» Fiction » The Lost Paradise, Kriss Orayan [red scrolls of magic .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Lost Paradise, Kriss Orayan [red scrolls of magic .TXT] 📗». Author Kriss Orayan

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The Earthians who were fall in a war with each others for wealth, power and reputation; suddnely started to reuniting with each others. They had no exception except that infront of the huge challange what they had to face.




They got understand that they were too late to understand they have done a great mistake by dividing in many things instead of growing together.


That was just a fight for for saving the life which was with strangers from endless universe of stars. Just a fight and run for saving their life.


The great cities of the earth started to falling,... devastaing billions of humans. Finally they had to run in to forests. Forests let them them to hide as a reward for not destroyed forests completely.


In any attack, there is weak ones who destroying first,.. In that sense, no need to say that survivors are the strongest ever.


When falling cties gone abandoned and turning in to jungles, There was growing a new generation inside of  deep forests; learning the past great days of the earth as their history,...


There was a deep silence everywhere.


The sun slowly started turning in to golden, pouring down it's golden rays on leaves of evergreen trees. A slight mist was covering far away forest and seems painted in neat greeny blue color. Yes, what you can see, is a nice painting by the nature. In this deep forest it seems even birds also vanished. What you can hear is only the low sound of shaking leaves of  trees,  by the evening wind.

In this deep silent and lonely forest, a pair of sharp eyes were keep discovering the far away end of a mountain, with a help of a binocular. The person who belongs those sharp eyes was a young boy who stands on a rock as a statue, seems as like he is in a deep meditation. After a few minutes of sharp discovering he lowered the binocular while exhaling deeply. His greeny blue eyes also lowered, a slight wind moved his long black hair. His fair face was seems as like his mind is in a deep thought. He was wearing a black T shirt , browny yellow trousers and long black boots. At right side of his waist there was hanging a kind of a laser gun.

 Suddenly, the expression of boy's face changed. His thick eyebrowes gone frowned, it seems that he was listning to some sound coming from far away.  Breaking its silence in the environment ever, a sharp sound was started to coming up , it was as like a sharp humming sound of many electric motors. The boy wasn't hesitate there on rock even more single second, smartly, he rolled down from the rock, in to the bushes arround the rock below. Withing few seconds the sound was rising above tree tops, it was seems sharp enough to  numbing ears with it's high intensity.

Boy rolled down below the rock and leaned against to the rock,. standing up firmly on his feet, he focused his sharp eyes at tree tops. In same second he saw it. An aircraft, silver in color, shape of an arrow head, size of a motor car, flew over tree tops with a speed of a bullet. He saw that it has a pair of folded down wings which gave it a look of a dinosor bird. Withing another few seconds two more 'dinosor birds' flew along  the same way.

 " bastards...."

Boy muttered to himself. He kept watching at three aircraft until those turning in to tiny black dots in the horizon. Then he turned back to climb again  the rock. In the same time he heard a sound as like someone bursting through the bushes towards him. He turned back while dragging the laser gun with a quickness of an eye blink.

It was a cute girl who emerged through bushes! It was seemed that she is in a much fear.

" Eh.. Eleena..!?"

 His eyes gone wide, with the shock of what would be happened if he fired.

"What happened Eleena....??"

"Where did you go this time....??"

"Why came this area....??"

He asked many questions. But she, Eleena was in a much fear and failed answer any. Her greeny blue big eyes were wide open, she was panting. Her thick eye lashes were blinking,. her pretty rosy lips was trying to say something.

"Eleena talk to me,...." The boy asked again impatiently.

"Kane...oh Kane..." Eleena tried to find words.

"Ok calm down,.. relax,. now say,.."

"Some,... some,. someone chased me.." finally she got words.

"What? did you see who or what was it?"

Kane was asking many questions, but still Eleena was unable to talk well, she was panting, she waved her hand to say 'no".

"So...? where is it?..." Kane asked while looking around bushes behind Eleena. But there was nothing to see, even no any sign or a sound.

"You feared for nothing..." Kane put back his  gun in to holster. But according to the expression of Eleena's eyes, it says  that Kane was wrong.

"I'm sure someone chased me..." Eleena said firmly.

"Ok,.. let it come,. I'll look after it,." Kane turned back to the rock. Eleena not moved. Her wide eyes was still looking behind.

"Come Eleena, let's go, there's no reason to stay here."

Kane started to climbing up the  rock. Eleena too followed him. It was a deep slope to climb up. Though Kane climbing it so easilly, Eleena failed, her feet slipped twice. So she gave up and looked at Kane who is now standing on the rock. There was a slight smile on his lips. Eleena felt a little shyness.

