» Fiction » Warriors a new tale, Jessica Manard [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Warriors a new tale, Jessica Manard [fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Jessica Manard

Icestars begining

Chapter four

Icepaw and Moonstar heads towards where all the cats train. "Ok Icepaw the first thing we are going to do is hunting." said Moonstar sitting down next to a small bush. Icepaw nods. "The first thing you need to do is get into a hunting crouch like this." said Moonstar crouching low into a perfect hunting crouch. "Ok."said Icepaw, she tried to crouch like Moonstar and she was almost perfect(wich is good for a newly made apprentcie), "Good job." said Moonstar showing her how proud he was. Moonstar looks up at the tree and sees a squirrel. "Icepaw you see the squrriel up there." said Moonstar flicking his tail up at the tree where the squrriel is.

Icepaw nodded and went into a hunting crouch and moved slowly towards the squirrel. Icepaw then jumped up and landed right on the squirrel and bite into its neck and killed it instently. "Good job Icepaw." said Moonstar proudly. Icepaw smiled she was happy that she cought the squirrel then she wonderd if Frostpaw is enjoing his tranning. Icepaw and Moonstar is heading back to camp until they sented a fox on their territory. "Icepaw go and get Darklight my deputy." said Moonstar sniffing the air and found where the sent was coming form.

Chapter five

Icepaw ran to camp, she found Darklight coming out of the camp. "Icepaw what is it?" asked Darklight looking down at the worried apprentice. "we sented a fox and it is near our camp." said Icepaw trying ro be brave for her clan. "go and get Dashpelt."said Darklight running towards where Moonstar sent is. Icepaw ran inside the camp looking for Dashpelt(a fast brown tom green eyes), then she found him. "Dashpelt we need your help, there is a fox on our territory and Darklight wants your help." said Icepaw running to Dashpelt very fast. "i'm on it." said Dashpelt running past her and out of the camp.

Icepaw ran after them and stoped dead when she saw how big the fox was(for a cat a fox is very big)."Icepaw bite its neck." said Moonstar scratching the fox's back while Darklight was scaraching its under belly. and Dashpelt is trying to make the fox loose its balence. Icepaw then ran so fast onto the fox's neck and bit down so hard that the fox layed lymp. "Good job Icepaw."said Moonstar, Darklight and Dashpelt at the same time. Know i know she is the cat in the propocey. thought Moonstar staring proudly at the small proud apprentice.

Chapter 6

After the fox battle Moonstar order Icepaw to go into the apprentices den and rest until the gathering is setting off. "Am i going?" Icepaw asked woundering if he was telling her something very honoring. "yes you are Icepaw." said Darklight with a smile. Icepaw smiled egalery and cant wait to got to the gathering. "Hey Maypaw." said Icepaw to her sister. "oh hey Icepaw." said Maypaw sleeply. "I was asked to go to the gathering." said Icepaw happly.

After a few moment  of rest Icepaw was awoken by Dashpelt. "Icepaw it is time to go to the gathering."said Dashpelt walking a way from the apprentices den. Moonstar led them though the moortish land and onto a small island and there are a liit more cats then Icepaw thought their was. "greetings Darklight." said a pretty calico she-cat with green eyes. "Hello Honeypelt." said Darklight stairing into Honeypelts eyes.

"Let the gathering begin." said a very masive black tom with one red eye and one green eye. "The food in shadowclan is doing very well, but there are twolegs finding there ways to our territories." said the red eyed tom. "we should try to fight them off." said Frostpaw sittinng next to Leapardpelt. "hes right we should show thoghs twolegs that she should never had step foot near our camps and territories." said Maplestar(a mappled colored she-cat.)" we agree." said Moonstar and Hollystar.



Publication Date: 10-29-2013

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