» Fiction » In The Night 1, Kitty [free ebook reader for iphone .TXT] 📗

Book online «In The Night 1, Kitty [free ebook reader for iphone .TXT] 📗». Author Kitty

Good to Evil

Nisa was born during the night, in summer. Some say she was white, when she was not a killer. But when she killed her whole faimly for the crown, her fur turned as dark as the night and demanding for the crown . Others tried to stop her from getting the crown, but she killed them all, breaking their neck like small twigs. Some wolves made a plan.. to destory the crown to make Nisa stop killing the wolves. When they did so, it just added gas to Nisa's fire. She filled with anger and swear to herself that she will kill every single last one of them. Some wolves say that she was born evil, but she was not. Now let's the story being after a week after her birth....


I stalked my brother, Coba, as he played with my sister, Laly. I was quiter than a mice. Watching each step I made. My black fur blend me into the drit below, and the wind was blowing into my face. They didn't smell, hear, or see me. I was closer than a yard before I pounded onto my sister.

"I got you!"I yelled as I tackled my sister.
"No you don't!"Coba said as he jumped onto my back.
I was able to push him off and tackle him, pinning him to the ground. I was able to take a quick look at his bright blue eyes..

"i win the game!"I yelled
"No way!"Laly shouted, flicking her ugly tan tail.
"Yea I did!"I yelled getting mad at her, showing my teeth and walking toward her.
"NISA!"Yelled father.

I turned quickly to see my dark brown father staring at me with thoose 'stop it now' eyes. I looked at his face to see the scar that was at he left side of his face that slide down to his right side and down his neck. I saw a elk at his feet and ran up to it.

"Papa Laly started it! She said that I didnt win! And I did. She is a liar and it is not fair."I said trying to sound as if I didnt do a thing.
"Yea sure." Father said as he walked off to great mama (he calls her Mini).
"Nisa, I think you won!"said Coba as his gray fur shinned as he ran after Nisa.
"I think Father brought this for Mama,"said Laly smriking,"I should get the first bite!"
I looked at her fat tanny belly, and man, it made her look like she was about to give birth!

"Umm...Really Laly. I dont think you have a brain or not, but mama might be having pups soon!"Coba yelled while grabbing the fresh killed elk and trying to take it to the rocky den.

I went to help him and we got to the den at least in ten minutes. We were so tried! You could hear us breathing from miles away!

"Kids you can eat first."Mama's soft said. We looked up to see our pretty mama. Her Black coat with a white under belly glittered and shined. She looked a like bit more chubby than she does.

"Are you sure Mini, the pups could be comming any time now!" said father looking worried.
"I'm fine. I ate some more rabbit."Mama said as she layed down next to Father.
"OK." Father said with a huge yawn and went to sleep.

When I turned around I show Laly eating the whole thing. I pushed her and she started to cry!

"MAMA! FATHER! NISA PUSHED ME! AND SHE ATE MORE THAN ME! She said that I had enough food! I think she wants me to die!!!!"Laly cried as father came walking up to me, his teeth bared. He quickly grabbed my muzzle and bit hard on it until i cried.

'Go to bed now!"He said in a very serouis voice, as his fur began to lay down again. Coba looked at my Father and looked at me with eyes shocked. I slowly turned and went to sleep next to mama, but to my shock father was there and he yelled
"BY YOUR SELF!" Showing his teeth again. I rolled my black eyes and went to the far end of the cave and fell into a deep long sleep.

Morning and learning

I woke up early in the morning, and smelled the wet grass and the rabbits that think they are safe. MY belly growled with hunger. I looked around seeing mama father coba and laly sleeping. I was already 20 weeks old, i thought to myself as I got up and stregched. I walk out of the den and into the daylight. I blined me and my eyes got use to it. My belly then growled with hunger, warning me that I needed to eat something. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself , "I could go hunting. Father will be proud. But if I return with out anything I'll be in trouble...It is a risk I had to take." I walked slowly into the forset and saw a rabbit. I quickly but quitly get into my hunting mode. Stalking it very slowly. The moring breeze ran into my fur. Each step I took you couldn't hear. I was 5 inches away when I heard Coba yell for me. I turned to look back at the den, and relizaied the rabbit left me and my hungery belly. Getting up and running back home. When I got there Coba was out there and his eyes grow and made it easier to see me.

"Father wants us,"Coba said with a turn of his head,"He told me to find you. Anyhow what were you doing?" Coba asked as he circled around me and gave me a little push.

"HUnting for rabbit."I said proudly and started to walk toward the den which is more like a jail house now. THat ended it and father was there and Laly was there.

"See Father I told you she tried to runaway!"Laly said it as if she was going to cry.
"NO she wans't! She was hunting!" Coba said as he sat beside Laly and me.
"KIDS! Lets not have a fight yet, Ok. Ok,!" Father said with a wried tone.
"OK Father."LAly said as she eyed me.

"Ok Coba, LAly, and Nisa,"he said with a tone that he wasn't happy with me hunting,"I wanted to tell you a story of the past. Long ago when the first wolves were here, they didn't live together. It made it harder to hunt and most of them didnt finsh eating there prey. So the more they killed the less prey there is. So brave a brave wolf name Bone, your great great great grand father, started the first pack, than first clan, then kingdom. He wore the crown and he had pups. One of the lucky pups became King, his name was King. Then your mother became queen. NOw we will have to choose who will be queen or king, when we die."

"ME!!!!!!"LAly yelled standing up jumping up and down only an inch.
"LAly,"I siad getting up.,"You dont even know how to get me off of your back."
"Yes I do NIsa!"LAly said before I jumped onto her back.
She tried and tried and finally gave up when father said "I am not done yet!"
I got off her and went back to siting down.

"There will be more pups soon and right now we are going to make Coba king. But it is not yet made up yet. There will me a race today. WHo ever brings back the most dead rabbits will win."


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Publication Date: 07-11-2012

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