crowd, Sam was even more confused than they were. Some were smiling, others had laughed so hard there were tears coming from their eyes and others just stared, and she didn’t like the way that one woman was staring, at her daddy.

“Is that all, Pumkin?” asked the judge. She nodded her head before turning glassy eyes to the bench, “Are you going to lock my daddy up and throw away the keys and feed him rabbits and mousies forever and ever and ever?” she asked her voice trembling. There was the start of a laugh in the room until people realized that she was serious in her asking, the rumbles gradually subsided. "Why would you think that?" asked the judge once he had regained complete control of his court. "Well coz daddy said so." eyes flew to him. "He said not to tell mommy or he would get in trouble and then and then..." she started sobbing again.

It went without question, it needed no explanation. Candice Blackman was a health freak. People always joked, behind her back of course that she was starving the butt off that delicious husband of hers


Publication Date: 01-31-2010

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