"Come on" Kane stretched out his hand to her. With the help of his hand, Eleena climbed up the rock. He felt the softness of her hand. It was cold too.

'Your hand's cold" He said.

While Kane felt Eleena's hand cold, she felt his hand warmly. With some strange feeling she slowly draw back her hand.

"What was really happened Eleena? " Kane asked again, because of he felt that Eleena was hiding something from him.

"Someone chased me, that was what happened.."

"Didn't you notice even slightly what it was?"

She said nothing. She was staying turned her eyes to the ground. Kane looked at her for a few seconds and then started to climbed down the other end of the rock. That was not a deep slope. Eleena followed him silently. Next to the rock, there was a plain of grass. They walked few meters ahead along the plain.

"It was tall.. as like a human..may be it weared a cloak.."

It was now Eleena replied to Kane's question. He immediately looked back at the rock. Then his sharp eyes turned at Eleena's eyes. Her eye lashes blinked rapidly, and she turned her eyes to the ground. When she slightly glanced at him, she saw that there was expressing a sign of a danger in Kane's eyes.

"C'mon,... walk ahead of me" Kane draw back his laser gun. His sharp eyes was staying at the rock.

"Kane...?" She walked few step ahead and turn back to him.

"Hurry up Eleena,.. Don't ever do such stubborn things again...!"

His voice was sharp. It was as like a threaten. Though Eleena was in a guilty feeling about what she has done, and also with a shaking mind with fear, Kane's words made her fret.

"What stubborn thing I have done? If you can come here, why I can't?" She asked in a huffy voice while walking ahead.

"You can't do things as like me, I am not a child as like you. I am an adult."

With Kane's words Eleena's fretty expression vanished and appeared a smile on her lips.

"eeeh! nice adult! Then who am I? a child? "

"I am nineteen now, so I am over eighteen. As I know you even not at your seventeen."



It was a cute girl who emerged through....                       


That was a one law of this jungle life. Unless over eighteen it was prohibited to walk alone in jungle. Kane was now over eighteen and, it made him proud about himself.

"What else you know about me...?" Eleena asked.

Now here face is free from the expression of fear., instead of that now it was cheerful. A pretty smile was in lips and a bright inspiration in her eyes. For the first time Kane looked at her well. She too weared a same dress which is Kane wearing. She looks really beautiful. With that beautiness there was some stubborn look too. Not only a look, she was stubborn too. There was no need any proof for that. She already broke the law of the society. Further more there was a laser gun hanging on here belt. That too was an illegal thing. She had no right to to keep a gun..

" I know that you are a stubbornt and arrogant girl too,..."

Though both of them were living in a same states, they had not much connection between each others. Kane spent much of his time for learning, He had an endless desire for art of war. Lots of girls in states were interested at this clever young boy. But Kane loved weapons. Girls were not a special thing in his life. The desire for fight against the invaders of the earth was his primary desire. It was seems that other natural desires ot youth are overcomed by this interest. May be this was the reason that he not paid much attention at Eleena. But she was outstanding among other girls. And she also not cared at boys. She do that intentionally because she knew that boys are interested at her more than other girls. This was the reason which she was called an arrogant girl.

Eleena turned back to say something for what Kane has told. Kane saw her face well. Now there was no any sign of a fear. Also he did not see any arrogance too in her face. Instead of that, he saw bright eyed girl with beautiful lips and a pretty face. At this moment that beautiful eyes made him refreshed.

For an instance, those beautiful eyes met Kanes eyes. But it was only for an instance. In next second, Her eyes was focused at something else behind Kane. Her eyes suddenly gone wide open, her mouth also opened with a fear again. According to Eleena's expression, Kane turned back too.

On the rock which they left a moment ago, there was standing a cryptic person. He had long hair and much hair on face too. And his long black cloak made him more mystic looking.

"That...that..that was the one who chased me...!"

Kane heard Eleena's fearful voce, but he did not take his eyes away from the rock.

"let's go...!"

Eleena's voice trembled. The person who was on the rock jumped down. Kane saw it as seems as it was  flying...!


Eleena screamed. She hold Kanes arm. He felt how her hand trembling.

"Please let's run....!" She screamed again.

Kane saw that cloakman's hand raising up. He dragged Eleena with him and rolled down on the plain of grasses. A blue color laser beam lighten over them, It was cloaksman's weapon. The beam made an ironic sound and then expoded at it's end. Kane was so quick to dragged

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