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Book online «Forbidden Love, Chocolatemeerkat [latest books to read .txt] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat


Leaves fluttered through the night breeze as the cats trained, their eyes fixed on their oppoments. One by one, they sprang at eachother, hissing and growling. It then would lead into a mad of fury of claws, normally spilling blood and leaving scars.
"Keep going!" A tall brown tom hissed. He was a light brown tabby with blue eyes, a darker brown chest and a white muzzle. He called himself 'leader of the Dark Forest'. But there was no leader here. Just dead cats training inoccent, alive cats to be savage beasts. One young cat imparticular this tom watched carefully. A young light grey tabby she-cat, with green eyes and white paws. She was known as Soulpaw, an apprentice from NightClan.
There were two clans in the forest, NightClan and RockClan. Hawkstar was the old RockClan leader, but he lost his ninth life in battle. He was then sent to the Dark Forest, with an ambition to train inoccent cats so that he could be released from the Dark Forest and cause havoc once more. So far, Hawkstar had nearly completed his quest, along with the help of other evil cats.
Just as he thought about his wonderful plot taking shape, the apprentice had her oppoment pinned down to the ground with one paw. Hawkstar purred. "Well done, Soulpaw. You are doing well."
"Thanks." Soulpaw meowed, letting the cat wriggle away from her grasp. She padded over to Hawkstar, who's eyes were shining with pride. He touched noses with her, and he muttered a few words silently so no one else heard him. Soulpaw nodded, but then another big tom jumped up. He was Clawedface, another alive cat who had connections with Hawkstar. He had turned out ambitous and evil like his father, but he had a soft spot for a certain she-cat. "I managed to beat that wretched she-cat you told me to fight." He panted "She was pretty hard to defeat, but she surrendered after a while."
"Good." Hawkstar nodded in approval. "You've done good so far." But then his eyes flashed angrily when Clawedface pressed his muzzle into Soulpaw's side. Knowing that he couldn't argue in front of the apprentice, the dead leader quickly flicked his tail towards the forest. "You'd better leave now, Soulpaw."
"Okay. Bye." The she-cat mewed, padding away. When she had gone, Hawkstar glared hard at Clawedface. "Why can't you find someone else? I've told you again and again, Soulpaw is mine."
"Really?" Clawedface snorted sarcasticly, rolling his eyes. "I'm actually alive. You're just a dead spirit. Soulpaw will be mine, you'll see. When she becomes a warrior, I'm going to be her mate. Just watch me." Hawkstar screeched angrily and raked his claws down Clawedear's dark brown pelt. "Mouse-brain! I'll kill you if I have to! Soulpaw is mine when we killed her wretched mother!"
"Yes, but we're

the ones bringing you back." Clawedface pointed out. "If you don't want our help, fine. Figure it out on your own, Hawkstar. You won't get Crowfur leader without us, or Soulpaw. If you want to do this solo, you won't succsed. Soulpaw will be mine if you doubt us."
"Fine, fine." Hawkstar mumbled quietly. "Now, get back to training before I shred your pelt off."

Chapter 1 ~ Mystery

Skypaw opened her eyes slowly, her paws aching. She had been on hunting patrol for a long time yesterday, and she was exhausted. She secretly hoped that Cloudstar wouldn't send her on any patrols today so she could rest and catch up on sleep.
The apprentice then felt a sharp prodding into her side. Angrily, she slashed the cat's leg with her claws.
"Ouch! Watch it!" The cat yelped in agony. Skypaw then felt slightly guilty when she realised that she had just scratched Jaypaw, one of her friends. She'd forgotten that he would wake her up today so she didn't miss out on a freshly killed rabbit or similar. Tiredly, she sat up and looked at her friend. "Sorry, Jaypaw. I thought you were Crowfur."
"Why would I be that mangy ball of fluff?" Jaypaw mewed in amusement, twitching his whiskers. "I'm not that horrible, am I?" Skypaw just laughed. "Of course not, you mouse-brain. Come on, we'd better get moving before Littletail demolishes the whole pile."
Littletail was the NightClan medicine cat, with a white and brown pelt and blue eyes. She was known for taking a lot of prey from the fresh-kill pile when no one ate it. Cloudstar found this slightly annoying, but the medicine cat had said it was a way of 'not wasting what StarClan has given us'.
That was another annoying thing about Littletail. Everytime one of the apprentices said that StarClan didn't bring them anything good, the medicine cat would lecture them on why StarClan created the clans and all of that. Skypaw had heard this several times, and she got really irritated when Littletail went on and on about it.
Thinking about all the prey that the young medicine cat ate, Skypaw rushed franticly to the fresh-kill pile and quickly grabbed a plump sparrow. She then darted under the trees and took several bites out of the prey, letting it's juices flow through her mouth with every bite.
"Trying to stop me eating, eh?" A familar voice called. It was Littletail, who had watched the apprentice take the sparrow with such speed. Skypaw shuffled her paws anxiously as she tried to come up with an answer, but Littletail answered her own question for the little she-cat. "Yes you are. Oh well. I take it you asked your friends to remind you to let poor Littletail starve?"
"N-N-No." Skypaw stammered. Why was the medicine cat so smart? "I sense that you are lying to me. Tell me the truth, Skypaw." Littletail meowed, flicking her tail.
"I'm honestly not lying." The apprentice replied, her blue tabby pelt blowing in the breeze. Littletail sighed and padded away, annoyed.
"Skypaw!" A voice meowed. "Are you up for dawn patrol?" The little apprentice finshed her sparrow and padded over. "Coming, Larksong."
Larksong was a senior warrior, a pretty grey she-cat with a white belly and gentle amber eyes. She was Raindust's older sister, who was Skypaw's mentor. However, Raindust had been sorting out his mate, who had recently given birth to a litter of kits. So for now, Larksong took over Skypaw's training.
"You're on dawn patrol with Crowfur and I." Larksong mewed, flicking her tail towards the long-haired black deputy. He then stood up and joined the she-cats. "I need to speak to Cloudstar when we return. It's about mentors for Ferntail's kits."
Really? He spoke with Cloudstar about those kits yesterday!

Skypaw thought anxiously. But before she could say anything, the deputy vanished into the leader den.
"We'll wait for him." Larksong meowed. Skypaw nodded, but then she got suspicious when Crowfur and Cloudstar padded out into the forest.


Text: Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter, the rest belongs to me. Do not copy or edit without permission from the author.
Publication Date: 03-25-2012

All Rights Reserved

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