» Fiction » You Can't Blame A Girl for Spying, Lilly Hinz [the best novels to read TXT] 📗

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CHAPTER 1: Welcome To My World

"Left kick, groin, elbow turn." See thats all you get when you've been here as long as i have. At first they put you on little missions.Then, they give you a mumbo-jumbo speach about how you save someone's life. This is when you start getting good missions. Next you brake some rules. Ahem, to save mankind. And before you know it they have to let you take a "short vaccation." Now this is when you can either turn it all around, or just give up. The second is simply to easy for me.So, i defeat a few bad guys and "Ohh goody!" now they want me....uh you, back. You bcome a hero yada, yada, your in. After a while they gget bored of you,and you end up where i am now. With the Newbies. Now i dont meen im being retrained, Im simply too good for that. No, they have you

train the newbies."Left kick, groin, elbow turn." And thats what i have been saying for the last 06:47:03 hours. Sorry, my watch hasnt been updated yet, i cant tell you the milliseconds. Anyway, im here for 14 years of my life and this is how they treat me. Now you may be thinking, "Well, she's done a lot,mabye she should just quit." No, Im only 16.Yeah, you read that right. Im agent Kimberly Jonson, but that just one of my many names. My freinds call me Kimi. I go to Willings Academy for girls and boys, we became co-ed a few years back. People here learned strait away not to mess with me, you know being my dad's dean and all. We aren't some prep-school either by the way. We're a top secret spy school. Thats right S.P.Y.S.C.H.O.O.L. But of course you know that otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.


Publication Date: 07-30-2010

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to Jillian Tuscher

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